How to see photos in Facebook without registration


How to see photos in Facebook without registration

Method 1: View photo on page

Unlike most social networks, on Facebook, without registration account, it is almost impossible to do anything, including to see photos. To solve the problem with the lack of this opportunity, we suggest you to use a direct link to the right person, page or group.

Go to Facebook user page for a direct link

After inserting the URL addresses in the address bar, you can quickly go to the page, bypassing the whole process described further. You can use in this way as the main desktop and mobile version of the website.

Option 1: Personal photos

  1. If you do not have a link to the profile of the desired user, but you know the name and current avatar, you can use a limited search variation. To access the desired section, open Facebook, scroll through the window to the bottom and click on the link "People".
  2. Go to the section People on Facebook website without registration

  3. After switching to the "User Catalog" page, open the "People" tab in the "View by name" block and click on the "Search People" text field in the upper right corner. Fill in the graph in accordance with the name and surname of the user and press the "ENTER" key on the keyboard.
  4. Go to the search for the user on Facebook without registration

  5. As a result, the page displays a list consisting of names and photographs of profiles. When you find the desired account, simply click the left mouse button by name to open it.

    The search process for the user on Facebook without registration

    Be careful! Using the button "Watch photo" It will not bring results, but it may well shift you at the top of the list, not all efforts.

    The only thing that this method allows you to make it familiar with the miniatures of the latest added photos marked as "publicly available". Cards are located in the photo block.

  6. View photos in Facebook user profile without registration

Option 2: Pages and groups

  1. A much greater freedom of action in terms of watching photos without registration on Facebook can be achieved if you want to simply view the material from the tape of a publicly accessible page or group. If you do not have a direct link, open the initial screen of the social network and at the bottom of the window, use the "Page" or "group" button.

    Go to page or group section on Facebook

    Note: Although the search is made in different sections, there are practically no differences.

  2. Through a general list of the most popular public communities, select the desired one. For convenience, you can use sorting alphabetically.
  3. The process of selecting a group on Facebook site without registration

  4. Alternatively, the search system is also provided here, unfortunately, not working with groups, but stably displaying pages.
  5. Public page search process on Facebook

  6. Once in the community, with the help of the menu in the left column, open the "Photo" section. It is here that all downloaded images are located.
  7. Go to the photo section on the public page on Facebook

  8. Click on thumbnails of any picture to go to view mode. Without registration it is impossible to put likes and comment, but you will be available all information about the photo, including comments.
  9. View photos from a public page on Facebook website without registration

Due to the strong limited solution, as well as difficulties with the search, if you initially do not have a link to the desired page, the method will be relevant only in special cases. In addition, the mobile application does not at all support work without an account, requiring the transition to the site.

Method 2: access to the photo by reference

Another one and at the same time the last way to view pictures on the FB without registration is reduced to using direct links immediately to the desired image. To do this, take the URL similar to the example of the screenshot, and insert the browser in the address bar. After pressing the "ENTER" key you will move to the photo viewing tool, although very limited.

Example view photo link on Facebook website without registration

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