How to change hot keys in Windows 10


How to change hot keys in Windows 10

Often, all users run the Windows operating system using a mouse. However, the same actions can be implemented by special keyboard shortcuts. Unfortunately, they are not always convenient for use, so in this article we will tell you how to change them in Windows 10.

Methods for reassigning hot keys in Windows 10

You can allocate two main methods that allow you to change the shortcuts of the keys for various actions. The first uses the operating system tools, and in the second - special software. We will tell about all the nuances of each method further.

Method 2: MKey

This program works on the same principle as the previous one. However, the difference is that a variety of different combinations can be assigned to a specific key ("Ctrl + C", "Ctrl + V" and so on), as well as multimedia actions. In other words, MKey features are much more than that of Key RemaPper.

Download MKey app

  1. Run the program and first select the language on which its interface will be displayed. Click the LKM on the desired line and click OK.
  2. Select the interface language when you first start MKey on Windows 10

  3. In the next window, you need to include special plugins. If you want to use only keyboard items, check the second string - "USB HID". If you plan to assign actions on the mouse buttons, additionally mark the first item. Then click "OK".
  4. Connect the desired plug-ins when you start MKEY on Windows 10

  5. In the main program window, click the Add button in the lower left corner.
  6. Add button button for changing combinations in the MKEY program on Windows 10

  7. After that, you must click the button to which the selected action will be tied in the future. In this case, additional modifiers "ALT", "SHIFT", "CTRL" and "WIN" can be used. Then assign any name of the created record and click "OK".
  8. Enter the key and its names for binding to combination in MKEY on Windows 10

  9. The next step will be the choice of a combination or actions that will occur when the assigned key is pressed. All possible options are divided into three main categories - "Multimedia", "Actions" and "Keyboard". They have a list of subsections, with acceptable options. We strongly recommend you to view them yourself, since it is not enough to describe all the available lines.
  10. List of available categories with actions in the MKEY program on Windows 10

  11. If you intend to assign the keyboard shortcuts to the selected button, then go to the "Keyboard" section and select the "Keys" string. Then, in the right part of the window, put a mark near the "Emulate Pressing" line. After that, in the box below, set the key, combination or action. Please note that you can use keys modifiers. After performing all actions, press the save button in the form of a floppy disk in the lower right corner.
  12. Purpose of the combination of hot keys in the MKEY program on Windows 10

  13. If necessary, any replacement can be deleted. To do this, highlight the row with the name of the reassignment and press the button with the same name at the bottom of the window.
  14. The process of removing the reassigned keys in the MKEY program on Windows 10

  15. The program has the ability to add applications in which the selected changes will not work. To do this, go to the "Settings" tab from the main window, then click on the "Exceptions" section. Please note that you can prohibit the application to process reassignment in full-screen programs - for this there is a mark near the corresponding string. To add an additional software to the exception list, press the button as a blue plus game.
  16. Adding programs to the MKEY MKEY list on Windows 10

  17. You can add software from already running or specify the path to the executable file as on the computer. In this example, we use the second option.
  18. Context menu when adding a program to the exception list in MKEY on Windows 10

  19. As a result, the standard Windows 10 file manager window opens. In it, find the desired file, select it and click "Open".
  20. Select the executable file to add to the MKEY output list on Windows 10

  21. In the exception list you will see previously added applications. To delete any of them, select the desired string and click on the button with a red cross.
  22. Remove programs from the list of exceptions in MKEY on Windows 10

  23. If you did not activate the desired platinum in the title menu, then simply will not be able to use keyboard, mouse keys and dependent combinations. To correct the problem, just go to the "Settings" tab from the main program window, and then go to the "Plugins" section. Check the ticks near the desired modules and restart the software.
  24. Activation of plug-ins through the settings of the MKEY program in Windows 10

Thus, you learned about the basic methods that make it easy to reassign hotkeys in Windows 10. In addition, using the described software you can create your combinations and actions.

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