Firmware Meizu MX4.


Firmware Meizu MX4.

Meizu smartphones that have been widespread in our country, like all other Android devices, after a certain operating time may require maintenance, recovery, and sometimes the replacement of the mobile OS. In the material, instructions suggested as a result of their execution reinstalling the official firmware of the MX4 model, the transition from one type of Flyme OS to another and installation of customs.

Regarding how precisely the user follows recommendations to interfere with the system on a mobile device, such operations are always characterized by a certain degree of risk! All manipulations are performed by the owner of the model at its own discretion and with full adoption of responsibility for their consequences, including negative!

Preparatory stage

For reinsurance from losing information and trouble-free implementation of the OS installation in the smartphone model under consideration, before proceeding to the intervention in system software, several aspects of the procedure should be studied and conduct some preparatory operations.

Meizu MX4 Preparation of a smartphone to firmware related procedures

Hardware modifications and firmware

MEIZU MX4 telephone was produced in two variations: M460 (for sale in China) and M461. (for the international market). Accordingly, the devices initially function under the control of different versions of firmware. "A" Systems (without the possibility of switching the interface into Russian) for "Chinese" modifications, G "-Clicks for international. On the M461 model it is possible to establish "a" and "g"-collecting, but on M460 the installation of "global" options for Flyme OS is not possible without using certain bypass pathways.

Meizu MX4 phone version for Chinese and global markets

In any way to distinguish the specified modifications MX4 is not possible, the only one - on the packaging of the international version of the phone there are no Chinese characters, and the global firmware is not installed on the manufactured manufacturer (however, the global firmware methods (however, without any risk for the phone).

Meizu MX4 How to distinguish the international version of the smartphone from the Chinese

In the examples from the article reviewed work with modification M460 on which official firmware with the latter index will be installed for the version model; The modified Flyme OS "A" with the Russian-speaking interface is integrated; Using third-party tools, the "SYSTEM" section of the "G" system is embedded. All the necessary files are presented by references in the descriptions of methods for reinstalling the OS on the machine.

Modifications owners M461. Can use official recommendations for firmware No. 1-3 for their phones, but applying packets with OS, characterized by the "G" index. The archive of these solutions is available on the following link:

Download "G" -Clicks for the global version of the MEIZU MX4 smartphone (M461) C 4PDA

In addition, the integration of the custom firmware described in the instructions No. 6 from the article can be carried out regardless of the regional binding of a particular MX4 instance from Meizu.


Since to reinstall or replacing the system software on Meizu MX4, any Windows tools do not apply, all drivers that must be present in the desktop OS for successful manipulations according to the instructions below in the article are components that ensure the functioning of various types of USB connections (in Mainly MTP) to copy files to install in the device's memory, as well as extract important data from a smartphone.

Meizu MX4 Installing Drivers for Phone Firmware

Additionally. In some cases, for full access to the possibilities directly depending on the availability of the superuser rights on the model under consideration, the SuperSU privilege manager will need. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the principles of the functioning of this tool described in the material according to the following link.

Meizu MX4 How to install and use SuperSU on the machine

To restore information on the smartphone, we are subsequently visible in the same way as when it is saved. We place the backup files into the phone's memory, if they moved from there.

  1. Open: "Settings" - "ABOUT PHONE" - "Storage".
  2. Meizu MX4 Restore settings and data on the phone from the backup

  3. Click "Backup and Restore", taable by the date of creating a backup, information from which will be transferred to the system. Click "Restore".
  4. Meizu MX4 start of data recovery and Flyme OS settings from backup

  5. We expect the end of the recovery process, after which the device is desirable to restart.
  6. Meizu MX4 process recovery data from backup

Entrance to recovery

Most ways to reinstall Android on Meizu MX4 for their implementation require a recovery environment (recovery). Run this software module integrated in each model instance is easy.

  1. Fully turn off the device. Next, press the key, in the normal mode of operation of the smartphone, which is used to increase the volume level. Hold "Vol +" and we affect the "Power" key.
  2. Meizu MX4 How to Log in On Wednesday Recovery (Recovery) Smartphone

  3. Pressed buttons should be held to the sensation of vibration, after which the nutrition is released. As a result, the menu appears on the screen - this is the MEZ recovery environment. To exit the recovery and loading the device in Android tapam on the "RESTART" button.
  4. Meizu MX4 Factory Recovery (Recovery Wednesday) Smartphone

Firmware Meizu MX4.

The first three instructions suggested below are essentially documented by the manufacturer using Android on Meizu MX4. For users from the Russian-speaking region, it is extremely important to obtain the usual language of the interface and the necessary services, which is also achievable on the devices released for sale in China - this is described in the recommendations "Method 4" and "Method 5". On installation on the device of custom firmware, as well as a safe return after installing informal systems to Flyme OS, described in the description of the last two methods of interaction with the model of the model from this material.

Meizu MX4 Methods Firmware Smartphone

Method 1: OTA-update

If any serious problems with the MEZ4 MEZ4 are not observed, and the user is only obtaining a new version of the firmware from the manufacturer offered by the manufacturer, the best solution will be used in the Flyme OS to receive updates (in Example below Flymos 5 updated to system 6 of the last version. ).

Meizu MX4 Flyme OS Update on Air Smartphone (OTA)

If the root rights are activated on the smartphone, the instruction described below to update OC is not applicable!

  1. We charge the battery of the smartphone, preferably completely, but not less than 30%. Connect to Wi-Fi network.
  2. Meizu MX4 charging the battery of the device, connecting to Wi-Fi before updating OS

  3. Go to the device in "Settings", leafs a list of parameters to the bottom, taping "About Phone" and open "System Updates".
  4. Meizu MX4 Checking Capabilities OS OS SETTINGS - ABOUT PHONE - SYSTEM UPDATES

  5. Next, the system automatically determines the ability to update and gives the appropriate notification request if it is present. At the bottom of the screen, under the description of the new version of the OS, it is necessary to touch back "Download Now".
  6. Meizu MX4 start uploading to update

  7. The next step is to wait for the package download with the updated components of Flyme OS with Meizu servers. During the procedure, the smartphone can be continued to operate as usual. When the process is completed, the Update Now button will appear - click it.
  8. Meizu MX4 Flyme OS Update Ready to Installation - Installation Installation

  9. After briefly verifying the firmware package, the phone will reboot and

    Meizu MX4 Flyme OS update process to the latest manufacturer released for the version

    Consider all the necessary manipulations for installing the updated OS automatically.

    Meizu MX4 Initialization Process Updated Flyme OS on Smartphone

  10. The end of the above-described update procedure is marked by a graphic demonstration of the updated system features,

    Meizu MX4 Official firmware Flyme OS version 6 is installed and ready for operation

    And then the appearance of the Flyme OS desktop with the "Updated SuccessFully" notification.

    Meizu MX4 Smartphone successfully updated to Flyme OS version

Method 2: file

The following method of installing system software in Meizu MX4 is one of the easiest to implement the user of the smartphone. The instruction can be used to enhance the Flyme OS version, possibly with data cleaning, as well as to roll back to previous versions of firmware with various purposes. In the example, we reinstall the Operations Assembly received by the previous way.

Meizu MX4 Reinstalling firmware from Flyme OS File

Download FLYME OS MEIZU MX4 smartphone firmware

The use of the method, if the user does not want other, does not require the removal of data from the memory of the smartphone, although this manipulation is desirable and recommended!

  1. Download the zip-package with the firmware of the desired version to the computer disk. File containing system components should be called If it is not so - renamed.
  2. Meizu MX4 downloaded phone firmware on computer disk

  3. Without unpacking, copy the file "" to the internal storage of the smartphone, in the root directory.
  4. Meizu MX4 Copying the official firmware into the internal memory of the device

  5. Using the file manager, pre-installed on the smartphone, proceed to view the contents of the internal memory.
  6. Meizu MX4 Search firmware in the internal memory of the device through the file manager

  7. Next, we find the "" file, copied in memory earlier, tapa on the name of the package.
  8. Meizu MX4 File Firmware in the internal Storage of the machine, starting the installation

  9. The system determines that the Flyme OS update is displayed in the ZIP file, demonstrates confirming the ability to install the window. Although the cleaning procedure is not mandatory, in our example we will set the mark near the Wipe Data item. This will make it possible to avoid in the future problems related to the availability of residual information, as well as possible "clogging" of the old assembly of the OS. Tabay on the "Update Now" button. Almost immediately Meizu MX4 will reboot.
  10. Meizu MX4 Start Installation Firmware From Data Reset File Manager

  11. The next step is made automatically - the system will check, unpacks and finally installs the file "".
  12. Meizu MX4 Process for reinstalling the firmware from the file and data reset

  13. Upon completion of the installation of the package with the OS procedure, it is carried out without user intervention, you just need to wait for the Flyme OS greeting screen (desktop boot, if the settings and cleaning are reset).
  14. Meizu MX4 Firmware Initialization Process from the file when installing data discharge

  15. Thus, everything is really very simple and literally in 10 minutes you can get the firmware of the desired version on MEZ4 MES4!
  16. Meizu MX4 Firmware Flyme OS 6 A Last version Mounted from a file through a conductor

Method 3: Recovery

Another instruction that we will consider is the official decision of the installation in Meizu MX4 packages with firmware and allows you to fully reinstall the device OS, update or lower the Flyme OS version, as well as restore the normal launch of the device after seriously damage to its system software. The following example produces a rollback of OS, obtained on a smartphone as a result of executing one of the previous instructions from this article to the extreme version of Flyme OS 5 -

Meizu MX4 Installing an update or rollback version of the firmware through the factory recovery of the smartphone

Download Flyme OS Firmware for MEIZU MX4 smartphone

  1. We load a Zip-Package with a computer with the desired Flyme OS assembly.
  2. Meizu MX4 Official firmware for installation through recovery in an unloading smartphone on a PC disk

  3. Run MX4 MEZ4 in the recovery environment (recovery) mode.
  4. Meizu MX4 smartphone in recovery mode - connecting to a PC to copy firmware

  5. Connect your smartphone to the computer. As a result, Windows detects the Recovery disk.
  6. Meizu MX4 Removable Recovery disk defined in Windows when connecting a smartphone in recovery environment

  7. Copy the zip file to the removable "recovery" drive, after which we disconnect the USB cable from the device.
  8. Meizu MX4 Copying the firmware in the memory of the smartphone connected to the PC in the recovery mode

  9. We carry out the reinstalling of the flamymos with pre-cleaning memory (when the version of the OS version is lowered - this requirement is required!). Install the mark near the Clear Data item (the second line of the recovery menu).
  10. Meizu MX4 Activation of the data cleaning option and reset the settings in the recovery before firmware

  11. Tabay on the "Start" button (at the bottom of the screen on the right), which initiates the start of the processes first check the package with the components of the OS, and then its integration into the phone.
  12. Meizu MX4 installation procedure on the smartphone of the official firmware with data cleaning through the recovery

  13. We expect to complete the installation process of the OS fly, after which the device will automatically restart. It remains to wait until the components of the Operations are initialized and the welcome screen android envelope will appear.
  14. Meizu MX4 reboot smartphone, initiating OS components after installing the official firmware with data cleaning through recovery

  15. Select the main parameters of the installed mobile OS,

    Meizu MX4 Select the basic parameters of Flyme OS after installing or restoring the firmware through the recovery

    After that, the firmware can be considered completed.

  16. Meizu MX4 Firmware Flyme OS 5 version after installing through recovery

Method 4: FlashFire

One of the simple ways to bring the MX4 Meizu software part created for sale exclusively in the China market, to the state of the appropriate users from the Russian-language region, is to set the user modification of Flyme OS. In this system, the author introduced Russian and many modules from the "global" firmware. To solve this problem, a rather powerful Android tool called Flashfire..

Meizu MX4 Installation on Chinese Smartphone Russified Modified A-Firmware via FlashFire

  1. We install on the phone with the cleaning of data "Ordinary" Chinese firmware (The package can be downloaded by reference below) in the manner 2 or 3, proposed above in the article - for no other assembly, the transition to a Russified modification is impossible!

    Meizu MX4 FLYME Firmware Installation before the transition to a modified OS with Russian language

    Download firmware for MEIZU MX4 smartphone

  2. Log in your Flyme account.

    Meizu MX4 transition to a modified firmware - Authorization in Meizu account in order to obtain root-rights

  3. We get the privileges of the superuser

    Meizu MX4 Getting Ruttle Ruth In Wednesday A-Firmware Flyme OS 6

    Flyme OS.

    Meizu MX4 How to Get Rut-Rights In Wednesday A-Firmware Flyme OS 6

  4. Install the SuperSU Ruttle Ruth Manager 2.79. (This is this version). APK file to install the tool can be downloaded from the following link.

    Meizu MX4 Installing the Rut-Ruth Manager SuperSU 2.79 from APK file

    Download APK file application SuperSU 2.79

  5. Download APK file manager Rut-privilege SuperSU 2.79

  6. We install on the phone by deploying an APK file of the Android application FlashFire.

    Meizu MX4 installing FlashFire application from APK file for subsequent installation of modified OS

    Download APK file application FlashFire to install modified firmware on MEIZU MX4 smartphone

    Download APK file FlashFire program to install a modified firmware on a MEIZU MX4 smartphone

  7. We download the following link and copy the file. In the internal storage of the smartphone (in the root).

    Meizu MX4 Copying the modified firmware into the internal storage of the smartphone

    Download modified firmware with a Russian Flyme OS interface for a MEIZU MX4 smartphone

    Download Russified modified Flyme OS firmware for MEIZU MX4 smartphone

  8. Open Supersu, providing a root privilege manager.

    Meizu MX4 Launch Supersu, providing the Privilege Manager Ruth on an ongoing basis

    Next, we update the binary file by the "Normal" method,

    Meizu MX4 SuperSU Binary File Update for Normal Manager Functioning

    After that, the superst will require restart the device - concern "Reboot".

    Meizu MX4 SuperSU Restart the smartphone after updating the binary file of the Rut-Rights Manager

  9. We run the flash faucer, we provide the tool of the right superuser.

    Meizu MX4 launch Flashfire, providing an application Root-privilege

    We accept warning about risks, tapping "Agree" under the request that appears.

    Meizu MX4 first launch FlashFire issuing consent with work risks in the application

  10. We touch the round red button "+" at the bottom right, click on the "Flash Zip or OTA" icon. Next, in the list of directories and files opens, we find And tapa on this item.

    Meizu MX4 Flashfire Installing a modified OS using Flash Zip Or OTA

  11. We set the mark in the audit "AUTO-MOUNT" and then confirm the selection of parameters by touching the checkmark at the top of the screen on the right.

    Meizu MX4 FlashFire Select AUTO-MOUNT option before installing the modified firmware

  12. Once again, press the round "+" button, touch the "WIPE" icon, add to the checkbox already available in the list in the Cache Partition (Wipe Cache Partition).

    Meizu MX4 FlashFire Activation of the cache cleaning function before installing the modified OS

  13. Holding the area "Wipe" with your finger, dragging it up, above the "Flash Zip or OTA" item (should be in the screenshot).

    Meizu MX4 FlashFire Specifying the procedure for performing the manipulation of the smartphone firmware

  14. Initiate the installation of the firmware on the device by pressing the "Flash" button at the bottom of the screen, confirm the request received by the "OK" request.

    Meizu MX4 FlashFire Starting a modified firmware in the device

  15. Next, the MEIZU MX4 screen will go out and the Flash Faiter will start performing its work. Waiting for the completion of all processes, without doing anything, the device will reboot several times.

    Meizu MX4 Firmware Installation Process in the device through the FlashFire application

  16. As a result, the components of the modified OS are initialized and the device will be possible to configure.

    Meizu MX4 first launch of the modified firmware after installation via FlashFire

  17. On this installation of the modified A-option Flyme OS,

    Meizu MX4 Selecting the main parameters of the modified Flyme OS 6 firmware for the device

    The main advantage of which is the possibility of using a Russian-speaking interface,

    Meizu MX4 modified A-firmware with Russian for smartphone

    It is considered completed.

    Meizu MX4 Modified Flyme Firmware with Russian language and Google Services for the device

Method 5: Installation of the global firmware on the "Chinese" device

Of course, the Global System is more preferable for the owners of MAYZ MX4 from the Russian-speaking region than "Chinese". By completing the following recommendations, to equip the model of the operating system with the index "G" is quite possible, the only thing you need is to act very carefully.

Meizu MX4 How to set the global firmware to the Chinese version of the device

The implementation of the algorithm below should be made scrupulously and thoughtfully, in order not to harm (sometimes irrevocably) the software of the device!

The first thing that will be needed for the "transformation" of the modification of M460 in M461, that is, the preparation of the international firmware in the first version is two Flyme OS packages, "A" and "G", and with the same assembly numbers. In our example, packages are used. - both Chinese, and international versions download links:

Download Flyme OS firmware for MEIZU MX4 smartphone

Download firmware Flyme OS for MEIZU MX4 smartphone

  1. Install the assembly of the OS The second or third way of the article proposed above.
  2. Meizu MX4 Installing a-firmware with the same assembly number as the global planned to be installed in the phone

  3. Load a package with software System-Converter. According to the following link. Unpack the archive into a separate folder on the PC disk.
  4. Meizu MX4 directory with System-CoverTer to convert smartphone firmware

    Download the System-Converter app to convert the MEIZU MX4 smartphone firmware

  5. Package ( file) Unzatch in a separate directory on a computer disk.

    Meizu MX4 unpacked firmware Flyme OS for the device on a PC disk

  6. Files and folders resulting from unzipping Firmware , put in the "In" directory

    Meizu MX4 Copy the files of the unpacked official firmware in the In Converter folder

    Directory "System-Converter".

    MEIZU MX4 Global Firmware Files in Converter Application folder

  7. Run the System-Converter.cmd script

    Meizu MX4 Run Firmware Converter - System-Converter.cmd

  8. In the Window window of the Windows Console, we enter "1", then press "ENTER" on the keyboard.

    Meizu MX4 Start Converting Global Firmware for Smartphone in IMG File

  9. Waiting for the completion of the converter script.

    Meizu MX4 Script-Cover Script Script for Smartphone

    Upon completion of the operation, the command prompt will notify "Finish" and the invitation to click any key - we do this and close the command line.

    Meizu MX4 Completing the program-converter program of the global firmware for installation in the device

  10. Open the "OUT" folder of the System-Converter directory,

    Meizu MX4 OUT folder in directory with firmware converter converter

    Where we find the image System.img..

    MEIZU MX4 IMG-image SYSTEM global firmware for installation in the Chinese version of the device

    This file image must be copied to the internal memory of the phone.

    Meizu MX4 copying the image system.img international version of the firmware into the internal memory of the device

  11. MEIZU MX4 is authorized in the Flyme account and get the privileges of the superuser.

    Meizu MX4 - Authorization in the Mate Account from the Flyme OS A-Firmware Environment

    Recall the specified procedures are described in the first part of this article.

    Meizu MX4 - receiving root rights in the Flyme OS A-Firmware Environment

  12. Install SuperSu. 2.79. . APK file manager can be downloaded on the link below, after which it must be placed in the phone's memory and run.

    Meizu MX4 - Installing the SuperSU Ruttle Ruth Manager to ensure trouble-free operation of the terminal

    Download SuperSU 2.79 (APK file)

  13. Download SuperSU 2.79 Apk (APK file)

  14. Run the Super We update the binary application file. To do this, Tapack "Continue" under the query about the need to actualization, then click "Normal".

    Meizu MX4 - How to update the binary file SuperSU on the phone

    Next, we relate to "Allow" and "Stil Allow" in the windows with requests for the provision of root-privilege manager and expect to complete the installation of the updated SuperSU components.

    Meizu MX4 - SuperSU - the process of updating the binary file of the root-rights manager

    Restart your smartphone by clicking "Reboot" in the area confirming the success of the binary file update procedure.

  15. Meizu MX4 - restart smartphone after updating the SuperSU binary file

  16. Download the following link and copy the file Terminal.apk. In the telephone store.

    Meizu MX4 - Run APK file application terminal for installation

    Opening it and install an "Emulator of the Terminal" appalling it.

    Meizu MX4 - installation of an application terminal for installation of an image of the international firmware SYSTEM

    Download APK-file Android Application Terminal

    Download Android App Terminal (APK file)

  17. We open "settings" on the machine, go to "Display and Brightness" regarding the name "Auto-Lock" option.

    Meizu MX4 - setting up automatic screen lock in Flyme OS 6

    Set the value of the "AUTO-LOCK" parameter to "After 10 min".

    Meizu MX4 - setting the screen's autoblock parameter for 10 minutes before the device firmware through the terminal

  18. We run "Terminal Emuliator" and write in its command line SU and then press "ENTER" on the virtual keyboard phone.

    Meizu MX4 Launch of the terminal emulator, enter the SU command to provide the root access application

    At the request of the system for the provision of superuser privileges, I answer the affirmative, touching "GRANT".

    Meizu MX4 - provision of superuser privileges to the terminal emulator

  19. Next, enter the following syntax to the terminal:

    dd if = / sdcard / system.img of = / dev / block / platform / mtk-msdc.0 / by-name / system

    Meizu MX4 - team in the terminal to overwrite the SYSTEM section of the smartphone from the dump placed in the internal memory

  20. It is preparing to expect about 10 minutes and press the virtual "ENTER". By doing nothing, waiting for the completion of data copying. The procedure is in no way visualized, it may seem that no processes occur, nevertheless they go. As a result, notifications of the completion of the procedure will appear, and the phone may depend on.

    Meizu MX4 - process of overwriting the SYSTEM partition through the terminal

  21. Turn off (reboot) the phone in the usual way. If the device is hung, cluster the "VOL-" and "POWER" hardware keys at the same time, and hold them until the screen goes out. Then turn on the smartphone and expect (for quite a long time) android launch.

    Meizu MX4 Restarting the smartphone after overwriting the System section through the terminal

  22. Further, be sure to open "settings", moving to "Storage & Backup", select "Factory Data Reset".

    Meizu MX4 Reset the settings of the apparatus to factory values ​​after installing the global firmware into the device

    We set a mark in the first checkbox "Reset Phone to Factory Default", tapa "Start Resetting". Click "OK" under the request that appears.

    Meizu MX4 Reset the parameters of the smartphone to the factory values ​​for the normal functioning of the global firmware on the Chinese version

  23. Waiting for the completion of the reset parameters, restart the device and, identifying the basic parameters of Flyme OS,

    Meizu MX4 - selection of the initial parameters of the international firmware FLYME 6 after installation on the smartphone

    We can consider the installation task with the "G" index on MX4 (M460) from Meizu completed.

    Meizu MX4 International version of Flyme OS on the Chinese version of the apparatus

Additionally. The first action produced by most Android users after flashing and configuring the device is "hike" in Google Play Market for the necessary applications. In the Official MEIZU MX4 smartphone firmware, Google services are initially absent, and additional manipulations need to be carried out. About installing applications "Corporation of Good" on the device of the brand under consideration is described in a separate article on our website. We use the manual "Method 1" from the following material.

Meizu MX4 How to install Google and Play Market Services on Device

Read more: How to install Google Services on MEIZU smartphone

Method 6: Custom OS

On the MEIZU MX4, the MEIZU MX4, and independence from its hardware version (M460 or M461), it is possible to establish a firmware-caste firmware that is proposed by the Flyme OS manufacturer. There are many modified systems adapted for the model, and the instructions proposed below can be applied to install almost any of them. In our example, one of the most popular customs is integrated, having received a lot of positive feedback from the users of the model - CyanogenMod 13. on the base Android 6 Marshmallow..

Meizu MX4 Installing CyanogenMod 13 Custom Firmware based on Android 6

Download CyanogenMod 13 Custom firmware based on Android 6 Marshmallow for MEIZU MX4 smartphone

It is very important not to violate the installation algorithm and act strictly in accordance with the instructions!

NECESSARILY! Install on Meizu MX4 Assembly Flymos - Only in the environment of this assembly of mobile operating system it is possible to unlock the device loader! The features of the functioning of the system according to the model under consideration are such that immediately the target version of Flyme OS will not get, first install 4.5.7A. in way 3 through recovery and with data cleaning, then repeat the procedure, but already using the package you need

Meizu MX4 Installing Flyme OS To unlock the bootloader and install custom firmware subsequently

Both versions of the above OS for installation in MEY MX4 can be downloaded by links:

Download FLYME OS 4.5.7A Official Firmware for MEIZU MX4 smartphone

Download FLYME OS Official Firmware for MEIZU MX4 Smartphone

  1. Uploaded to B. we get root-rights. The procedure is somewhat different from the Flym in the field of other assemblies:
    • Open the "Settings", go to "Accounts". We enter the data of your Meizu account authorizes.
    • Meizu MX4 Authorization in Flyme Account from Firmware Wednesday

    • Next, we tapack for your name on the screenshot screen and then touch the item "Open access to the system". Leafing appeared text-warning up.
    • Meizu MX4 Obtaining root-rights in Flyme OS Firmware

    • Install the checkbox in the checkbox "Accept", press "OK". We enter a password from the MEZ account, confirm the "OK" tape and wait for the phone restarting.
    • Meizu MX4 How to get root rights in the Flyme OS system

  2. Open the file manager pre-installed in the system and remove the file storage from the root
  3. Meizu MX4 Deleting a package with the official firmware from the memory of the smartphone before installing the custom

  4. Just in case we connect the phone to the PC and check that the package There is no internal memory.
  5. Meizu MX4 Checking the absence of a file in the phone's memory before installing Castoma

  6. Download the link-file of the caste firmware before this instruction and place it in the phone storage.
  7. Meizu MX4 Copying a package with custom firmware in the memory of the device

  8. In addition to the Castoma itself, it will require a package with Google services to fully use the phone. On the installation of these components in the environment of informal options Android is told in the article on our website.

    Meizu MX4 Download Zip-file Gapps for installation with CyanogenMod 13 batch method

    Method 7: Return to the official Flyme OS after Castoma

    In a situation where the user MEIZU MX4, who has established a custom firmware on the above recommendations, decides to return to the official Flyme OS, it will need as follows, by the way, the only correct instruction.

    Meizu MX4 Lock Downloader, Returns Factory Recovery, Installing the Official Firmware After Operating Castoma

    Failure to comply with the following algorithm in attempts to return "everything as it was" (for example, an attempt to establish the official firmware through TWRP) can lead to "colrying" of the device!

    1. Download any official assembly of the Flyme OS, i.e. file (In the example further - assembly and put it in the memory of the device.
    2. Meizu MX4 Return to the official firmware After installing Castoma - Copying the Flyme OS package into the internal memory of the device

    3. We get in the Castoma Wednesday of Super User. If it is installed according to the above instructions CyanogenMod 13, you need to do the following:
      • Open the "Settings", go to the "phone" by fast touchs on the "Assembly number" item activate the "for developers" mode.
      • Meizu MX4 Mode Activation For Developers in Castom Castommogenmod 13

      • We return to the Main Menu "Settings", open "for developers". Next, we find the "superuser mode" item and tapam on it.

      • In the list that opens, we translate the radio button to "for applications and ADB", confirm the request received by TAP OK.
    4. Meizu MX4 Activation of a superuser mode for applications and ADBs in CyanogenMod13

    5. Upload the image of the factory recovery, as well as the APK file Flashify on the following links. We put the smartphone received in memory.

      Meizu MX4 image of the factory recovery and apk file Flashify application for its installation in the memory of the smartphone

      Download image of the factory recovery environment ("native" recovery) MEIZU MX4 smartphone

      Download application Flashify to overwrite the recovery of the MEIZU MX4 smartphone

    6. Install

      Meizu MX4 Installing and Starting Flashify Applications from APK File

      And launch Flashimi, we provide the root right app.

      Meizu MX4 Launch Flashify Application, provision of superuser privileges

    7. In the mobile firmware, select "Recovery Image" - "Choose A File" - "Explorer" ("Files" in the Cianogenmod medium 13).

      Meizu MX4 Flashify Switch to the selection of the recovery file to install in the device

    8. We find the image of the factory recovery Meizu MX4 and tapa for its name. To start the integration of the recovery environment, click "Yup!".

      Meizu MX4 Firmware Factory Recovery in the device using the Flashify application

      After overwriting the recovery environment section, we reboot into the "native" recovery, touching "Reboot Now".

      Meizu MX4 reboot to the recovery factory environment, after installing the recovery via Flashify

    9. Install the package with Flyme OS, already placed in the memory of the device earlier. Be sure to install the mark near the "Clear Data" concerning "Start" and expect the system to hold all the necessary manipulations.

      Meizu MX4 Process Restoring Factory Firmware on the phone After the installation of Castoma

    10. If all of the above is done correctly and in full, after 15 minutes, the user receives MX4 mease in a state of "out of the box",

      Meizu MX4 Official firmware restored on the phone

      In any case, in the aspect of the system software of the smartphone.

      Meizu MX4 official firmware after recovery on the phone with custom


    As we can see, the interaction with the system according to the MEIZU MX4 smartphone model is carried out not only in the manifotted manufacturer using the methods. Even an inexperienced user who has not encountered reinstalling mobile operating systems can provide an acceptable level of operability of its devices.

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