Heroes 6 do not run on windows 10


Heroes 6 do not run on windows 10

Might & Magic Heroes VI is a sixth part of a series of step-by-step strategies with elements of role mechanics from Ubisoft. Despite the fact that the project was issued in 2011, it works well even on Windows 10, although it is not possible to play it not to all users. Today we will tell you how to fix problems with the launch of this game.

Method 1: Updating Drivers and System Components

Upgrade the system, because updates are not only new features, opportunities and improvements, but also corrections that can eliminate many conflicts between Windows and installed on a computer software. We wrote in detail about the methods of updating "dozens" in a separate article.

Read more: How to update Windows 10 to the latest version

Windows 10 update

Updating video drivers is a universal way to troubleshoot games. Of course, Might & Magic Heroes VI is an old project and there are no technologies that are used in modern games, so it is unlikely to be needed by the latest drivers. But if they have not been updated for a long time, it's time to do it. Load from the official website of the video card manufacturer, as a last resort, use special applications for this. On how to update video crashes, we wrote in a separate article.

Read more: How to update video card drivers in Windows 10

Updating Video Cartier Driver

Update the Microsoft Visual C ++ component set. This technology is used in the development of most games and programs, so they will not work without it. For the same reason, to avoid launch problems, the developers usually include the desired library package in the game installer. But if this item was missed or components are installed with an error, you can install them separately or correct distressed.

  1. We go to the official download page of the distributed MSVC packages. There will be several them there. Install each in turn, including the update package 2010. If the PC operates on a 64-bit system, load both options (x64 and x86), since any of them can use the installed software.
  2. Download MSVC Update Package

  3. Run the downloaded file. In the absence of this MSVC package on the computer will be offered to install it.

    Installing MSVC Update Package

    If it is already installed, click "Fix". Perhaps the current version works with errors, which causes problems.

  4. MSVC Update Package

Additionally, update the .NET Framework platform, which is also important for correct operation of various software. We wrote about it in detail in a separate article.

Read more: How to update .NET Framework

Entry .NET Framework using ASoft .NET Version Detector

Method 2: Disconnect full-screen optimization

In Windows 10, there is a function "Optimization in full screen". Its task is to improve the performance of games and applications that work in full screen mode. In essence, it provides them with priority to use computer resources. In fact, many users, on the contrary, began to notice the decline in FPS in games, as well as the emergence of a number of other problems. For example, heroes 6 This feature often prevents starting. In such cases, it is recommended to disable it.

  1. We open the folder with the installed game, select the file of its launch and click "Properties".
  2. Entrance to the properties of the game Heroes 6

  3. Open the Compatibility tab, we put a tick opposite the "Disable optimization to the entire screen" item, click "Apply" and close the properties window. Now we try to run Heroes 6. The changes will be automatically used to the label on the desktop, so you do not need to create a new one.
  4. Disable optimization on the full screen for heroes 6

Method 3: Delete codecs

Ubisoft to reproduce in-game videos uses its media player, which may be incompatible with some codecs on the computer. If you have third-party codec packages, such as K-Lite Codec Pack or Media Player Codec Pack, not belonging to Windows, try to delete them.

  1. The combination of the Win + I keys call "Windows parameters" and open the "Applications" section.
  2. Enter the application section

  3. Find all third-party codecs and remove them.
  4. Deleting third-party codecs

If the computer is installed on the computer, the DirectShow Reclock filter or the media model for decoding the FFDSHOW video stream, also delete it.

Method 4: Removing viruses and disabling antivirus software

System infection with a virus rarely costs without consequences for the software installed on the computer. Therefore, if none of the methods described above did not help, scan the system for malicious software. Use for this all possible ways - full antiviruses, portable utilities, online services. More information about it is in other articles on our website.

Read more:

How to remove the virus from the computer

How to check the system for viruses online

Running anti-virus scanner

In turn, antivirus programs often block applications and games that consider the potential threat. To check this version, try to disable them for a while. If this solves the problem, add an executable game file to exclude antivirus. Detailed instructions are in separate articles on the site.

Read more:

How to disable Windows 10 firewall

How to turn off antivirus

How to add a program to the anti-virus exception list

Disable Windows 10 Defender

We hope our recommendations helped you run Might & Magic Heroes VI on Windows 10. If not, it remains to reinstall the game. When using a licensed copy, delete it with the Uplay client, and then again install them and run the game through Steam or another service for which it was purchased. As a last resort, contact Ubisoft Support, maybe there will be prompting other ways to solve the problem.

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