How to authorize a computer in iTunes


How to authorize a computer in iTunes

The iTunes multimedia combine provides the ability to work with iPhone, iPod and iPad, synchronization with PC and / or iCloud. But in order to access all data on your mobile device through this program, it needs to authorize a computer with Windows. Today we will tell how to do it.

Authorization of a computer in iTunes

The procedure under consideration under consideration provides the ability to access all Apple ID account and the contents of the Apple Device. In this way, you install full trust for PCs, so the actions described below should only be performed on a personal device.

  1. Run iTunes on your computer.
  2. If earlier this program was not used with your Apple account, it will be necessary to enter it. To do this, click on the Account tab and select "Log in".
  3. Log in to iTunes

  4. A window will appear on the screen in which you want to enter the credentials of your Apple ID - email address and password, after which you should click on the "Login" button.
  5. Enter login and password from Apple account to enter iTunes

  6. Successfully by following input to the account, click again on the "Account" tab, but this time it is consistently followed by "Authorization" - "Authorize this computer".
  7. Transition to computer authorization in iTunes

  8. The input window is displayed again - re-enter the email and Apple ID password, then click "Log in".

    Enter login and password to authorize a computer in iTunes

    Almost immediately you will see a window with a notification that the computer was successfully authorized. It also indicates the number of already authorized computers - such can be registered in the system no more than five.

  9. The result of a successful authorization of a computer in iTunes

    If this limit number was achieved, authorized the PC will not receive and the notification appears below. About what to do in such a situation, let's tell later.

    Computer authorization error in iTunes program

Reset authorization for computers in iTunes

For incomprehensible reasons, Apple does not allow to cancel authorization for individual computers, although it would be quite logical. You can only do this at once for all five devices.

  1. Click on the Account tab and select "View" in the menu.

    View Apple ID account data in iTunes

    To gain access to the information presented in this section, you may need to enter an Apple ID password.

  2. In the "Apple ID Overview" block, in front of the "Authorization of Computer", click on the "Devutorship All" button
  3. Devutorship all computers in iTunes

  4. Confirm your intentions by clicking the corresponding button in the window that appears,

    Confirmation of the deavitory of all computers in iTunes

    Then close the window with a notification of the completion of the procedure.

  5. Successful completion of the deavitory of all computers in iTunes

    Having done this, repeat the computer authorization at iTunes - now this procedure must be successful.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult to authorize the computer in iTunes and access all the capabilities of the Apple-Device management and its contents. Moreover, even possible problems that may occur during the implementation of this procedure are easily solved.

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