How to see photos in the closed account VKontakte


How to see photos in the closed account VKontakte

To date, each user of the social network VKontakte can secure its account from viewing with unwanted people, using the "Closed Profile" function in the settings. Bypassing such protection, regardless of the ultimate goal, it is almost impossible, but still with some reservations. As part of this article, we will talk about the existing methods of viewing photos in a closed profile.

Method 1: Adding as friend

The simplest and at the same time convenient way to view custom images in a closed account is to send friendship offer. If the owner of the page you are interested in approves the application, you will find yourself in the list of "friends" and you can not only view photos with general privacy parameters, but also any other information on the page.

Ability to add an enclosed VKontakte as a closed profile

Read more: How to add to friends VK

Unfortunately, you cannot independently monitor the application for approval of the application, since only the owner of the account decides who to add. At the same time, you can additionally write a personal message to the right person with an appropriate request, but it does not guarantee anything.

Read more: How to write a message VK

Method 2: View from the face of a friend

Almost every page of VKontakte, especially if the owner hides personal information using the "Closed Profile" function, there are other people in the "Friends" list. To access images, you can try to write one of the friends with the already approved application and through it to view the photo.

Example Block General Friends on VKontakte website


  1. Google search engine is not very different from Yandex in terms of its main function. To get started, go to the main service page and insert the URL of the desired profile on the VKontakte website into the Text field.
  2. Using search on Google's main page

  3. As a result, the desired link immediately appears. If this has not happened, and you cannot find the appropriate option, add the following through the space after an existing query:


  4. Search page User VKontakte using Google

  5. Left-click on the arrow icon next to the page address and select "Saved Copy" through the menu.

    Go to the saved copy of the VKontakte page in Google

    Here you can view information that has been saved by the search engine lately, including images from the "Photos" tape.

  6. View the saved copy of the VKontakte page via Google

  7. Unlike Yandex, the Google search engine allows you to immediately familiarize yourself with the photos that are to varying degrees related to the specified your reference. To familiarize yourself with them after the first step, click on the "Pictures" tab under the text field.
  8. View photos from Vkontakte pages through Google

Unfortunately, the cache in search engines is updated quickly enough, which does not allow access to photos at any time. Moreover, not all VKontakte accounts are indexed, but only those in the settings of which the "All" option is selected in the "Who is visible on the Internet".

Method 4: Early page

Another solution to the task is reduced to using an online archive, which allows you to see how a page of a certain person looked at one time or another period of time. This option is relevant mainly for popular pages, because accounting records of ordinary users are rarely cached by such systems.

Go to the main page of the Internet archive

  1. Once on the starting page of the site on the above link, insert the address of the VKontakte questionnaire to the marked text box. For greater efficiency, use the identifier, and not a user link.

    Transition to Main Page Internet Archive

    Finally, it is worth noting that if you fail to access images in the closed account, it is best to throw this idea, as this protection is implemented on a very high level. In addition, sooner or later, you may encounter not entirely legal methods, which are threatened not only by the profile of the right person, but also your own.

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