How to install two watsapa to one phone


How to install two watsapa to one phone

The need to install two WhatsApp instances in one smartphone may occur many active users of the messenger, because the delimitation of huge information flows that come every day to a modern person are primary and not very important is the urgent task. Consider methods of obtaining two simultaneous copies of the application in the environment of the most popular mobile platforms - Android and iOS.

Methods for installing a second instance of whatsapp

Depending on the detailed device, or rather, the operating system is running on which it works (Android or iOS), various methods and software instruments are used to obtain two watzaps on one smartphone. Create an operation to create a duplicate of the messenger is somewhat more easier for users of Android smartphones, but also the owners of the iPhone can carry out it by resorting to unofficial methods.


Due to the openness of the operating system, there are many methods for receiving the second instance of Whatsapp for Android. Consider the simplest solutions of the problem.

How to install two whatsapp in one android smartphone

Before using any of the following ways to create a duplicate, install the messenger to the phone, acting according to standard instructions.

Read more: WatchApp installation methods in Android smartphone

Method 1: Android-shells

Some manufacturers of smartphones on Android equip their devices upgraded and even completely revised in relation to functional and interface with software shells. Among the most famous variations on the topic of Android - operating system Miui. from Xiaomi I. Flymeos. Developed by Meizu.

Install two Watspa on Xiaomi and Meizu

Using the example of the two above systems, we will consider the easiest way to obtain an additional instance of WhatsApp on the smartphone, but the owners of devices of other manufacturers and users of custom firmware also initially pay attention to the presence of a similar feature described below in their phone.

Cloning applications in MIUI

Starting with the eighth version of MIUI, the "Cloning" function is integrated into this Android-envelope, which allows you to create a copy of almost any program in the system, including WhatsApp. It works very simply (shown on the example of MIUI 9).

  1. We open the "Settings" on the smartphone and go to the "Applications" section, the latch of the list of options down. We find the item "Cloning of Applications", tapa for its name.
  2. WhatsApp for Android MIUI - Settings - Application Cloning

  3. In the list of installed and accessible copies of programs, we find "WhatsApp", activate the switch located next to the name of the means. We are waiting for the completion of the process of creating a clone program.
  4. Whatsapp for Android Creating a messenger clone in Miui

  5. Go to the desktop and state the appearance of the second Icon of the VATSAPP, equipped with a special mark, meaning that the program was cloned. There is no difference in the work of the "clone" and "original" messenger, the copies are absolutely independent of each other. Run a copy, register, use all the possibilities.

Whatsapp for Android Clone Messenger in MIUI Created, Run

Clones by Flymeos

The owners of the MEIZU manufacturer smartphones operating under the control of Flymeos, starting with version 6, too, can be considered lucky with respect to the possibility of using multiple instances of android applications on one smartphone. In many buildings, the Flymos integrated the function called "clones of software". Several touch on the screen - and the second instance of WhatsApp will appear in the list of installed programs.

  1. Open the "Settings" Flymeos and the list of the list before finding the "System" section. Tabay "Spec. possibilities".
  2. Whatsapp for Android Flymeos - Settings - Spec. possibilities

  3. Go to the Laboratory section and call the option "Clones of By". We detect WhatsApp in the list of applications for which a duplicate can be created, activate the switch located next to the name of the messenger.
  4. WhatsApp for Android Flymeos - Creating a Messenger Clone

  5. After executing item above, go to the desktop Flymos where we find the second WATSAP icon highlighted by a special mark. We launch the messenger and use, - no differences from the "original" version in the process of using a duplicate is not observed.

WhatsApp for Android Flymeos - a copy of the messenger created, start

Method 2: Whats App Business

In fact, Vatsap for Android is produced in two editions: "Messenger" - for ordinary users, "Business" - for companies. The main functionality inherent in the version for a wide audience of users is maintained in the version of the messenger for the business environment. In addition, no restrictions for the installation, activation and use of whats app business is not ordinary person.

WhatsApp Business for Android as the second instance of the messenger

Thus, installing the application-client application in the editorial office of Business, we get a second full-fledged Vatsapa instance on your device.

Download Whats App Business from Google Play Market

  1. Go on the link above from the smartphone or open Google Play Market and find the Whats App Business application page through the search.

    Whatsapp Business in Google Platter Market

  2. We download and install the WATSAP assembly with advanced business opportunities.

    Whatsapp Business Installation for the use of the Second Account

    Everything is ready to use two Watsappa accounts at the same time on one phone!

    Method 3: Parallel Space

    If the creator of the smartphone did not take care of the integration of the means to create duplicate programs to the installed firmware, to get a copy of VATSAP, you can use specialized tools from third-party developers. One of the most popular solutions of such a plan was called Parallel Space.

    Whatsapp Creating a Messenger Duplicate through the Parallel Space

    When you start this utility in Android, a separate space is created, inside which you can copy the already installed messenger and further use the obtained duplicate for the purpose. The disadvantages of the method should include an abundance of advertising shown in the free version of the program, as well as the fact that the Vatsap clone will be deleted when uninstallation of Parallel Space.

    Download Parallel Space from Google Play Market

    1. Install the parallelspa from the Google Play store and run the tool.

      Whatsapp Creating a Duplicate - Installing Parallel Space

    2. Go to creating a copy of the messenger can be immediately after downloading the main screen Parallel Space. By default, when you start the tool, all the tools for which the creation of a duplicate is available. We free from the marks of the program icons, the cloning of which is not required, the WhatsApp icon must be highlighted.

      Whatsapp Creating a Clone in Parallel Space

    3. We touch the button "Add to Parallel Space" and provide the means access to the log, taping "Accept" in the appeared by the request window. We are waiting for the completion of the creation of a copy of VATSAP.

      WhatsApp for Android Create Creation Process in Parallel Space

    4. The launch of the second instance of VATSAP is carried out through the parallelspa. To do this, you need to open the utility itself, tapping on the directory created on the desktop, and touch the messenger icon on the Parallel Space screen.

      Whatsapp for Android Running the second copy via Parallel Space

    Method 4: App Cloner

    More functional than the above-described Parallel Space, a tool that allows you to create a copy of the messenger in the smartphone, is the App Cloner. This solution works on the principle of creating a clone with a change in the name of the package, as well as its digital signature. As a result, the copy is a full-fledged application that does not require a clone for its launch and operation installed.

    WhatsApp Cloning of the Messenger through the program app Cloner

    Among other things, the App Cloner provides many settings that allow you to fully monitor and optimize the application cloning process. Of the shortcomings, work with many popular programs, including WhatsApp, is supported only in the paid Premium version of the APP clone.

    Download App Cloner from the official site

    Download App Cloner with 4pda

    1. Before you start working with the App Cloner, you need to go to the "Security" section of the smartphone settings and provide the system permission to install APK files from unknown sources. In this key, the Android OS and will be perceived by the execution of the following steps a copy of VATSAP.

      WhatsApp for Android Settings - Safety - Unknown Sources

    2. We load and install the APP cloner from Google Play Market, launch the tool.

      Whatsapp Installing App Cloner to create a copy of the messenger

    3. Select WhatsApp from the list available to copy applications, taping on its name. On the next screen it is recommended to change the appearance of the future of the Messenger duplicate icon to avoid confusion between copies of the program. For this purpose, the option "Application icon" section are designed.

      Whatsapp Cloning through the App Cloner Changing the appearance of the icon

      Most sufficiently activate the "Change icon color" switch, but you can use other conversion features of the icon of the future copy of the program.

      Whatsapp Cloning via App Cloner Change Color Icons Cloned Messenger

    4. Press the round area of ​​blue with a check mark inside - this element of the interface launches the process of creating a copy of the APK file of the messenger with a modified signature. Confirm the reading of warnings about possible problems when using a clone by clicking "OK" on request screens.

      WhatsApp Warnings Query Before creating a clone through the App Cloner

    5. We expect the completion of the work process of the App Cloner to create a modified APK file - the appearance of the notification "WhatsApp cloned".

      Whatsapp app Cloner The process of creating a changed messenger APK

    6. Tabay on the "Install application" link under the message described above, and then the same-name button at the bottom of the package installer screen in Android. We are waiting for the completion of the installation of the second instance of the messenger.

      WhatsApp App Cloner The process of installing the second instance of the messenger

    7. As a result of the execution of the above steps, we get a full-fledged copy of the VATSAP ready for launch and operation!

      Whatsapp Copy through the App Cloner created, launching the messenger


    To get the ability to use two Messenger Accounts on the same Apple smartphone, WhatsApp users have two ways for the iPhone.

    How to install two whatsapp in one iphone

    Method 1: WhatsApp Business

    The most simple, efficient, and most importantly, the safe method of obtaining a second instance of the considered messenger on the iPhone is the installation of a separate editorial board of the service for iOS - Whatsapp business . The application has become available in the App Store in April 2019, and it is worth noting, significantly simplified the owners of the smartphones from Apple way to solve the task from the header of the article.

    WhatsApp Business for iOS - Download Apple App Store app

    Download WhatsApp Business for iOS from Apple App Store

    1. Go with the iPhone by the link above or run on the Apple App Store on the smartphone, we tap "Search", enter the request "WhatsApp Business", click "Search".

      WhatsApp Business for iOS Program Search in Apple App Store

      Open the program page in the store.

      WhatsApp Business for iOS application page in Apple App Store

    2. Click "Download" under the name of the application, and then "set" in the area appeared at the bottom of the area. If the system needs, enter a password from your Apple ID, tada "Log in".

      WhatsApp Business for IOS Getting Starting Apple App Store

      We expect a package with the application components will be obtained from the Apple server, and then automatically installed.

      WhatsApp Business for iOS Installation Installation Application on iPhone

    3. We launch Watsappa business for Iyos, touching "Open" on the Fund page in the APP Stor either tapping on the iPhone's desktop Wa Business.

      WhatsApp Business for iPhone - the first launch of the application

    4. If the WhatsApp account assumes the use of a not yet registered mobile identifier, create an account in the same way as it is done in the standard messenger client.

      Read more: How to register in whatsapp with iPhone

      When there is a need to enter the already existing WATSAPP account, we act as follows:

      • After making the "Terms of Service" and issuing permits for access to "Contacts" tapare "Use another number".
      • WhatsApp Business for iPhone Authorization in Messenger using an existing account

      • We enter the identifier and tapam "Ready". In the window with a proposal to transfer the number from the "normal" messenger account in WhatsApp Business Click "Continue". Next, we expect SMS with the verification code.
      • WhatsApp Business for iOS Authorization in Messenger through the application - Enter the phone number

      • We introduce a secret combination from the message sent by the service.
      • WhatsApp Business for iPhone - Procedure for entering and checking code from SMS when authorized in messenger

      • The next step is to restore information from the backup, if it was created when using an account in the messenger earlier. We relate to "restore from the copy", we expect the completion of the procedure, after which the "Next" is taped.
      • WhatsApp Business for iPhone Recovery Data from backup when you authorize in service through the application

      • We draw up your profile in VatsApp. We establish an image avatar, we introduce information in the "Name of your company" field (we write your name or alias in the messenger). In the "type of activity" drop-down list, they choose "not a company" and confirm the loyalty of the data entered by pressing "ready."
      • WhatsApp Business for iPhone Registration of your profile in messenger when authorizing

    5. On this, everything is in the iPhone now there are two messenger applications completely independent from each other, which makes it possible to simultaneously use two service accounts on one smartphone.

      Two WhatsApp Messenger Accounts on One iPhone

    Method 2: Tools from third-party developers

    In addition to the above method of obtaining the second WhatsApp on the iPhone, uniquely recommended for use, there is at least two unofficial solutions to the task in the IOS environment. However, you need to consider the following:

    Using Apple not proven software solutions can theoretically lead to loss of user personal data! The author of the article and the administration is not responsible for any consequences of applying informal ways to install WhatsApp! The instructions below in the article are demonstration, but not a letter of recommendation, and the decision on their implementation is made exclusively by the user and on its fear and risk!

    Option 1: Tutuapp

    TutuApp is an alternative application store containing modified variants of various IOS software tools in its library, including the VATSAP messenger.

    Whatsapp for iPhone Two Messenger from Tutuapp

    Download tutuapp for iOS from the official site

    1. Go to the iPhone on the above link or open the Safari browser and write a "" query in the address bar, then open the site of the same name, touching the "GO".

      Whatsapp for iPhone Installing the Second Messenger Transition to Tutuappvip website

    2. Click the "Download Now" button on the TukaP program page. Then I tap "Install" in the window-request for the beginning of the Tutuapp Regular Version (Free) installation procedure.

      Whatsapp for iPhone Installation Tutuapp with offsight

      Next, we look forward to installing the means - the application icon will appear on the desktop iPhone.

      Whatsapp for iPhone Tutuapp to install the second messenger installed

    3. We touch the TUTUPP icon and get a notification of the ban on the launch of the means due to the unconfirmed of the reliability of the developer on a particular iPhone. Click "Cancel".

      WhatsApp for iPhone Tutuapp - Unreliable Corporate Developer

      To obtain the ability to open the program, go along the way: "Settings" - "Basic" - "Device Management".

      WhatsApp for iPhone Settings - Basic - Us-B management to install a certificate

      Next, we tap the name of the profile "Nippon Paint China Ho ..." and on the next screen, click "Trust ...", and then confirm the request received.

      WhatsApp for iPhone Tutuapp Trust Programs from Nippon Paint China

    4. Open Tutuapp and detect the interface very similar to Apple App Store.

      WhatsApp for iPhone Start TutuApp for installing a second messenger

      In the search field, we enter the query "WhatsApp" request, taping on the first in the list of derived results item - "WhatsApp ++ duplicate".

      Whatsapp for iPhone Search Messenger in Tutuapp store

    5. We touch the Vatsap ++ icon and on the currently opened page of the modified client click "Free Download the original." Then wait for the package loading.

      WhatsApp for iPhone Loading WhatsApp +++ Duplicate from Tutuapp

      Tabay "Set" in response to the IOS request about an attempt to start installing a copy of the messenger. Go to the desktop iPhone, we wait until "WhatsApp ++" is installed to the end.

      WhatsApp for iPhone installation WhatsApp +++ duplicate from tutuapp

    6. We run the application - the second instance of the messenger is ready for use.

      WhatsApp for iPhone Starting the second instance of the messenger - WhatsApp ++

    We carry out authorization or by registering a new account and get full access to duplicated from now on the capabilities of the popular medium for communication.


    Despite the obvious benefit of the possibility of installing and the further use of two copies of VATSAP on one phone, neither the developers of Android and Ayos nor the creators of the messenger formally provide such an option. At the same time, the issue of the issue exists and implemented by each user of almost any modern smartphone.

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