What Wi-Fi router choose


Select Wi-Fi Router
Quite often, I am asked what Wi-Fi router is better to choose for the house (including a suburban two-story) than they differ and the wireless router for 900 rubles is worse than the price of which is five times higher.

I will talk about my look at these moments, not excluding that it will seem controversial to someone. The article is intended for novice users and gives only a general understanding of the question. See also: Routher Setup - Instructions

What brand and the router model is better?

In stores you can meet D-Link, Asus, Zyxel, Linksys, TP-Link, Netgear and a number of other manufacturers of network equipment. Each of the manufacturers has its own line of products in which there are both cheap devices whose price is about 1000 rubles, and more expensive routers with advanced functionality.

If we talk about what brand Wi-Fi router is better, there is no unambiguous answer: in the range of each manufacturer there are excellent devices that are suitable for a variety of tasks.

ASUS EA-N66 Wireless Router

Interesting design of the router ASUS EA-N66

It is possible that you have already read various reviews about D-Link, ASUS or TP-Link routers and, that is, they found negative among them. Or, for example, a friend told you about numerous problems with D-Link DIR-300. Here I recommend to take into account the moment that the listed three brands of routers are most common in Russia. According to personal feelings (and I set up a lot of such devices), as well as the available statistics of user requests, about 40 percent of people are used by routers D-Link (from those who have a router at all), and the remaining two companies account for another 40%, Thus, the likelihood that you will meet the reviews about them are much higher, among them, naturally, there will be negative. Anyway, for the most part, they are associated with improper tuning, using or manufacturing marriage. And in the first, the most common case, the problem is solved.

Dear and cheap routers

Most often, the usual user for the house buys one of the simplest routers. And this is quite justified: if all you need - get access to the Internet from a laptop, tablet and smartphone without wires, you live in an ordinary apartment, and about what network storage, a personal web server, a dedicated signal, in which There may be advantages of using several SSIDs, etc. You do not know and do not have a special desire to know, then acquire a device for 3-5 and more than thousands of special sense. For these purposes, there are well-proven "working horses", which can be attributed to:

  • D-Link DIR-300 and DIR-615 (but best - DIR-620)
  • ASUS RT-G32 and RT-N10 or N12
  • Zyxel Keenetic Lite.
  • Linksys WRT54G2.

All listed devices are quite simple in setting up for Russian Internet providers and regularly perform their basic function - distribute Internet via Wi-Fi. Considering the fact that most users have the speed of access to the Internet does not exceed 50 Mbps per second, the communication speed by Wi-Fi, which these routers provide, it turns out quite enough. By the way, I note that the number of antennas on the router can not always say that it will be better to "break through" the walls, except within the same brand. Those. For example, specified by Linksys with a built-in antenna, subjectively, shows the best reception quality than some devices with two antennas. Also recommended before you buy a router, read the reviews of other people about him for example, on Market.yandex.ru.

D-Link DIR-810 router

D-Link DIR-810 with 802.11 AC support

If you need higher speeds, for example, the reason that you are an active user torrent networks, then you can pay attention to a little more expensive model of routers of these brands that are able to operate at 300 megabit per second. As a rule, the price of these devices does not exceed the price of those that were indicated above.


My Wireless Router ASUS RT-N10

If we talk about expensive models of routers, as well as routers that support 802.11 AC, then, as a rule, a person who has decided to acquire such a device, knows why he needs it and here I will advise anything, except to independently explore all available online Information about promised models.

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