Windows 10 computers are not displayed.


Windows 10 computers are not displayed.

The local network is a technology that is fully implemented in the Windows operating system family. Computers that are within the same network can exchange each other files, transmit other data and even manage joint devices. However, sometimes this technology is incorrect, for example, a PC connected to the home or working group is simply not displayed in the catalogs. This situation requires an appropriate solution. It is about this that we want to tell further, taking for example Windows 10.

We solve problems with the visibility of network computers in Windows 10

Let's start with the Council, which concerns the general configuration of the local network. Sometimes users skip some settings or do not pay attention to the details, which ultimately leads to the emergence of various problems, including today. Therefore, we first advise you to make sure that the parameters are set correctly. A separate article will help in this site, where you will find suitable illustrated instructions and can understand how an error was made at what step. If everything is configured correctly, proceed to the analysis of the following methods.

Read more: Creating a home network on Windows 10

Method 1: Checking the name of the Working Group

The rules for using the local network oblige for each device to assign the same name of the working group so that no connection problems occurred. If this value is not set correctly, the computer is simply not displayed on the network. This is the first reason for the appearance of the problem under consideration. We advise you to check this parameter and, if necessary, change it, which is as follows:

  1. Open "Start" and go to "Parameters".
  2. Go to Windows 10 parameters to solve the problem with the visibility of computers in the network

  3. Here you are interested in a tile called "System".
  4. Go to system settings through the options menu in Windows 10

  5. Take advantage of the left pane to move to the category "On System".
  6. Opening the system information menu via the parameters menu in Windows 10

  7. Left-click on the Inscription "System Information".
  8. Go to System Summary through the Settings menu in Windows 10

  9. Go to the category "Advanced System Parameters".
  10. Opening additional parameters of the system to verify the name of the Working Group in Windows 10

  11. Move to the "Computer Name" tab.
  12. Go to changing the name of the Working Group in Windows 10

  13. Click on the Edit button.
  14. Button to change the name of the working group in Windows 10

  15. Mark the "Working Group" point marker and make sure that the name is the computer that is the creator of the local network.
  16. Changing the working group name in Windows 10 in the absence of visibility of computers in the network

  17. You will be notified of the name change.
  18. Successful change in the name of the Working Group in Windows 10

  19. To access all changes, you will need to restart the computer.
  20. Notification of the need to restart the computer after changing the name of the Working Group in Windows 10

  21. A separate notification will appear. Click on the "Restart Now" button to send PC to reboot.
  22. Restarting the computer after changing the name of the Working Group in Windows 10

Make a similar check on each PC that must be connected to the local network to make sure that the selected settings are correct.

Method 2: Checking General Access Parameters

The general access parameters briefly written in the material that we recommended to familiarize themselves as an instruction for creating a local network. However, we would like to stay in more detail on this aspect, because from the settings installed here directly depends on the visibility of the PC on the network.

  1. Open the "Parameters" menu and go to the "Network and Internet" section.
  2. Go to the Network and Internet section through the parameters menu in Windows 10

  3. Here in the first category "Status" Click on the "General Access" inscription.
  4. Go to the shared access settings through the options menu in Windows 10

  5. Make sure that network detection and access to folders for all necessary network types are activated.
  6. Setting the shared access through the Options menu in Windows 10

  7. If any changes were made, do not forget to click on "Save Changes" so that they come into force.
  8. Saving changes after setting up shared access in Windows 10

These actions, in the same way as described in the previous method, should be made on each device, which is a member of the home or working group. After that, go to check the display.

Method 3: Setting the Routing and Remote Access Service

For the correctness of the functioning of the local network in Windows, a separate service called "Routing and Remote Access" is responsible. It is from it that the visibility of the equipment and the possibility of sharing files depends. It is important that this service is always in active or controlled automatically, which can be achieved as follows:

  1. Open "Start", find it in search "Services" and run this application.
  2. Run the service menu to activate the routing service and remote access in Windows 10

  3. In the list, find the one mentioned just the service and double-click the left mouse button on its row.
  4. Go to the Routing Service and Remote Access in Windows 10

  5. Set the start type to the "Automatically" state.
  6. Setting the type of routing service and remote access in Windows 10

  7. After that, click on the "Apply" button.
  8. Applying changes after changing the mode of operation of the Routing Service and Remote Access in Windows 10

  9. Now the "Start" button will be active, so click on it or restart the operating system so that it happens automatically.
  10. Manual Running Routing and Remote Access Service in Windows 10

Make the same actions on each computer included in the local network, including where it was created. If the reason for the problem under consideration really consisted in non-working service, it should disappear, and all PCs will be visible.

Method 4: Reset Routing Settings and Restart Network

Sometimes various network problems provoke incorrect routing operation, which was caused by small system failures or software settings. You can check and correct this situation through the console by entering there several commands responsible for resetting the settings and restart the network.

  1. Open the "Start", find the "Command Line" application and run it on the name of the administrator by selecting the appropriate point on the bar on the right.
  2. Run a command line on behalf of the administrator through the start in Windows 10

  3. Alternately, enter the following commands, activating each press on the ENTER key. This will help reset the settings and restart the network.

    Netsh int ip reset reset.txt

    Netsh Winsock Reset.

    Netsh Advfirewall Reset.

  4. Commands to reset the network settings in the Windows 10 operating system

  5. After that, on each device in the console, enter the Netsh Advfirewall Firewall SET Rule Group = "Network Discovery" command New Enable = YES, which is responsible for visibility on the network.
  6. The command to open the visibility of the computer on the local network of Windows 10

Method 5: Deactivation of Firewall and Anti-Virus

As is known, the standard firewall and manually installed antivirus have certain rules that do not allow to pass by some incoming or outgoing compounds. Sometimes this can lead to the fact that the PC will simply not see other devices on the network or it will not be displayed there. Check whether such rules really exist, you can, temporarily disabling the firewall and antivirus software. For more information on the implementation of this task, read in separate instructions on our website by clicking on the links listed below.

Disable firewall to check the location of the local network in Windows 10

Read more:

Turn off the firewall in Windows 10

Disable antivirus

If suddenly it turned out that the firewall or antivirus is really to blame for the occurrence of an error occurrence, you can forever leave them in a disconnected state, but the user configuration is also available for firewall, as written in another material on our website. If you do not want to refuse antivirus, select a more reliable solution.

Read more:

Wirewall Setup Guide in Windows 10

Antiviruses for Windows

Now you are familiar with the five methods of fixing the problem with the visibility of the local network computers in Windows 10. It remains only alternately to perform each of them to find the optimal solution that will make rid of the problem forever.

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