How to go to the recovery menu on android


how to go to the recovery menu on android

Android users are familiar with the concept of Recovery - a special mode of operation of the device, like BIOS or UEFI from desktop computers. Like the last, recovery allow you to carry out non-system manipulations with the device: reflash, reset the data, make backup copies and other. However, do not everyone know how to enter the recovery mode on your device. Today we will try to fill this gap.

How to go to Recovery Mode

Basic methods to enter this mode There are 3: key combination, loading with ADB and third-party applications. Consider them in order.

In some devices (for example, Sony of the 2012 model range), there is no stock recovery!

Method 1: Key combinations

The easiest way. In order to use them, do the following.

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Further actions depend on how the manufacturer is your device. For most devices (for example, LG, Xiaomi, Asus, Pixel / Nexus and Chinese B-brands), it will work simultaneously clamping one of the volume buttons along with the power button. We also mention private non-standard cases.
    • Samsung. Hold the "Home" button + "Raise the volume" + "Power" and release when Recovery starts.
    • Sony. Turn on the device. When the Sony logo is lit (for some models - when the notification indicator begins), clamp "Volume Down". If it did not work, "Volume Up". On the newest models you need to click on the logo. Also try to turn on, clamp "power", after vibrations release and often press the "VOLUME UP" button.
    • Lenovo and the newest Motorola. Click simultaneously "Volume plus" + "MINUS volume" and "inclusion".
  3. In the recovery, control occurs with the volume buttons to move through the menu items and the power button to confirm.

If none of the specified combinations work, try the following methods.

Method 2: ADB

Android Debug Bridge is a multifunctional tool that will help us and translate the phone to Recovery mode.

  1. Download ADB. Archive Unpack along the path C: \ ADB.
  2. AdB folder on local disk

  3. Run the command line - the way depends on your version of Windows. When it opens, suck the CD C: \ ADB command.
  4. ADB enabled on the command prompt

  5. Check whether the USB debug is on your device. If not, turn on, then connect the machine to the computer.
  6. When the device is recognized in Windows, write in the console such a command:

    ADB Reboot Recovery.

    After her phone (tablet) will automatically reboot, and starts uploading the recovery mode. If this did not happen - try entering sequentially such commands:

    ADB Shell.

    Reboot Recovery.

    If it never worked again - the following:


This option is quite bulky, however, it gives an almost guaranteed positive result.

Method 3: Terminal Emulator (ROOT only)

You can translate the device to the recovery mode using the built-in Android command line, to gain access to which you can by installing an emulator application. Alas, only owners of rutted phones or tablets can take advantage of this method.

Download Terminal Emulator for Android

Quickly, effectively and does not require the availability of a computer or shutdown.

Method 4: Quick Reboot Pro (ROOT only)

A faster and convenient alternative to enter the command in the terminal is an application with the same functional - for example, Kvik of the reboot. As the option with the terminal commands, it will only work on devices with installed root rights.

Download Quick Reboot Pro

  1. Run the program. After reading the User Agreement, click "Next".
  2. Receive the terms of the agreement in Quick Reboot Pro

  3. In the working window of the application, click on the "Recovery Mode".
  4. Select recovery mode in Quick Reboot Pro

  5. Confirm the choice by clicking on "Yes."

    Confirm reboot to recovery mode in Quick Reboot Pro

    Also provide the application to the application to use root access.

  6. Provide Rut-Ruth Quick Reboot Pro

  7. The device will be rebooted into recovery mode.
  8. Also an easy way, but advertising is present in the appendix. In addition to Kvik, the repetition is about, in Play Market there are similar alternatives.

The above-described entry methods in Recovery Mode are the most common. Due to Google's policies, owners and distributors, Android, access to the recovery regime without root-rights is possible only in the first two methods described above.

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