How to clean the windows folder in windows 10


How to clean the windows folder in windows 10

The Windows directory stores the data necessary for normal operation of the system, so it is not necessary to touch it once again. At the same time, it accumulates a large number of temporary and unnecessary files, which in the situation of a critical lack of free space on the disk can be deleted. Today we will tell you how to do it on a computer with Windows 10.

Helpful information

Before you start cleaning one of the most important Windows 10 folders, create a backup system. If possible, use an external hard drive for this. We wrote in detail in a separate article about the methods of backup "Dozens" in a separate article.

Creating a backup of Windows 10

Read more: How to create a backup of Windows 10

To make it convenient to monitor the results of cleaning, you can use disk analyzers. In one window, they show how much space every directory in the Windows folder is occupied. On the example of the Treesize Free program it looks like this:

Download Treesize Free from the official site

  1. We set the application, click on the label right-click and run it on behalf of the administrator.
  2. Run Treesize Free on behalf of the administrator

  3. In the "Home" tab, click "Select a directory", and then "Select a catalog for scanning".
  4. Search catalog for scanning in Treesize Free

  5. On the system disk we find the folder "Windows" and click "Choosing a folder".
  6. Choosing a folder for scanning in Treesize Free

  7. When the application analyzes the directory, it will show what total volume and how many disk space occupies each subfolder.
  8. Window with information about the Windows folder in Treesize Free

  9. To re-scan the folder, click "Refresh".
  10. Updating Folder Information in Treesize Free

Despite the fact that with Treesize Free, you can delete files, in this case it is not worth it. The program simply will not be permission for cleaning most system data, and some folders cannot be cleaned without special OS tools.

Method 1: third-party software

One of the easiest and rapid ways to reduce the size of the Windows folder and other system disk directories is special software. We will analyze how to do this on the example of the CCleaner program:

  1. Run the application, go to the "Standard Cleaning" block and open the "Windows" tab. The types of files that are recommended to be removed are already marked here. Click "Analysis".

    Configuring CCleaner to clean the system disk

    Additionally, the other items can be noted, but they usually do not exempt much space, but significantly increase the cleaning time.

  2. Additional configuration CCleaner

  3. Click "Cleaning" and wait when the application will complete the work.
  4. Cleaning the system disk using CCleaner

Sicliner - first of all, the system optimization tool, so removes only the most unnecessary files. Deep to the "Windows" folder it will not climb. Therefore, when you need to release a disk space, this method is more efficient to apply along with the following two.

Method 2: System Tools

Slightly more system files allows you to clear the "Cleaning disk" application.

  1. Using the WINDOVS search, open the application "Cleaning the disk".

    Running application Cleaning disc

    Method 3: Selective Cleaning

    Consider a method that allows for more targeted cleaning, i.e. To wash only those data that are within the WINDOVS catalog. At the same time we will deal with what subfolders can additionally be cleaned without harm to the system.


    We are talking about the Windows component store, which is intended to support the functions necessary when updating and configuring the system. For example, the files contained in it are used to enable, disable and install new versions of Windows recovery components, system restore, delete problem updates, etc. Manually delete or move "WINSXS" cannot be shown, since these actions can harm the system. But it is possible to reduce its size using the built-in tools.

    1. In the search for Windows, enter the "Command Line" and run it with administrator rights.

      Run a command line with administrator rights

      "WINSXS" by itself a bulk catalog, so if its size is less than 8 GB, a lot of space is unlikely to be able to free. Other WinSXS cleaning methods described in detail in a separate article.

      Clearing WinSXS folder using task scheduler

      Read more: WinSXS folder cleaning methods in Windows 10

      Temporary Files.

      The TEMP directory is used by the system for storing temporary files that can be useful to it, but are not important. Therefore, if it takes a lot of space, you can delete it. In more detail about cleaning "Temp" we wrote in a separate article.

      Clearing Temp folder

      Read more: How to Clean the TEMP System Folder

      Software Distribution.

      This folder Windows Update Center uses to download updates and subsequent installation. It is sometimes cleaning specifically to troubleshoot the system update. Make it can be manually. At the same time, if any updates did not have time to install, they will be updated. We find "Software Distribution" in the "Windows" directory and delete all the data from the "Download" folder.

      Clearing Folder Software Distribution


      After each launch of the Windows computer monitors which users use most often. It stores this information in the form of entries in the "Prefetch" folder to start it next to the next time. Many applications are deleted over time, but records of them remain. If they occupy a lot of space, delete all the data from "Prefetch". After a few launches, the system will still restore all the information you need.

      Clearing Prefetch folder


      The operating system, in addition to the standard, stores the fonts installed on the software computer. If the folder with them is too voluminous, you can delete extra, leaving only those that have been installed with the system.

      1. Go to the Windows folder and find the "fonts" directory.
      2. Search Fonts folders

      3. A list with fonts will open. Below you can see how much positions in it.
      4. Window with a list of fonts

      5. Scroll to the right to the designer / publisher column and delete all the fonts that do not belong to Microsoft Corporation.
      6. Removal of unnecessary fonts

      Now you know how to safely clear the Windows folder. It all depends on the situation. If you want to simply delete "trash" from the computer, the CCleaner application and the like it is the optimal option. If the goal is to free up as much space on the disk, it is better to use all ways at once.

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