Download scripthook.dll for free


Download scripThook DLL for free

The scripThook.dll library is inherent in only one game series - GTA. An error with its mention can only meet in GTA 4 and 5. In such a system message, it is often written that in the system it was not possible to detect the previously presented file. By the way, the game itself can after that start, but some of its elements will be displayed incorrectly. That is why it is necessary to immediately make efforts to troubleshoot.

Method 1: Download scripThook.dll

A fairly effective way to eliminate the scripThook.dll error will be an independent loading of the missing file and the subsequent installation. To perform all these actions correctly, follow the instructions:

  1. Download the dynamic scripThook.dll library.
  2. In the "Explorer", open the folder in which the downloaded file is located.
  3. Copy it by selecting the "Copy" option in the context menu by pressing the Ctrl + C key combination.
  4. Copy the scripThook.dll dynamic library file

  5. Go to the game folder and add it to the root in the root through "insert" or the Ctrl + V keys.
  6. Method 2: Reinstall game

    The scripThook.dll library is placed in the system when installing directly the GTA game itself. Therefore, when a problem is detected with a starting efficient way there will be reinstallation of the game. But it should take into account the fact that the game version should be licensed. Only this guarantees success in getting rid of an error.

    Method 3: Adding scripThook.dll to an antivirus exception

    It may happen that during installation, for example, GTA 5, antivirus moves the scripThook.dll to quarantine, having calculated this file dangerous for the OS. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation, which is often happening when installing the repack of the game. In this case, after completing the installation process, you must enter the anti-virus settings and place the scripThook.dll (or the folder with this entire file) in exceptions, thereby returning it back. On our site there is a step-by-step guide on this topic.

    Add Exception in Windows 10 Defender

    Read more: How to add a file to exclude antivirus

    Method 4: Disable Anti-Virus

    If you notice the activity of the antivirus during the installation of the game, but in quarantine the scripThook.dll file was not discovered, then, most likely it was removed. In this case, it is necessary to reinstall the game, after turning off the antivirus program. The site has an article on this topic, where it is explained in detail how to deactivate most popular antiviruses.

    Temporary disabling Antivirus Kaspersky Anti-Virus

    Read more: How to turn off the operation of the antivirus

    After that, if everything went successfully, do not forget to add a library to exceptions (see the previous method of the article).

    Ways considered in the article should help correct the error with the file.

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