Reset Firefox Settings


How to reset settings in Mozilla Firefox

Resetting the settings in the Mozilla Firefox browser may be needed in those situations where the web browser began to function incorrectly or some parameters do not fulfill its task as it would like to the user. There are three available browser return options to standard configuration. Each of them is done differently and is suitable only in certain cases.

If you are planning to return the current settings in the future, and now the reset is carried out, for example, for the sake of the experiment, they are recommended to save them in advance so that there are no problems with recovery. Read more about this in a separate material on our website by clicking on the link below.

Read more: Saving Mozilla Firefox settings

Method 1: Clear Firefox Button

The first way to reset the settings implies the use of a specially designated button, which is in the menu to solve the problem of the browser. Before pressing on it, it is worth knowing which changes will happen later. When reset, the following data will be deleted:

  • Supplements and themes of registration;
  • all manually modified settings;
  • DOM storage;
  • installed for permission websites;
  • Added search engines.

The remaining information and files that did not fall into the list will be saved. It is important to note the most main items so that the user knows which user data will be transferred automatically after the Mozilla Firefox is rebooted.

  • search history;
  • saved passwords;
  • Open tabs and windows;
  • List of downloads;
  • data for autofilement;
  • vocabulary;
  • Bookmarks.

Now that you are confident that the reset in this way can be safely performed, you will need to implement one simple instruction.

  1. Run Mozilla Firefox and click on the button in the form of three horizontal lines on the right at the top to open the menu. There, select the "Help" section.
  2. Transition to the Mozilla Firefox browser settings to reset the settings

  3. In the menu that appears, find the item "Information to solve problems".
  4. Selecting a section to troubleshoot the Mozilla Firefox browser when resetting settings

  5. Click on the "Clear Firefox" button.
  6. Button for resetting settings in Mozilla Firefox browser

  7. Confirm the execution of this action by reading it with its consequences.
  8. Confirmation Cleaning the Mozilla Firefox browser through settings

  9. After rebooting, you will receive a notification that the above-mentioned information was successfully imported into the browser. It remains only to click on "ready."
  10. Import information After resetting the Mozilla Firefox browser settings

  11. A new tab will open, where you can choose, restore all windows and tabs or do it in a selective mode.
  12. The first launch of the Mozilla Firefox browser after the settings reset

  13. If you wish, some user settings and previously saved data can be imported into this or other profile. This is realizable due to the fact that after resetting on the desktop, the "Old Firefox data" directory appears, where you will find all the files.
  14. Folder with old user data After resetting settings in the Mozilla Firefox browser

Method 2: Creating a new profile

Adding a new profile for Mozilla Firefox involves creating new settings for the user. At the same time, you can choose whether to leave the old profile to further switch or delete it, thereby clearing not only the web browser settings, but also cookies, cache and other user information. A complete reset of settings by creating a new account is made like this:

  1. First, complete the current session in the web browser: just close all windows or in the menu. Use the "Exit" item. Then, in the operating system, open the "Run" utility via the Win + R keys, enter the Firefox.exe -p and press on ENTER.
  2. Starting a Profile Management Manager to create a new Mozilla Firefox Account

  3. The profile selection form appears. Here you are interested in the "Create" button.
  4. Button to create a new account in the Mozilla Firefox Profile Manager

  5. Check out the information presented in the creation wizard, and then go further.
  6. Starting a new profile wizard through the Mozilla Firefox browser profile manager

  7. Enter the name of the new account. If necessary, you can manually select the folder where all related files will be stored. After completing the configuration, click on "Finish".
  8. Configuring a new profile to reset the settings in the Mozilla Firefox browser

  9. It remains only to select the desired profile in the window and click on the "Run Firefox".
  10. Starting a new profile to reset the settings in the Mozilla Firefox browser

  11. If there is such a need, remove the old profiles by clicking on the corresponding button. At the same time, consider that the history of search, cookies, cache and other information we have spoken about, will also be deleted, because the folder is clearly cleaned.
  12. Removing the old profile after creating a new account for Mozilla Firefox

In the case when you decide to leave the second account, to switch to it from time to time, use the same Firefox.exe -p command (you can add it to the label properties) to select a profile before starting Mozilla Firefox.

Method 3: Deleting folders with settings

The most radical method Return Mozilla Firefox to the default state - delete all directory associated with profiles, extensions and other settings. Perform this method only in the situation when you are sure that you will not lose important information after discharge.

  1. First, delete the directory of current users. To do this, through the same utility "Run" (Win + R), go to% Localappdata% \ Mozilla \ Firefox.
  2. Go to the Mozilla Firefox Profile Location folder to reset the settings

  3. Right-click on the PROFILES folder.
  4. Selecting a folder with profiles to reset the Mozilla Firefox browser settings

  5. In the context menu, select Delete.
  6. Delete folder with profiles to reset the settings in the Mozilla Firefox browser

  7. Return to the utility and go along the path% AppData% \ Mozilla.
  8. Go to the folder with the Mozilla Firefox browser settings for their removal

  9. Highlight and delete all directories here. So you get rid of all changes made by the user, and at the same time clean all the installed add-ons.
  10. Deleting folders with Mozilla Firefox browser settings for resetting them.

  11. Run Firefox and make sure the changes have entered into force. Now the profile folder and other directories were created from zero automatically, and the browser itself is ready for correct operation.
  12. Successful launch of Mozilla Firefox browser after full settings reset

If any settings were previously saved, now they need to be imported to resume the state of the web browser. This topic dedicates a separate article on our website, which is available at the following link.

Read more: Import settings to Mozilla Firefox browser

These were all ways to reset the settings in Mozilla Firefox. Pick up the best option for yourself and follow the instructions if you want to return the browser to the standard state in which it is immediately after installation in the operating system.

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