How to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop on Windows 8


How to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop on Windows 8

Almost every default laptop is equipped with a Wi-Fi adapter that allows you to connect to a wireless connection and even distribute the Internet. In the case of devices on Windows 8, this can be done in several ways using both standard tools and third-party programs. Today we will tell in detail about the distribution of the Internet from a laptop on this operating system.

Check and configure adapter

To start working with Wi-Fi and start distributing the Internet, you need to make sure in advance in the correct operation of the module and, if you need, install the driver from the official site of the device manufacturer. If you use the Wi-Fi connection to access the Internet, this one can be skipped.

  1. Right-click on the Windows logo on the taskbar and override the Network Connections section through the menu.
  2. Switch to network connections in Windows 8

  3. Here you need to check the presence of the "Wireless Network" item. You can additionally view properties and make sure that the connection passes through a Wi-Fi adapter.
  4. Checking Wireless Connection in Windows 8

  5. If this connection is indicated by a gray icon with the signature "Disabled", be sure to click PCM and select "Enable" through the list. This will allow you to use the module.
  6. Enabling Wireless Adapter in Windows 8

  7. Now click on the LKM on the network icon on the taskbar and use the slider in the "Wireless Network" block. This option to turn on Wi-Fi is universal, since the only alternative is the hotkeys on the keyboard, unique for different models.
  8. Turning on the Wi-Fi module through Windows 8 parameters

  9. As an additional measure, over the menu of the first step, open the "Control Panel" and go to the Administration folder.
  10. Go to Administration section in Windows 8

  11. Double click on the left mouse button on the service icon.
  12. Transition to services through administration in Windows 8

  13. Find and use "Common Internet Connection" and "WLAN Auto Tune". By default, they must be turned on, but sometimes there may be an inverse situation.
  14. Enable services for Wi-Fi in Windows 8

  15. You can make sure the wireless connection can be done through the "command line", to open which again, press the PCM on the Windows Block on the taskbar and select the appropriate item.
  16. Switch to the command line in Windows 8

  17. Copy and paste the command below using the "context menu" "command line", and press the Enter key on the keyboard.


  18. Enter a command to check Wi-Fi in Windows 8

  19. If there are numerous lines with information about the wireless network adapter, you need to find the item "Support of the Placed Network" and make sure that the value "Yes". Otherwise, the distribution of Wi-Fi will not work.
  20. Checking the support of the posted network in Windows 8

If the message "The wireless interface in the system is missing" appears, it means that you have not turned on the wireless connection or on the laptop there are no drivers.

Read more: Installing drivers for a Wi-Fi adapter

Method 1: third-party programs

The easiest way to distribute Wi-Fi to the G8 is to use third-party software providing a convenient interface to configure new networks. To solve the task, you can use any option suitable for you from the view below the link below.

Sample program for distribution Wi-Fi from a laptop

Read more: Programs for distribution Wi-Fi from a laptop

Method 2: "Command Line"

The main way to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop on Windows 8 without installing additional programs is reduced to the use of the "command line". This option must be disassembled in gradually due to more settings.

Step 1: network creation

The procedure for creating a network, despite the need to use the "command line", will not take much time. In addition, any added network will be available without re-creating even after restarting the OS.

  1. Right-click on the Windows logo on the taskbar and select "Command Line (Administrator)".
  2. Opening the command line (administrator) in Windows 8

  3. Now enter or duplicate the following command, before execution, be sure to edit the values ​​for your own requirements:

    Netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode = ALLOW SSID = LUMPICS KEY = 12345678

    • To assign a new network name, change the value after "ssid =" to any, but without spaces.
    • To set the password, edit the value after "Key =", which can be at least eight of any characters.
  4. After entering the command, press the Enter key to create a new network. This procedure will take some time, but the result is a successful completion message.
  5. Creating a new posted network in Windows 8

  6. Run Wi-Fi and thereby make it available for other devices using another command:

    Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork

  7. Enable a new posted network in Windows 8

If a message appears, as in the screenshot you can check the network detection from any other device. However, when an error occurs, one more action will have to perform and repeat the procedure described above.

  1. As in the first section of the instruction, click PCM on the Start icon, but now expand the Device Manager.
  2. Go to device dispatcher through start in Windows 8

  3. In the "Network Adapters" subsection, right-click on the "Wireless Network Adapter" row. Here it is necessary to use item "Enter".
  4. Enabling the wireless adapter in the device manager in Windows 8

After that, the re-creating network should pass steadily without errors, after completing the previously specified message.

Step 2: Access Settings

Since the main purpose of the Wi-Fi connection is the distribution of the Internet, in addition to creating a network, you must allow access to the active connection. Any connection can be performed in his role, including Wi-Fi itself.

  1. Press the PCM on the Windows icon on the taskbar and go to "Network Connections".
  2. Switch to network connections through startup in Windows 8

  3. Select the connection you use to connect to the Internet, click PCM and open the Properties window.
  4. Transition to wireless connection properties in Windows 8

  5. Open the "Access" tab and check the box marked in the screenshot.
  6. Enabling the total Internet access in Windows 8

  7. Here, through the following drop-down menu, you need to select "Local Connection". To complete, use the "OK" button.
  8. Select Wi-Fi Access Point to set up shared access in Windows 8

In order for the distribution of the Internet to Wi-Fi to work correctly, restart the active connection.

Step 3: Network Management

After each shutdown of the laptop, the created network will be deactivated by blocking existing connections and detection from other devices. To re-use distribution, open the "Command Line (Administrator)" again and this time only follow one command:

Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork

Using the command to enable access point in Windows 8

To deactivate distribution, when the laptop is enabled, you can also use the special below the command below. In this case, the disconnection can be executed not only by the "command line", but also by easy Wi-Fi disconnection.

Netsh WLAN Stop HostedNetwork

Using a command to turn off the access point in Windows 8

Both commands separately can be saved using any text editor in the ".bat" format. This will allow you to start or disable the networks, simply clicking the right mouse button on the file and selecting "Starting on behalf of the administrator".

Ability to create a BAT file for access point in Windows 8

The last important command for managing the distribution of the Internet is to complete the access point. To do this, in the "command line" just enter the following and press "ENTER".

Netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode = Disallow

Ability to turn off the access point in Windows 8

To view existing networks, there is also a separate command. Use it if you forgot the name of the network or simply want to see how the number of customers is connected.

Netsh Wlan Show HostedNetwork

View access point in Windows 8

Using the instructions provided, you can easily configure Wi-Fi distribution on a laptop with Windows 8.

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