Download ubiorBitapi_R2_Loader.dll for free


Download ubiorBitapi_R2_Loader.dll for free

The UbiorBitapi_R2_Loader.dll file is a component that is installed with most Ubisoft games. It can be - Heroes 5, Far Cry 3, Assassin's Creed and many others. When they started, an error may occur that will notify you that this library is missing in the system. Most often, the cause is the anti-virus software installed on the PC, which, due to excessive vigilance, can also block the licensed version of the file.

Method 1: download UbiorBitapi_R2_Loader.dll

This is an easy way to copy the library into the system. You will need to download ubiorbitapi_r2_loader.dll and move it to the folder with the game that asks it. It can be both the root of the game folder, and one of the invested folders, often this "bin".

Method 2: View Anti-Virus Quarantine

Some antiviruses are periodically falsely on the UbiorBitapi_R2_Loader.dll file as a danger, adding it immediately into quarantine. To a greater extent, it applies to the games hacked and modified, because of what, even in the absence of an anti-virus installed independently, the situation may occur with the participation of the defender built into Windows. Therefore, look into quarantine of any such application, and if the search file has been found there to be found. To prevent re-lock in the future, be sure to add the file itself or the folder with it to exception. In the future, this will allow scanning to bypass this file to the party.

Add Exception in Windows 10 Defender

Read more: How to add an object to exclude antivirus

Method 3: Reinstalling the game with disabled antivirus

Anti-virus, built into Windows or custom, can block the file while installing the game, because of which he is in the installer, simply will not be added to the system. In addition, the library may well be absent in some pirated assemblies, as well as those where some changes and additions to the main game process were added to the lover. If a reinstall will help in the first situation, then in the second user you should first find another copy of the game or purchase it licensed version. In any case, in order to avoid problems with reinstalling, it is recommended to turn off the antivirus software. After successful installation, it is better to immediately add a file or folder with it in exceptions, which was discussed in the method 2.

Temporary disabling Antivirus Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Read more: Disable antivirus

As you can see, the tips are not so much, unfortunately, however, more options for correcting problems with the file and are not supposed.

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