Walks page in classmates: what to do?


Hangs page in classmates what to do

When using a social network classmates, some users notice that the page from time to time freezes. This may be related to the problems of a browser or computer, if it comes to the full version of the site. Other factors protrude with irritants from the owners of mobile applications.

Full version of the site

Problems with the hanging page in classmates are more likely to meet users of computers and laptops, since there are factors that affect the correctness of the functioning of the social network, much more. We propose in order to study each presented way further, so that by the extent to understand which one will be effective in the current situation.

Method 1: System load check

Sometimes, in addition to the page in Odnoklassniki, other sites hang, and also falls the overall speed of the computer. If it happened with you, first it is recommended to check the load load. It is convenient to do this through the "Task Manager".

  1. Click PCM on an empty place on the taskbar and go to "Task Manager" through the menu.
  2. Launch Task Manager to check the system load when hanging the full version of classmates

  3. In the first tab with the display of all tasks, you can see which of them most load the processor and the RAM.
  4. Checking the load workload when hanging the full version of the social network classmates

  5. If necessary, complete any unnecessary process by clicking on it by PCM and selecting "Remove the task".
  6. Liberation of RAM to solve problems with the hang of the full version of the site classmates

If the load on the processor and the RAM is still high and reduce it with such a simple action, we strongly recommend to examine the auxiliary thematic materials on our website by clicking on the links below.

Read more:

Methods for reducing the load on the processor in Windows 10

Optimization of RAM in Windows 10

Method 2: Reloading Page with Cleaning Kesha

Updating the page in classmates with the removal of the cache of this social network occurs when you press the CTRL + F5 key combination in the browser. This operation fully updates all the elements by replacing already saved information. This method is rarely effective, however, we decided to put it on this place because of the simplicity of implementation.

Page update in the full version of the site classmates with cache ignoring

You should only clamp a mentioned combination and wait for a full reboot of the page. If this does not help, then go to the following ways.

Method 3: Clearing cookies and cache

The following recommendation is familiar to many users who have come across any problems at least once in the functioning of a web browser. It is to clean the cookie and cache files that store data about the elements of the site and user information to get rid of problem code fragments and download already "clean" site pages. Let's analyze this procedure on the example of the most popular Google Chrome browser.

  1. Open the menu and move to the "Settings" section through the drop-down list.
  2. Transition to the browser settings for cache cleaning and cookies when dealing with classmates

  3. Run down on the tab and in the "Privacy and Security" category, click on the Tile "Clean the Story".
  4. Transition to the cache cleaning menu and cookies to solve problems with the functioning of classmates

  5. Mark the checkbox "Images and other files saved in the cache", then click the Delete Data button. First, we recommend to do the cache cleaning, and if it does not help, go back to the same menu, check the cookie and other site data checkbox and run the file deletion process.
  6. Button for cleaning cache and cookies when solving problems with the work of the site classmates

In other browsers, this operation is performed about the same as well, but if the instructions provided you did not help find the appropriate setting, read the following links on the links further.

Read more:

Cleaning the cache in the browser

How to delete cookies in browser

Method 4: JavaScript status change

JavaScript is an important component of the browser, allowing you to correctly load certain elements of different sites. However, sometimes this technology only interferes with the normal functioning of pages, including the social network of classmates. We advise you to change the current javascript setting to check its effect on the stability of the OK. Consider this on the example of the same browser.

  1. For sure by the same principle, go to "Settings", where in the category "Privacy and Security" select "Site Settings".
  2. Go to the site settings for checking JavaScript when solving problems with classmates

  3. In the list of permissions, find "JavaScript".
  4. Selecting the JavaScript component in the browser when solving problems with working classmates

  5. Now you can enable execution of scripts or prohibit them, depending on the current setting.
  6. Configuring JavaScript in the browser when solving problems with working classmates

  7. If necessary, OK can be added to exceptions so that the rule applied only to this site.
  8. Adding classmates in the exception of JavaScript when solving problems with the work of the site

In other browsers, JavaScript management is carried out according to a similar principle. If you failed to find the setup, read the manuals for other popular web browsers in the article below.

Next, restart the application and start it testing to check whether the problem with freezes was solved. And if you have another Android shell or iOS smartphone, use our individual cache cleaning materials.

Read more: Cleaning Kesha on Android / iOS

Method 3: garbage cleaning

Over time, a huge amount of unnecessary information can accumulate on the smartphone, which remains, for example, after installing updates or deleting applications. It can be bold to get rid of it, and it will be best to use built-in tools for this, since they have a device acceleration function. The launch of such an operation not only frees the place, but also optimizes the RAM. Read more about it in the article Next.

Read more: Cleaning Android from garbage files

Cleaning the memory of the Android phone to normalize the job of classmates

Method 4: Reinstalling the application

The latest method is the most radical, because it implies reinstalling the application of classmates. It is necessary to do this in cases where nothing of the above did not bring the proper result. Reinstalling will help correct the distinguished moments if they were associated with the improper installation of the program or arose in the course of its use.

Read more:

Deleting applications with iPhone and phone on Android

Install applications on Android

Removing the application classmates when solving problems with its freezing

These were all options for solving problems with the work of the social network classmates for computers and mobile devices. If nothing of this helped, it is recommended to simply wait or change the browser if it comes to the full version of the site. It is possible that malfunctions arose on the server itself and will soon be solved by the technical section of the social network.

See also: Letter to Classmate Support

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