How to ban a group of vkontakte


How to ban a group of vkontakte

Since in the social network VKontakte your own community can create a literally any user, you can often find publics that do not like you personally or violate the rules of the resource. Most of all, this problem is relevant in cases where the group is actively imposed on various recommendations. In today's instructions, we will tell about the basic ways to block such communities both separately for the personal page and with the assistance of the administration.

Method 1: Creating a complaint against a group

Most often, the need to block the group on an ongoing basis for all users of VKontakte arises due to any unlawful actions from its leaders. You can implement this task on your own by using the "Complain" option.

Read more: How to complain to the VK community

Option 1: Website

  1. Open the starting page of the desired group on the VK website and in the menu on the right Expand the list "More".
  2. Go to the additional menu of the group on VKontakte website

  3. Here at the bottom it is necessary to click on the left mouse button on the "Complain" row.
  4. Transition to the creation of a complaint against the community on VKontakte website

  5. In the "Community Community" window, install the marker next to one of the appropriate reasons and in the "Comment" text field, add a more detailed description of the problem. The comment must be made with special attentiveness and even more so not to neglect this opportunity.
  6. Choosing the reason for the Community Community on VKontakte website

  7. To complete, click the "Send" button, after which you have to wait. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to find out about the future fate of the application, except if the community subsequently proves blocked.
  8. Sending a complaint to the community on VKontakte website

Option 2: Mobile application

  1. Through Mobile Client Vkontakte, you can create a complaint with a similar way. To do this, open the group, tap the three-point icon in the upper right corner and select "Complain" through the list.
  2. Transition to the creation of a complaint against the community in the VKontakte application

  3. On the next page "Complaint", specify the reason in the block of the same name and click "Send". For efficiency, as well as on the site, it is also better to add a comment to the corresponding field.
  4. Sending Community Community in VKontakte


If a public does not have obvious violations and, for example, deceives only some users when selling any goods, such a kind of complaint will most likely not help. Therefore, we recommend using the Social Society Support Service, where it is necessary to provide obvious evidence of deception with screenshots and other media files.

Ability to create access to VKontakte Support

Read more: How to contact VK support

The official client of the VKontakte for the phone also allows you to make up and send an appeal. To do this, you need to select "Help" tab with the main menu and go to the complaints section.

Method 2: Exit Group

In the absence of visible violations from the community and without significant evidence from you, the blocking is unlikely to be successful. Only one solution can be advised at such a case - just leave the group using any convenient version of the social network for this.

Option 1: Website

  1. If you are using a website, go to the "Communities" section and find the desired group. Here it is also necessary to hover the mouse over the icon with three dots and choose "unsubscribe".
  2. The ability to unsubscribe from the community on VKontakte website

  3. You can do this if you open the Public Page and click the "You Member" or "You are signed". Confirmation is required only when leaving closed communities.

Option 2: Mobile application

  1. From the phone, the first thing you need to open a tab with the main menu and go to the section "Communities". By need using the search field, find the group from which you want to exit.
  2. Go to the selection of the community in VKontakte

  3. On the main page, Public Touch the "You Signed" or "You Member" icons and select "Unsubscribe" or "leave the community" through the menu.
  4. Subscribe from the community in VKontakte

Of course, considered above only indirectly refers to the topic, but at the same time will allow you to get rid of the permanent mention of the community in the ribbon. And in general, the loss of subscribers even in minor quantities can seriously harm any group.

Method 3: Exclude tape recordings

As an alternative to the output from the community to get rid of the mention of the group by blocking publications in the tape. It will also only partly help solve the problem if the public is not able to block the main way.

Option 1: Website

  1. First of all, open the "News" section and find any publication from an undesirable group. To block the mouse over the arrow icon and select "This is not interesting."
  2. Transition to hide recording from tape on VKontakte website

  3. In the block that appears, use the button "Hide from the ribbon" button, and on this procedure is completed.
  4. Blocking community in tape on VKontakte website

  5. Additionally, you can open the Public page.
  6. Blocking community entries on VKontakte website

Option 2: Mobile application

On the mobile device, make hiding records from the public much easier. To do this, open the "News" page, select any community entry and use the Source News option through the "..." menu in the right corner.

Blocking community entries in tape in VKontakte

As can be seen, the procedure for blocking records from individual communities is made quite easily in all versions.

Method 4: Site Lock

The most radical method of blocking is to limit access to the site as a whole on a computer or from the phone, for which the standard tools of the operating system or third-party firewall should be used. This will be relevant in the small number of cases, for example, if you want to introduce restrictions on the working PC or child's device.

Ability to block the site VKontakte on the computer

Read more:

Lock site VK on computer

How to block the site from the phone

Sometimes you can meet programs that allow you to block the wrong site, but only some pages. Unfortunately, it does not work on VC, and therefore it will not be limited to a separate community.

We tried to pay attention to all possible methods for blocking the VKontakte group ranging from the simplest complaint or access to technical support and ending with restriction of access to the site. There are no other methods today.

Read more