

Method 1: DSOUND.DLL loading

If the cause of the error lies in the missing dsound.dll library, then the ability to eliminate it, independently placing the file to the system. That's what you need to do this:

  1. Load dsound.dll to disk.
  2. Log in to the "Explorer" and go to the file folder.
  3. Copy it.
  4. Copy the DSOUND DLL library through the context menu

  5. Go to the system directory. Its accurate location can learn from this article. In Windows 10, it is on the way:

    C: \ Windows \ System32

  6. Insert the previously copied file.
  7. Insert DSOUND DLL library through the context menu in the system directory

By performing the steps described in the instructions, you will eliminate the error. But this may not happen if the operating system does not register the DSOUND.DLL library. Read the detailed instructions on how to register a DLL, you can by clicking on this link.

Method 2: Replacing the XLIVE.DLL library

If the installation or replacement of the dsound.dll library did not help correct the problem with the start, it is possible to pay attention to the XLIVE.DLL file that lies in the game folder. If it is damaged or you use a non-license version of the game, it can provoke an error. To solve it, you need to download the same file to the same name and place it in the game directory with the replacement.

  1. Load xlive.dll and copy it to the clipboard.
  2. Copy the XLIVE DLL library through the Windows context menu

  3. Go to the game folder. The easiest way to do, pressing the PCM on the game label on the desktop and selecting the "File Location" item.
  4. File location point in the context menu Label game GTA

  5. Insert the previously copied file in the opened folder. In the system message that appears, select the answer "Replace the file in the destination folder".
  6. Moving the XLIVE DLL library with replacement

After that, try to start the game through the launcher. If the error still appears, then go to the next method.

Method 3: Installing Games for Windows Live

The missing library can be placed in the OS by installing the Games for Windows Live software package. But it must be pre-downloaded on the official website.

Download Games for Windows from the official page

To download and install the package, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Follow this link.
  2. Select your system language.
  3. Click the "Download" button.
  4. Games For Windows Live Loading page

  5. Run the downloaded file.
  6. Wait the end of the installation process of all components.
  7. Installation process of all components Games for Windows Live

  8. Click "Close".
  9. Completing the installation of the Games for Windows Live package

By installing the Games for Windows Live to the computer, you will eliminate the error. But it is necessary to immediately say that this method does not allow one hundred percent warranty.

Method 4: Changing the Properties of the Game Label

If all of the above methods did not help you, then, most likely, the reason is the definition of rights to perform some system processes necessary for the correct start and operation of the game. In this case, everything is very simple - you need to provide rights. That's what you need to do:

  1. Right-click on the game label.
  2. In the context menu, select the "Properties" string.
  3. Context menu GTA 4 game menu

  4. In the shortcut properties window that appears, click the "Advanced" button, which is located in the tab "Label".
  5. The button is additionally located in the properties window on the Label tab.

  6. In a new window, put a mark on the "Startup from the administrator" and click OK.
  7. Tick ​​in front of the launch from the name of the administrator in the properties of the game label

  8. Click the Apply button, and then "OK" to save all changes and close the game label properties window.
  9. Window Properties Label GTA GTA

If the game still refuses to start, make sure that you have a good version, otherwise reinstall it, after downloading the installer from the official distributor.

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