How to create a chat in classmates


How to create a chat in classmates

All communication between users in classmates occurs in chat rooms. If you have a desire to start a new conversation with one or more friends, you need to use a built-in function that allows you to create a group chat or only a dialogue. There are different methods for implementing this action, so everyone will be able to pick up optimal for themselves so that after it is fulfilled to begin a comfortable exchange of messages with the necessary people.

When creating a chat when you need to add new participants to, a list appears with the choice of accounts. Among them will be only those people who are in the list of your friends. Consider this when implementing the instructions described below.

Read more: Adding a friend in classmates

Full version of the site

In case of receipt of access to the service classmates through a PC browser, we can recommend three different ways that allow you to create an empty chat. Let's take turns in turn with each of them so that you find you like.

Method 1: Use the "Create Chat" button

Communication between users is carried out through the "Messages" section, go to which you can by pressing the appropriate button on the top panel. There is a special option that we will use to create a new conversation with one or more friends.

  1. Open classmates in the browser you used, where you find the section "Messages" and go to it.
  2. Go to the message section to create a chat in the full version of the site classmates

  3. Opposite the search string is located the button you are interested in. Click on it to create a new chat.
  4. Button to create an empty chat in the full version of the site classmates

  5. First we suggest set the appropriate name for the conversation. It can be arbitrary and reflect its goal or to convey any other information.
  6. Choosing a name for an empty chat in the full version of the site classmates

  7. After that, refer to the list of friends. Left-click on the block with all the necessary accounts you want to include in chat. It can be both one friend and, for example, a hundred different people.
  8. Adding users to empty chat in the full version of the site classmates

  9. Now make sure that all profiles have been successfully added, and then click "Create Chat".
  10. Confirmation of the creation of an empty chat in the full version of classmates

  11. As you can see, the new item has been displayed on the left just added conversation. At the top displays its full name and number of participants. Chatter chats of this format are underway in the same way as in ordinary dialogues.
  12. Successful creation of an empty chat through the messages section in the full version of the site classmates

  13. You are considered the owner of this chat and you have all the rights to manage it. For example, you can change the name, icon, delete messages or exclude all users at any time. Most of these actions are performed through a separate pop-up menu that is highlighted in the following screenshot.
  14. Chat control through the message section in the full version of the site classmates

This is the most reliable and simple method that allows you to create a group conversation or a new dialogue with any other. That is, you can have several different chats with the same user, for example, for negotiations only on certain topics.

Method 2: Adding participants to an existing dialogue

The method implying adding accounts to an already existing dialogue with only one other is practically the same as the previous option, however, you can add more participants faster, which will automatically create an empty conversation for a particular purpose. This method is performed like this:

  1. In the same section of "messages" on the panel on the left, find the dialogue with the user and select it for viewing.
  2. Choosing a correspondence to add participants to an empty chat in the full version of the site classmates

  3. On the top of the top, pay attention to the right part of it, where the button for the addition of participants is located. It is according to it that the LKM should be pressed.
  4. Button to add participants to an existing dialogue in the full version of the site classmates

  5. A small panel with a list of friends will appear. Select the required accounts and click on Add.
  6. Adding participants to an existing dialogue through the full version of classmates

  7. As can be seen, now all communication will occur in an empty conversation with all the other added participants. This option is optimal in those situations where initially a dialogue was conducted with a user who is not in the list of friends, respectively, it will not be possible to add to the chat, if you use it to create it method 1.
  8. Successful creation of a new chat from an existing dialogue in the full version of the site classmates

Method 3: Create chat at the first message to the user

You already know that the chat is called any type of conversation in the social network classmates. The last option to create it is at the beginning of communication with any user who can even not consist in the list of your friends. As soon as the first message is sent, the chat is immediately added to the list and will be displayed there among other conversations. Let's wonder the brief example of sending the first message.

  1. If it comes to another, you will need to move to the appropriate section to find its account. For searching for other people's profiles, use a special field by entering the name there.
  2. Go to the search for a user to create a chat in the full version of the site classmates

  3. When in the section "Friends" from the bottom under the avatar of the user there is a button "Write" to which you should click to start a dialogue.
  4. Select a friend to create a chat in the full version of the site classmates

  5. In the case of other user accounts, when you are on their main pages, "Write" is located on the right of the main photo.
  6. Write a letter to the user in the full version of the site classmates

  7. After clicking on the button, the "Messages" section opens, where you will be notified that the sent message in the chat will be the first. Only after that the conversation will be fixed on the panel on the left. If you leave it now, without writing a phrase, the chat will disappear and will have to re-create in the same way.
  8. Sending the first letter to the user to start a new chat in the full version of the site classmates

These were all the methods of creating a chat in the full version of the site classmates.

Mobile app

Options for creating a conversation in the mobile application of the network under consideration will be exactly the same as in the full version of the site, but in this case you will need to take into account the location and appearance of the menu and buttons that are used in solving the task.

Method 1: Use the "Create Chat" button

In the program classmates for phones and tablets, too, there is a "Create Chat" button, but it looks a little different, and also have your own nuances when adding users.

  1. Run the application and on the bottom panel, click on the button in the form of an envelope to go to the section with all dialogs and conversations.
  2. Go to the message section through the mobile application classmates

  3. There is an orange button with a plus on the right. Tap it to add empty chat.
  4. Button to create a new chat in mobile application classmates

  5. Choose one or more users, noting each name checkbox. If necessary, use the search if the number of friends is so big that studying the list, it is impossible to find the required profiles. After that, click "Create an empty chat".
  6. Selection of users for an empty chat in a mobile application classmates

  7. Add the name for the chat or leave it in the default state.
  8. Entering the name for an empty chat in a mobile application Odnoklassniki

  9. Now you can begin communication. Tap the title of the conversation to go to view its parameters.
  10. Transition to empty chat management in mobile application Odnoklassniki

  11. In a separate settings menu, there are options that allow you to clear the story, manage participants, change the name or logo.
  12. Control empty chat via mobile app classmates

Method 2: Adding participants to an existing dialogue

Re-specify that this method is suitable for situations when you need to create a chat with a user that is not on your friends list. Then all the actions will be carried out directly through a dialogue with him.

  1. Go to "Messages" and open conversation with the target user.
  2. Selecting existing dialogue to create a chat application Classmates

  3. Tapnite on behalf of the unit with the correspondence.
  4. The transition to a new chat through the existing dialogue in Annex Classmates

  5. Displayed conversation control menu, where you need to look for "Add participants".
  6. Creating a new chat through the existing dialogue in Annex Classmates

  7. Select one or more accounts to add and tapnite on "Start Chat".
  8. Adding new users in a chat with the existing dialogue in Annex Classmates

  9. The transition to the conversation management is done by clicking on its name.
  10. Managing created from the dialogue in a chat application Classmates

Method 3: Create a chat with the first message to the user

On the mobile app chat Classmates also added the first person to send a message.

  1. Open the application menu, tapnuv icon with three horizontal lines.
  2. Open the menu in the application for the user search classmates when creating chat

  3. Then there is section "Friends" or go to the search for a different account.
  4. Find other to create a new chat application Classmates

  5. Next to the desired profile, click on the icon with the image of the envelope.
  6. Creating a new chat with a friend in a mobile application Classmates

  7. Send the first message to the chat has been automatically added.
  8. The successful creation of a new chat with a friend or someone else in the application Classmates

As can be seen, the creation of chat in any way going through a few clicks, it remains only to choose the right.

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