Browser did not have enough memory to display a page


The browser did not have enough memory to display the page

Sometimes users watching web pages through a favorite browser face an error message: the program notifies that she did not have enough memory to download the site. Basically, the problem is characteristic of Yandex.Bauser, but sometimes it is also found in other applications. Let's deal with why this is happening and what are the solutions to the problem.

Option 1: Yandex.Browser

For a webpage viewer from the Russian IT giant, you must activate the optimization of images. Procedure Next:

  1. Run the application, then click on the button with three stripes.

    Open settings for solving a problem with a shortage of memory in Yandex browser

    In the context menu, select "Settings".

  2. Settings for solving a problem with a shortage of memory in Yandex browser

  3. Open the "System" tab, scroll to the "Performance" block and check the option "Optimize Pictures to reduce RAM consumption".
  4. Optimize pictures to solve a problem with a shortage of memory in Yandex browser

  5. Restart the browser.
  6. Now, when loading the sites of the image on them will have a lower quality, but the program will spend less RAM. If this procedure does not help, use the universal methods from the following section.

Option 2: General solutions

There are also global solutions through which the problem under consideration can be eliminated.

Method 1: Increased browser cache

All programs for viewing online pages use cache - saved data to accelerate access. The failed failure may appear due to a small amount allocated for such data.

Read more: Increase cache in Yandex.Browser, Google Chrome, Opera

If you use Mozilla Firefox, then for it the algorithm is the following:

  1. Create a new tab, in the address bar which write about: config and press the arrow to go.

    Call the settings to solve a problem with a shortage of memory in Mozilla Firefox

    On the next page, click "Take Risk and Continue."

  2. Get access to advanced settings to solve a problem with a shortage of memory in Mozilla Firefox

  3. In the "Search Parameter by name" field, insert the following code and press ENTER:


    Enter the first advanced parameter to solve a problem with a shortage of memory in Mozilla Firefox

    Double-click on the parameter that appears to change the value from "True" to "false".

  4. Disable Smart Cache Management to solve a problem with a shortage of memory in Mozilla Firefox

  5. Restart the firefox, then repeat the steps 1-2, but now use another command:


    So we will discover the setting of the cache volume, it is designated in kilobytes.

  6. Enter the second parameter to solve a problem with a shortage of memory in Mozilla Firefox

  7. Double click on the edit line. It is recommended to set the size of 512 MB to 1.5 GB, which corresponds to 524288 and 1572864 KB, respectively. If you need a number between them, use any suitable magnitude converter. Enter the desired amount of memory and use the Tick icon button.

    Change cache size to solve a problem with a shortage of memory in Mozilla Firefox

    Read more: Online magic converters

  8. Close the application to save the settings.

Method 2: Cleaning Cache

The lack of RAM may occur in the case of a crowded partition under saved information. Usually web browsers are able to clean it independently, but sometimes the user intervention is required.

Read more: Cleaning cache in Yandex.Browser, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox

Method 3: Reinstalling a web browser

It is impossible to exclude the fact of damage to the browser files - this is quite capable of providing the appearance of the error under consideration. The removal method of this problem exists only one - the complete reinstalling of the problem application.

Read more: Right reinstalling Yandex.Bauser, Google Chrome, Opera

Method 4: Increase OS performance

If the manipulation with the browser itself did not bring the proper effect, it is worth optimizing the operating system.

  1. First of all, check whether the paging file is active and what its current size is. If this feature is disabled, it is recommended to activate it.

    Read more: Change the paging file in Windows 7 and Windows 10

  2. It is worth paying attention to the RAM caching function - perhaps this section will be cleaned manually.

    Reset Cash RAM to solve a problem with a shortage of memory in browsers

    Read more: How to Clean Cash RAM

  3. To enhance the performance of the OS, it is also recommended to disable AERO, animation and other similar items.

    Read more: Optimization of Windows 7 and Windows 10

  4. The system operation can slow down a large number of garbage data, so we recommend cleaning windows using a third-party program or manually.

    Liberation of the place to solve a problem with a shortage of memory in browsers

    Read more: How to clean Windows from garbage

  5. To increase windows performance, you can reset it to the factory parameters - the measure is radical, but very effective.

    Read more: Reset Windows 7 and Windows 10 to factory settings

  6. These actions will allow Windows to work better and, as a result, eliminate the error with a shortage of memory.

Method 5: Updating hardware components

If the target computer is quite old or budget (for example, with an RAM volume less than 4 GB, a slow energy-efficient processor and HDD with 5400 RPM), it is worth thinking about updating components. The fact is that modern sites are overwhelmed with a variety of technologies and require a computer of considerable performance.

We told you about how you can remove the error "missing RAM to open the page" in the browser.

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