How to enter the browser settings


how to enter the browser settings

Programs for viewing web pages for the most part allow you to customize behavior for different use scenarios. Next, we will tell you how to get access to the parameters of popular browsers.

Google Chrome.

Google's web browser supports subtle configuration by which it can be adjusted to different tasks and the needs of the user. One of our authors described in detail the method of gaining access to the Chrome parameters.

Read more: Setup Google Chrome browser

Google Chrome browser settings

Mozilla Firefox.

Popular Web Page Writer from Mozilla, due to developer policies, allows you to configure literally every element.

Option 1: Ordinary settings

The main parameters of the firefox browser are open as follows. Run the application and call it the main menu, select "Settings" in it.

Run the settings through the main menu of the browser Mozilla Firefox

A browser parameters will be opened.

Mozilla Firefox browser settings

Option 2: Advanced Parameters

In the latest releases of Firefox, Mozilla developers moved some of the potentially dangerous options in a separate section. Access to it can be as follows:

  1. Create a new tab, in its address bar, enter about: config and press ENTER.
  2. Entering an address for opening advanced browser settings Mozilla Firefox

  3. A warning will appear, click "Take Risk and Continue."
  4. Confirmation of the opening of advanced browser settings Mozilla Firefox

  5. To open a complete set of advanced options, you need to click on the link "Show all".

    Show all advanced browser settings Mozilla Firefox

    The list of parameters is available exclusively in English, which is why they will be understood not for each user.

  6. Advanced Mozilla Firefox browser settings

    Thus, settings are opening in Mozilla Firefox.

Yandex browser

The solution from Yandex also has a large set of diverse settings. Access to them and an overview of the most useful are described in the article Next.

Read more: Settings Yandex.Browser

Yandex Browser browser settings


Opera Web Pages Viewer, like other similar applications, allows you to change some of your parameters. There are several access methods to them, the most convenient of them already examined one of our authors.

Read more: How to go to Opera settings

Opera browser settings process

Microsoft Edge.

Open the settings of the modern system browser in Windows are also quite simple.

  1. After starting the application, press the button with three dots located on the toolbar.
  2. Call the menu to open the Microsoft Edge browser settings

  3. The menu appears, click on it on the "Parameters" item.
  4. Run the settings for opening the Microsoft Edge browser settings

  5. All browser settings are grouped into the sidebar.
  6. Microsoft Edge browser settings list

    As you can see, really easy.

Internet Explorer.

The Internet Explorer is less and less actively, but still used by many users. Open its settings as follows:

  1. Run the application, then click the "Service" button in the toolbar, it is indicated by the gear icon.
  2. Tool button to open the Internet Explorer browser settings

  3. In the menu that appears, use the Browser Properties item.
  4. Parameters option to open Internet Explorer browser settings

  5. A separate window with settings sections will open.
  6. Window with Internet Explorer browser settings

    Now you know how to enter the settings of various browsers.

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