How to make in Vatsape invisible on android


How to make in Vatsape invisible on android

Messaging, as well as receiving voice and video calls through WhatsApp can distract the user and interfere with it to effectively perform other times, more important in one or another moment than communication through the messenger, tasks. To stop or in any case, reduce the intensity of the receipt of information, and also eliminate the need to respond to the messages of other participants in the system immediately when obtaining them allows the activation of the so-called "invisibility regime". Consider how to hide the fact of your own stay in the service from other persons registered in it from the Android device.

It is completely invisible to other participants of the VATSAP system does not allow. That is, an experienced interlocutor who owns knowledge of the principles of the Messenger's work, even after you fulfill the recommendations below, theoretically can understand that you are online!

Step 1: Turning off the broadcast date and time of visiting WhatsApp

The first thing that should be done on the way to concealing the fact of its own activity in the messenger is to deactivate the online status "was (a)". By completing the article by the instruction available in the following link on the following link, you will prevent other participants of the VATSAP information about the date and time of your last visit to the service.

Read more: How to hide your status "was (-A) ..." in whatsapp for Android

Whatsapp for Android Disable broadcast by other users of the date and time visits to the messenger

Do not forget that only information about the entrance in WhatsApp is subject to hide, that is, your status "on the network", when you stay online, it will still be displayed from other members of the messenger! Therefore, in order to remain "invisible" for interlocutors, even with the deactivated "Online Status" function in your application, do not open the chats with them!

Step 2: Disable report reading reports

The main indicating the presence of the WhatsApp member in the system is a sign of a sign of various types of messages. In order for your contacts to not be able to find out about the occurrence of such an event as reading the message, you need to go to the confidentiality parameters of the messenger and disable the option of sending reading reports.

Read more: How to prohibit sending reports on reading messages in WhatsApp for Android

WhatsApp for Android Disable sending reports on reading messages to the interlocutor in Messenger

Step 3: Locking individual contacts

After completing two previous recommendations from this article, you can be sure that other users will find out about your presence in the messenger in the messenger. Nevertheless, if the above events seem insufficient and individuals have the need to "close" fully, you can resort to the most radical measures - blocking (possibly temporary) some of your interlocutors WhatsApp.

Read more: How to block contact in whatsapp for Android

Whatsapp for Android Blocking contact interlocutor in messenger

Do not forget that placing one or another contact in the "black list" of the messenger, you not only make your whatsapp account inaccessible to it, but also you yourself make it possible to send messages and call a blocked face! If blocking should not be used on an ongoing basis, do not forget to delete user data from the Black List when the exchange of information with them will need you again.

Read more: How to unlock contact in whatsapp for Android

As you can see, become "invisible" in whatsapp is very quickly and just can anyone user Android smartphone. Use the options considered weighted and only in those periods when it is really necessary - with this approach, the resulting comfort will not reduce the level of use of the messenger.

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