"Link to a suspicious site" VKontakte how to remove


The social network VKontakte is a fairly secure resource that protects users is not only from unwanted content on the site, but also blocking some addresses using the "Link to a suspicious site" notification. Unfortunately, this defense is not entirely correct, often restricting the transition to trusted external websites. As part of our today's instructions, we will tell how to get rid of this message.

Method 1: Copy and Insert Addresses

The problem under consideration is quite possible without the use of additional funds, limiting the standard functions of any web browser.

  1. Being on the social network site, find and highlight the desired URL. After that, use the CTRL + C key combination on the keyboard or the browser context menu.

    Copy Link to External Website VKontakte

    Open the new tab, click on the left mouse button on the address bar and press "Ctrl + V". After confirming the transition using the Enter key, you will find yourself on the desired site, ignoring security notice.

  2. If it is not possible to go to the external link integrated into the text, you will have to additionally use the browser console. To open the corresponding window, hover the mouse over the desired string, right-click and select "View Code".

    Go to viewing code Links on VKontakte website

    On the Elements tab, find the dedicated block with your address by default and double-click on the "Data-EXTERNAL-URL" string. As a result, you can select and copy the URL located in quotes.

  3. Copy the link to the external site by viewing the VKontakte code

  4. Alternatively, you can link a link directly from the page with the message under consideration using the browser's address string. To do this, it is necessary to simply find and copy the domain name, ignoring the prefix "HTTP" or "HTTPS".

    Sample page with a notification of the link to the suspicious site VK

    If the URL consists of more than one part, replace all subsequent "% 2F" to the "/" symbol. This will allow the usual address at the output with the possibility of transition to the desired site.

Due to the large number of unnecessary actions, this method will be convenient only if you rarely encounter the error "Link to a suspicious site". Otherwise, it is better to use alternative options.

Method 2: Extension for the browser

If you often go to external resources, actively blocking social network protection system, you can use special browser extensions. This approach is universal, allowing you to eliminate the message, regardless of the address used.

Option 1: Fix URL Links Redirect

The optimal solution to the problem under consideration is to use the Fix URL Redirect Fix URL for the Google Chrome web browser.

Go to the extension Fix URL Links Redirect in Chrome Store

  1. Click on the above link to go to the official extension page in the Chrome store, and click the Set button in the upper right corner.

    Installing Fix URL Links Redirect in Google Chrome

    Installation must be confirmed through a pop-up window by clicking "Install Expansion". As a result, a new icon appears on the top panel of the browser.

  2. Confirmation Installation Fix URL Links Redirect in Google Chrome

  3. Right-click on the icon marked in the screenshot, by the need to open the main menu of the program "...". Through the list below, you need to open the "Parameters" page.
  4. Go to the Fix URL Links Redirect parameters in Google Chrome

  5. Once in the main settings of Fix URL Links Redirect, in the "Use Mode" block, install the marker next to the "Work on All Redirect Links" item. This will ignore the redirect screen on any sites, including VKontakte.
  6. Turning off all redirects using Fix URL Links Redirect

  7. If you need to disable only the scan on the social network, you can choose the last option "Work Only On Specific Links / Sites", insert the address vk.com to the "Add Site to Enable List" text field and click the Enable Fix-URL ON button. As a result, the same effect will be achieved as in the past case, but spreading only on VC.

    Turning off Redirects VKontakte using Fix URL Links Redirect

    Make sure that you can simply try to go over the previously blocked link.

This extension is available only in Google Chrome, but it has alternatives for other browsers. We will not consider such options, instead paying attention to another already more global solution.

Option 2: Vkopt

The very well-known vkopt extension that provides many additional features previously absent in VKontakte, exactly also allows you to disable the page with the notification "Link to a suspicious site". This software works a little differently than the previous option, and applies only to the social network site.

Go to the official website vkopt

Step 1: Installing Extensions

  1. Use the following link to go to the extension boot page, and select the browser you you want. To continue, click "Set" in the relevant section.
  2. An example of the installation page on the official website Vkopt

  3. Conduct the installation procedure in the Google Chrome browser, using the expansion page in the official store. It will be enough to click "Set" and confirm the action through a pop-up window.
  4. Installing the extension Vkopt in Google Chrome

  5. For the latest version of Opera, the site also provides a setup button, however, at the time of this writing, the instruction cannot be installed. Therefore, the single bypass solution can be set to install Install Chrome Extensions, which allows you to add an expansion browser from the Chrome store.

    Go to Install Chrome Extensions Extensions

  6. Install Chrome Extensions Installation in Opera

  7. For other programs, the action programs are not very different from chromium and boil down to the "Set" button with the subsequent confirmation.

    An example of installing Vkopt in Mozilla Firefox

    As a result, anyway, the vkopt icon will appear on the top panel.

Step 2: Turning off check

  1. When the extension is completed, go to VKontakte, click on the profile photos on the top panel to open the main menu of the site, and select "Vkopt".
  2. Transition to the VKOPT settings on VKontakte website

  3. In the "Vkontakte Optimizer" window, find the "rest" block and check the "Enable travel bypass.php" checkbox. To save, it will be enough to close the parameters and update the tab.

    Disable Away.php with Vkopt on VKontakte website

    If everything was done correctly, previously inaccessible external sites can be visited without worrying about the message "Link to a suspicious site".

The main advantage of the VKOPT method is universality, since the extension can be installed in almost any Internet browser, and in addition, to use many other functions like blocking advertising.

Method 3: Reduced URL

You can avoid the link "Link to a suspicious site" right at the stage of publishing the address in VKontakte, thereby allowing other users to switch to the desired resource without additional actions. To do this, you will need to reduce the URL using one of the special services.

Option 1: VKontakte

The social network of VK itself provides a service that allows you to transform almost any URL in short and, importantly, the internal address. Using final link options, you can completely get rid of the problem under consideration. Quite detailed procedure was described in another instruction.

Ability to reduce links on VKontakte website

Read more: How to cut the address VK

Option 2: GOO-GL

Another online service that allows you to convert links, is GOO-GL, at the output also by providing a safe address with the ability to use in VKontakte.

Go to the GOO-GL Main Page

  1. Open the start page of the service and in the Text field "Insert the link here" add a full URL.
  2. Transition to the reduction of links on the GOO-GL.SU website

  3. On the right side of the window, click the "Reduce" button and wait for the procedure.
  4. Successful reduction of links for VC on the website GOO-GL.SU

  5. The final option you can pick up the same text field, highlighting and pressing "Ctrl + C", or using the "Copy" button.

Unfortunately, this online service does not always ensure troubleshooting.

Option 3: U.To

Perhaps the most reliable online service for creating links to bypass VKontakte is U.to, fully deprived of the drawbacks of previous options and steadily working with any addresses. In terms of operation, this site is not very different from similar solutions.

Go to the main page U.to

  1. On the online online service page, find the text box and paste the initial link, which is pre-copied to the clipboard. For conversion, you must click "Reduce".
  2. Transition to the reduction of references for VC on the U.To website

  3. In case of successful completion of the procedure, another field with a ready-made address option will appear on the screen. Copy this URL and try using in VC.
  4. Successful reduction of reference for VC on U.To website

  5. If errors occur during the conversion process, make sure that you use the full link, including the HTTP or HTTPS prefix. In addition, a page update can help.

As can be seen, the service is quite easy to use and hardly calls questions.

Option 4: Blogger

The last and most unusual way to reduce the full link for use in VKontakte comes down to using the Blogger site. This option is very different from the previous ones, but at the same time provides greater versatility due to the possibility of changing the end address at any time.

Go to Main Page Blogger

Step 1: Registration

  1. Open the Blogger start page and in the upper right corner click "Login".
  2. Transition to authorization on the site Blogger

  3. After moving to the authorization window through Google, log in using your account data or select an account already used.
  4. The authorization process through Google on the BLOGGER website

  5. To complete, you will need to fill in the "Display Name" field at your discretion and click "Go to Blogger".
  6. Completion of the account creation on the Blogger website

Step 2: Blog Creating

  1. After completing the preparation, it is necessary to create a blog that will act as a means of reducing the reference. To do this, click on the arrow icon and select "New Blog".
  2. Transition to the creation of a new blog on the Blogger website

  3. At its discretion, fill in the "Title" and "address" field in accordance with the rules of the resource. To continue, in the "Subject" block, select "Dynamic View" and click the "Create Blog" button.
  4. Select the header, links and topics on the Blogger website

  5. After a successful creation, you will immediately find yourself in the blog editor. Here you need to go to the "Theme" page in the left column.
  6. Transition to change the topic on the Blogger website

  7. Left-clicking on the gear icon under the mobile block and install the marker next to the option "No, use the usual version".
  8. Turning off mobile design on the site BLOGGER

  9. By saving using the appropriate button, on the "Theme" page, find the section "Now in the blog" and click "Change HTML".
  10. Transition to the change of HTML code on the Blogger website

  11. Scroll through the page to the bottom of the Niza and remove the text within the Script tag.
  12. Delete code in Script tag on Blogger website

  13. To the place of the remote code it is necessary to insert the following that the result clearly corresponds to the screenshot:

    Window.Onload = function () {

    document.location.href = 'external_link';


  14. Adding a new code to Script tag on the Blogger website

  15. Finally change the "External_link" value to the original URL you need and click "Save the topic" on the top panel.
  16. Saving a new blog topics with redirect on the Blogger website

  17. You can get the final version of the URL by copying the previously installed blog address or clicking the right mouse button on the "Blog" line and selecting the "Copy Link Address" item. Please note if something does not suit you, the URL can be changed in "Settings".
  18. Copy Link to a blog with redirect on the Blogger website

Thanks to this approach, you can easily make redirects to external sites, ignoring VK check. At the same time, the method will be relevant only in rare cases, for example, if you need to support the same link in working condition on an ongoing basis.

The methods presented in the course will allow you to get rid of the message "Link to a suspicious site" in the event of a transition to already published addresses and prevent an error in the future at the stage of creating an URL. Each solution is safe enough, and therefore choose it primarily on the basis of the situation.

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