How to make iOS out of android


How to make iOS out of android

Disputes about what is visually better and more convenient, the IPhone controlling the IOS operating system from Apple or the prevalence leading among the Android mobile platforms can be maintained infinitely. Meanwhile, if you are the owner of the android device, but consider the IIOS interface more preferable by performing a number of manipulations, you can easily bring the image to the "apple" view showing on the screen "Green Robot". The practical implementation of such a transformation will be discussed in this article.

The procedure under consideration of the "Alteration" procedure of the Android interface to the most approximated look at the IYOS is to step by step and configure a number of applications, therefore it can be relatively secure and reversible, as well as easy to implement. To effectively fulfill all instructions from this article, except for the last additional, it will take only the skill with various methods to install the software adapted to work in an environment of the "green robot".

Read more: Ways to install applications on the Android device

Step 1: Desktop

The first step on the way to getting on the Android device similar to the iPhone interface is a "replacement" of the system shell's home screen on visually approached by iOS, which is possible by installing the launcher application. Such for Android in the Apple style on Google Play Markt is available. A variety is available - it is enough to enter something similar phrase "Launcher IOS" as a search query, and you will have a choice from a variety of proposals.

We will consider the installation procedure and the possibilities of using the specified "converters" of the interface on the example Launcher iOS 13. from the developer LUUTINH DEVELOPER. - This solution among others similar received from users the largest number of positive feedback at the time of writing.

Download Launcher iOS 13 from Google Play Market

  1. Install Launcher iOS 13 by clicking from the smartphone to the link presented above or using the search for the application of Google Apps. Run the launcher.

    Installing and launching Launcher iOS 13 for Android

  2. Provide all the required resolution tools, taping "Allow" under the emerging system requests.

    Issuance of permits application Launcher iOS 13 for Android

  3. Now exit the application, more precisely, take such an attempt. As a result, a proposal to select the main screen of the system appears on the smartphone screen - click here "iOS Launcher" and then tap "Always".

    Launcher iOS 13 - Installing an Application as the Android Main Screen

  4. Actually, you can already evaluate the first result of the operation - the appearance of application icons and their location will immediately change after executing the previous point of instructions.

    Launcher iOS 13 for Android Visual Application Effect

  5. For greater similarity of the smartphone desktop with this on the iPhone, install the wallpaper from the Apple offered (the image set is supplied with the launcher):
    • Long pressing the desktop area free from icons, move it to configuration mode. Tap "Wallpapers" at the bottom of the screen.
    • Launcher iOS 13 for Android Go to the selection of home screen wallpaper in the style of Apple

    • Next, by scrolling the list of available wallpapers, select the appropriate, tap their previews and click "OK" on the image preview screen.
    • Launcher iOS 13 Installing Desktop Wallpaper in Apple Style

  6. Another restricting on the desktop of the launcher setup is to change the size of the icons, as well as the selection of the grid, according to which they are located:
    • Call the Launcher iOS 13 parameters, while working on the icon-free area of ​​the desktop and then taping the "settings" at the bottom right. Click "Utilities" in the displayed list of options.
    • Launcher iOS 13 - transition to the launcher settings - item Utilities

    • Shifting the runner in the "icon size" area adjust the size of the icons.
    • Launcher iOS 13 - changing the resistant icons on the smartphone home screen

    • Select one of the options for the location of application icons on the home screen - "5 × 4" or "6 × 4", touching its designation.

    Launcher iOS 13 for Android selection of the grid according to which the application icons are located on the desktop

  7. Regarding the "new" desktop of the smartphone left to carry out one operation - to place the labels of applications and system tools in its place. After installing the IOS launcher, it is carried out somewhat unusual for the Android user by the method, therefore, it may be required to be explained:
    • To move the icons, click on it and do not stop exposure until all the icons on the home screen will "tremble" (first appears the action menu). Next, move the item to the place where it must be, then do the same with other icons.

      Launcher iOS 13 for Android Changing the location of the icons on the desktop

      After completing the arrangement of the icons, press the "Back" sensor button.

      Launcher iOS 13 for Android Placing Icons on Home Screen Completed

    • Form the folders. To do this, drag the labels one to another, and then enter the name of the received container.
    • Launcher iOS 13 for Android Creating a folder on the desktop

    • Another option that should be noted from available in Launcher iOS 13 is the ability to hide applications icons from the home screen of the smartphone. Click on this or that icon until the menu is displayed and then select "Hidden Applications" in it.
    • Launcher iOS 13 for Android Hiding Application Icons from Home Screen Smartphone

Step 2: Lock Screen

The next step of solving our task is to install the lock screen with notifications in the style of iOS. A good solution to this question offers the developer installed in step above the launcher.

  1. Install the "Lock and Notifications of IOS 13" application from Google Play Market and run it.

    Installing and running Screen Lock and IOS notifications 13 from Google Play Market

    Download the Screen Lock and Notifications iOS 13 from Google Play Market

  2. In the list of options on the master lock screen, click "Disable System Lock". Next, deactivate the android protection from the unauthorized unlocking of the device and return to the application.

    Disconnecting the system lock in iPhone style blocker

  3. Translate the switch located at the top of the screen to the "Enabled" position, and then confirm the request received from the application, touching "OK".

    Turning on the screen lock in IOS 13, provision of access to notifications

    Next, activate the switch, which is located to the right of the "Screen Lock and Notifications" item in the list "Access to notifications" in the "Settings" of Android, confirm your intentions.

    Activation of the Access Application Screen Lock and Notifications iOS 13 to Android Notifications

    Another permission that must be issued is to demonstrate data from the application over other windows - do it upon receipt from the system of the corresponding offer.

    Lock Screen and IOS 13 Notifications - Show over other windows

  4. Upon completion of the execution above, it is recommended to restart the smartphone, after which you can move to the evaluation of the result.

    Screen Operating Result IOS 13 Screen Lock

  5. To adjust the settings of the installed and functioning screen blocker, tap on its icon on the smartphone desktop.

    Configuring Applications Lock Screen and Notifications iOS 13

    Then, configure the application, moving to the parameter sections from the second category on the screen that opens:

    • "Passcode" - setting a password that will be required to unlock the smartphone.
    • Lock screen in iOS style 13 Password setup to unlock smartphone

    • "Wallpapers" - the ability to install the background image of the blocker from the application of the application or the device storage.
    • Installing the background image of the smartphone lock screen in the blocker stylized under iOS13

    • Notifications - Here, here, you can turn off the demonstration on the locked alerts from individual applications by the activation of the switches.
    • Screen lock and iOS notifications 13 Disable content and alerts from individual applications

  6. Now very similar to an integrated iPhone solution The screen blocker is configured and ready for further operation.

    Apple iPhone Android-Smartphone Screen Lock

Step 3: Control Center

To get this module on your Android device, as well as in the case of the launcher and the lock screen, you can use the Developer's decision LUUTINH DEVELOPER. As demonstrated in the following instruction, or experiment, establishing the options for the IOS Management Center from Google Apps.

  1. Go to the following link and install the iOS 13 control center from Google Play Market.

    IOS13 control center for Android - installing an application from Google Play Market

    Download iOS 13 Management Center for Android from Google Play Market

  2. Open the application. When you first start it, you will get on the screen "Show over other windows" of Android settings - activate the "Allow ..." switch located here.

    The IOS13 control center for Android setting the application - Show over other windows

  3. Allow the IOS 13 control center application to change the system settings - tap "OK" in the system request window and then transfer the appropriate switch to "Enabled".

    IOS 13 Management Center for Android Providing Permissions Change System Settings

  4. This initial configuration of the control center is complete - To invoke it to swipe from the bottom face of the device screen.

    Installation and configuration on Android management center IOS 13 completed

Step 4: Status String and Cutting Notifications

Cutting the appearance of the status line of the Android smartphone in a similar to the iPhone view, as well as the concomitant replacement of the curtain of the notification curtains - the task whose solution can cause some difficulties. From the mass of proposals with such (declared developers), not many functionality in Google Play, not many often function. When creating this material, we stopped on Inoty OS 11. But you can experiment with other products may seem more suitable.

  1. Install the Inoty OS 11 application and run it.

    Inoty OS 11 for Android Installation Shutter Applications in IOS Style from Google Play Market

    Download the Inoty OS 11 application from Google Play Market

  2. In the list "Notify Settings", on the screen that opens, tap on the first item - "Turn ON / OFF Notify".

    Inoty OS 11 for Android Enabling the status bar and notification curtains after the first launch of the application

  3. Next, grant the "Access to Notifications" tools. To do this, activate the switch near the name "Inoty" on the screen that opens, confirm your intentions, tapping "Allow" under the query-warning, and then return to the application.

    Inoty OS 11 for Android Provide application access to all notifications

  4. As a result, Ainoti OS 11 will immediately begin to perform its work, you can proceed with the assessment of the quality and the convenience of change brought to the interface.

    Inoty OS 11 for Android Exterior View Status Station and Notification Blocks After Application Activation

  5. Additionally, moving to the "Notify Settings" parameters, you can adjust some status string settings and notification curtains. So, here is available:
    • Changing the color of the status string is "Color Statusbar".
    • Inoty OS 11 for Android Changing the Color Line of the Status of the Smartphone

    • Installing the background picture for the curtain of notifications - "Change Background Notify".
    • Inoty OS 11 for Android Replacing the Background Blind of Notifications

    • Change time display format - "Clock Format".
    • Inoty OS 11 for Android Switching Time Display Format in Status Row

    • Set the display in the status bar of any word instead of the name of the telecom operator - "Customize Carrier's Name".
    • Inoty OS 11 for Android Replacement Operator Name in Status Row

Step 5: Appearance of "Settings" OS

Another manipulation that will make the Android interface close to iOS - the screen replacement from which the transition to the adjustment of various system parameters is carried out. Such a conversion is possible to be performed using user mods distributed in the form of APK files, one of which you can set according to the instructions further.

  1. Load the APK file available on the phone below the APK file below, and then open it using any file manager for Android.

    Android settings in iOS style - download and run the APK application file

    Download Android setting application in iOS style

  2. Click "Set" if necessary, confirm the need to install software from an unknown source, that is, activate this feature in the Mobile OS settings.

    Android settings in iOS style installation by deploying APK file

  3. After completing the installation of the Fashion, run the received application to estimate its appearance and functionality.

    Android settings in iOS style appearance of the running application

Step 6: Applications

The completion step of transition to the iOS-like interface on the Android device can be considered the installation of applications performed in the style of iPhone to solve various tasks associated with the usual use of the smartphone. The list of this kind of software available on Google Play is quite wide and then a small selection of links to download successful, according to users, products is presented. If you are needed not included in the next list and similar to "apple" software tools, look for them in the software store and / or on the Internet.

    • Phone and contacts - OS13 DIALER..

      Download Apps Phone and Contacts for Android in IOS Style

      Download app Phone and contacts for Android in IOS style from Google Play Market

    • Messages - Al Message OS13..

      Installing the iOS Style Application for Android from Google Play Market

      Download App Messages for Android in IOS Style from Google Play Market

    • Camera - OS13 Camera..

      Replacing the camera in Android to the application in the style of iOS Google Play Market

      Download application camera for Android in iOS style from Google Play Market

    • Gallery - Igallery OS 12..

      Gallery for Android in the style of iOS from Google Play Market

      Download application gallery for Android in iOS style from Google Play Market

    Additionally. Boot animation

    If you are a fairly experienced user and on your android smartphone activated superuser privileges, you can closer to the appearance of the device to iPhone even more, replacing the screen displayed when the OS is loaded on the image with the Apple logo. To implement the conceived, you need a file manager for Android with root access (we use ES File Explorer).

    1. Download and place the Booth Animation file in the smartphone repository, which you will integrate into the device. Solutions of this issue are distributed in format * .zip. And in abundance are presented on the scope of the network, you need to choose to resolve the displays of your device file. Boot Images "Apple" of two types - Dark and light in permissions 1080 * 1920. and 1080 * 2280. You can download by clicking on the following link:

      Download Booth Animation for Android in IOS Style

    2. Run ES File Explorer. Tape on three chests at the top right Call the main menu of the application, expand the category "Tools".

      ES Android Explorer - Manager Run - Main Menu - Means

    3. Activate the "Root Explorer" option, provide the root-right file manager.

      ES File Explorer for Android - Activation of the Root Explorer option, the provision of root rights

    4. Go along the location of the boot animation loaded into the memory of the smartphone. Long pressing the file name, select it, and then in the bottom of the panel with the tools, tap "Copy".

      ES Explorer for Android - Copying Booth Animation File for Rooms in System Folder

    5. Now go to the root device memory folder, open the System directory,

      ES Android Explorer - Go to the Device Root Directory - System folder

      And then - "Media".

      ES Explorer for Android - Switching on System - Media to install its Booth Animation on the Smartphone

    6. Tap "Insert" at the bottom of the screen, allow the conductor to use the superuser privileges.

      ES Explorer for Android Premise Zip-file Boutation on System - Media In Memory of Device

    7. Rename the file in the System / Media file in . To do this, highlight it with a long press, below, select "Rename", make a new name in the appeared window and tap "OK".

      ES Explorer for Android Rename Butanimation File to Required System View

    8. Next, you need to change the file permissions:
      • Re-highlight the boot animation, tap "More" in the lower right corner, select "Properties" in the displayed menu.
      • ES File Explorer for Android Go to the properties of the boot animation file to install permissions

      • Click on the "Change" button to the left of the "Permissions" item in the window that opens. Next, arrange the checkboxes in checkboxes, as selected in the screenshot below (3), that is, set the resolution file according to the RW-R - R-- (0644) scheme.
      • ES File Explorer for Android - setting permissions for the boot animation file RW- R-- R--

      • After completing the execution of the above actions, click "OK" in the options for installing permissions and "Cancel" under the list of file properties.
      • ES File Explorer for Android Saving changes made to the properties of the Boutation file

    9. On this, the installation operation on the Android-smartphone of the boot animated image "in the style of the iPhone" is completed. Turn off and turn on Mobile Device - When you start the operating system, you can estimate the result.

      Android Locking Animation in the Apple iPhone style is installed and functions

    Almost all the Android interface conversion stages of the Android interface stages in order to make it as much as possible on iOS are easy to implement. If you like the design of Apple software solutions, but you are a "green robot" user - experiment, at the expense of the latter, it is quite possible to bring it to the form in accordance with your preferences.

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