How to delete messages in classmates from the phone


How to delete messages in classmates from the phone

In the mobile application, classmates implemented almost the same features as on the site, but with certain changes in the location of the buttons and menu items. The same applies to messages, so their removal can be for someone difficult. We offer to familiarize yourself with this topic in more detail, learning about two different methods of cleaning from correspondence.

Method 1: Selective Removal

Let us dwell on the selective removal of messages from a specific correspondence. This may be needed in those situations when cleaning the entire chat is not necessary, but get rid of a specific replica from the interlocutor and at home or only on the personal page you need. Then you should perform a few simple actions:

  1. Run the mobile application where on the bottom panel, find the button in the form of an envelope and click on it to go to the dialogs section.
  2. Switch to the message section through the mobile application classmates to delete messages

  3. Choose a suitable conversation from the entire list. Enter the search if it is not so easy to find the required chat.
  4. Chat selection for selective message deletion in mobile application classmates

  5. Then find the replica, click on it and hold for a few seconds.
  6. Selecting a message for selective removal in a mobile application classmates

  7. The message string will be highlighted by color, and the panel with additional actions will appear on the screen. Click on the recycle basket icon.
  8. Selective removal of the message in the mobile application classmates

  9. Confirm this operation by clicking on "Delete". If there is such an opportunity (relevant only for outgoing messages sent so long ago, you can mark the item "Delete for All". Then the replica will be removed from the source.
  10. Confirmation of selective removal of the message in the mobile application classmates

  11. Highlighting one message, you can continue to choose and others - all of them will change color. Once all replicas are highlighted, click on the icon in the form of a basket.
  12. Select multiple messages when deleting in a mobile application classmates

  13. Re-confirm deletion.
  14. Confirmation of removal of multiple messages in mobile application classmates

  15. Chat successfully cleaned literally in a few seconds.
  16. Successful selective deletion of messages in mobile application Odnoklassniki

In the same way, selective cleaning and other chats are carried out, you only need to go to them through the appropriate section. Do not forget about the built-in option to dialogs: it will help find the necessary conversation if it is not displayed in the first positions in the list.

Method 2: Chat cleaning

It is not always convenient to choose each message separately, if you need to clean the entire chat, but without deleting the dialog itself. The developers took care of this by adding a special function. You can use it like this:

  1. Open the correspondence partition again, where to go to the required chat.
  2. Choosing a dialogue for cleaning chat in a mobile application classmates

  3. At the top, click on the field with the user name to open the action menu.
  4. Calling the Dialogue Menu for Full Chat Clearing Mobile Application Classmates

  5. Below, find the item "Clean the Story".
  6. Full Chat Chat in Mobile Application Odnoklassniki

  7. Confirm cleaning.
  8. Confirmation of full chat cleaning in mobile application classmates

Now the conversation will be completely clean, but only on your page - the interlocutor can still browse it. Supplement that exactly the same menu of action can also be called through the main section "Messages", by pressing and hold a string with a certain chat.

If you are interested in the exit from the chat on the social network of classmates with further cleaning of all messages or in full removal of correspondence, the necessary instructions on these topics will find in the materials on our website on the links below.

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Exit from chat in classmates

We remove the correspondence in classmates

Today you have learned about two different methods of removing messages in the mobile application classmates. As can be seen, each of them is carried out easily and does not take much time even at a novice user.

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