I can not get out of classmates: what to do?


I can not get out of classmates what to do

From time to time, almost every social network classmates may need to get out of a personal profile. In most cases, this task does not cause any problems and occupies literally a few seconds. However, sometimes there are unexpected difficulties that prevent completing the current session. We picked up several working ways to solve this problem, and today we want to tell you in detail about them, raised both the full version of the site and the mobile application.

Before starting familiarization with the following methods, we want to mention alternative options for exiting Odnoklassniki, as well as the most novice users, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the general principle of completing the current session of the personal page. Read more read more on the link below.

Read more: Go out of classmates

Full version of the site

Most often, the problem under consideration today arises precisely from users of computers or laptops, which will use any of the convenient browsers to enter their page. There are a number of factors that can affect the correctness of performing certain tasks, including output from the account. Let's take turns in turn with each famous correction method of such difficulty.

Method 1: Page Updating Cash Ignor

At least this option is not the most efficient, we decided to put it in the first place because of the simplicity of implementation. It is in updating the page with ignoring cache and other saved data, which allows you to re-load absolutely all items, including various HTML code fragments. This will allow you to get rid of possible problems related precisely with the performance of the page code.

  1. A similar update is carried out by roasting the Ctrl + F5 combination when in classmates.
  2. Page update to solve problems with output from classmates in the full version of the site

  3. This process may take some time. Wait until it complete, and then click on the icon of your own profile on the top panel on the right.
  4. Go to the menu to exit the personal page in the full version of the site classmates

  5. A pop-up menu will appear, where in front of the name you should click on the button "Get out".
  6. Button to exit a personal profile in the full version of the site classmates

  7. Confirm the completion of the session.
  8. Confirmation of a personal profile in the full version of the site classmates

  9. With a successful output, an authorization form appears on the screen. Now you can enter another profile or go to the implementation of other required tasks.
  10. Successful way out of personal profile in the full version of the site classmates

If the performed algorithm did not bring any results, resort to the following methods.

Method 2: Clearing cookies and cache files

The following recommendation is already standard and is present in all materials that are designed to solve any failures arising in a web browser. From the user, you will need to clear the cookies and cache files to get rid of extra and problematic files that could provoke difficulty with output from the profile. Let's analyze this process on the example of Google Chrome.

  1. Click on the button in the form of three vertical points, which is in the upper right corner. After the pop-up menu appears, where to select the "Settings" item.
  2. Transition to the browser settings for cache cleaning when issues with output from classmates

  3. In the main section of the parameters, please go to the "Privacy and Security" block, where to "Clean the Story" category.
  4. Transition to the menu for cleaning the cache in the browser when issues with output from classmates

  5. Tick ​​the "Cookies and other Site data" checkboxes, as well as "Images and other files saved in the cache", and then click on "Delete Data".
  6. We recommend first to do only by the item "Images and other files stored in the cache", and only if it does not help, through the same menu, clean and cookie. It is determined by the fact that after removing cookies, there will be a way out from other sites where you were authorized!

    Running cache cleaning in the browser when problems with exit from classmates in the full version of the site

Expect the end of this procedure and restart the browser to reliably, then open the profile in classmates again and try to get out of it. For more information about cleaning cookies and cache in other web browsers, you will find on the links below.

Read more:

Cleaning cache in browser

How to delete cookies in browser

Method 3: JavaScript check

The JavaScript component is required by web browsers for the correct launch of certain components of pages that are responsible for the implementation of different actions. Sometimes problems with the output from the profile are related to the fact that this setting is simply disabled, and in other situations its active mode interferes with the completion of the session in classmates. This provokes the need to check JavaScript with a further disconnection or activation to determine if this technology affects the problem under consideration today.

  1. While in the browser parameters, go to the "Site Settings" category.
  2. Go to the settings of sites to disable JavaScript with problems with output from classmates

  3. Here in the list of permissions, find "JavaScript" and click on the icon to go to edit the values.
  4. Selecting the JavaScript component to turn off when issues with output from classmates

  5. You can completely disable or activate the component, as well as set the rule only for classmates. To do this, you need to add to the category "Block" or "Allow".
  6. Interaction with javascript with problems with exit from classmates

  7. This is done by banal address entry.
  8. Adding classmates in exceptions JavaScript with problems with output

We offer the owners of other web browsers, we offer to familiarize yourself with the individual material containing the instructions on this topic.

Method 2: Using an alternative button for exit

In the mobile application under consideration, you can go to a specific partition in the menu to find the second button that performs the same output function. We advise you to try to take advantage of it if the previous version has not been effective.

  1. To do this, open the service menu.
  2. Go to the menu of the application classmates to search for an alternative output button

  3. This time, select the section "Settings".
  4. Go to the settings of the classmate application to search for an alternative output button

  5. Below the profile name, pay attention to the "Exit" inscription. Tap it to make this action.
  6. Using an alternative output button in the application classmates

  7. Confirm the output and look at the result.
  8. Confirmation of output through an alternative button in the application classmates

Method 3: Cleaning the application cache

When parsing the full version of the site, we have already talked about cache cleaning, but this process concerned the browser through which the entrance to classmates was performed. In the case of a mobile application, this option can also work, but you need to clear the files of the program, which is done in this way:

  1. Expand the notifications panel on your smartphone and go from there to "Settings".
  2. Switch to the smartphone settings for cleaning the mobile application Classmates

  3. Tap by section "Applications" or "Applications and Notifications".
  4. Selecting a section with applications for cleaning cache Classmates

  5. Watch out the "OK" list.
  6. Selection of application classmates for cleaning his cache

  7. Open the application store.
  8. Go to the storage of the application classmates for cleaning his cache

  9. Click on the "Clear Kesh" button and confirm this action.
  10. Button for cleaning cache application classmates

If this instruction is not suitable for you for any reason, for example, due to differences in the menu interface or when using another type of device, check out other thematic materials by clicking on the links below.

Read more: Cleaning cache on Android / iOS

Method 4: Reinstalling the application

The latter method is radical, as it implies a complete removal of the application of classmates with its further reinstalling. This should help get rid of all problems that could be caused by failures at the previous installation or during the functioning of the program itself. All necessary manuals about this are looking for in special articles on our site further.

Deleting classmates application for further reinstall

Read more:

Deleting applications with iPhone and phone on Android

Install applications on Android

We just figured out with different options to correct the problem with the exit from the personal profile in the social network classmates. You can only take turns to perform every way in order to find the productive and correct the considered problem.

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