How to make a fan from a cooler


Desktop Fan from Computer Cooler

In hot summer days, only the owners of air conditioners feel good. The rest has to be in stuffy rooms and offices. The situation for them can improve even a slight air flow, which is capable of removed from the old system unit cooler.

Mastery of girlfriend

The manufacture of a simple but working desktop fan takes 15-30 minutes, no more. Such a device will cope with its main function - blow, but it is still worth adding it to the aesthetic and practical point of view, it is still worth adding a beautiful and practical body with a stable stand.

For work you will need: A knife for removing isolation, USB cable, tape. Optional: piece of plastic or plywood, thick wire, pliers, soldering iron and glue.

  1. Remove the cooler from the old power supply, from the housing or the central processor.

    Fan improvement ideas

    The presented base model can be contapgraded in order to increase the air flow or give it a more aesthetic species.

    We bring to your attention a few options how to do it:

    • Combine several propellers in the block. Such a design will be blown significantly stronger, but the consumption of electricity will increase. You must connect the devices in parallel to ensure the voltage acceptable to work.

      Block of four coolers

    • Use a plastic box as a housing for homemade devices.

      Portable homemade fan in a plastic case

    • The air flow can be passed through the chamber made of a plastic container, with ice inside. In this case, the device will function and as air conditioning.

      Air conditioning from an old computer cooler

    • Use a cooler with LED backlight. Perhaps it will be possible to create a really stylish device.

      LED backlit cooler

    • Add switch and speed control.
    • Using batteries as an autonomous source will remove dependence on the location of the USB connector and give the opportunity to put the fan anywhere.

    The manufacture of a compact desktop fan from a cooler is, first of all, a creative process that brings joy from an independent solution to the household task and designing its own device. Of course, it will also save some money, although the amount will also be very insignificant, because such devices are presented in online stores at a more affordable price.

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