Google card does not show the map


Google card does not show the map

Option 1: PC version

Online Google Maps, which provides a lot of opportunities for studying the world map, can sometimes work incorrectly, including demonstrating an empty window instead of a schematic representation of the terrain and all associated information. Most often this problem is related to the parameters of the Internet browser, but there may be other reasons.

Method 1: Browser Update

  1. If the problem has occurred, first of all it is necessary to make sure that you are used by one of the suitable observers. Open Google Cards using Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox or Yandex.Browser, and if the contents are properly displayed, replace the browser on an ongoing basis.
  2. The ability to update the browser on the PC to the latest version

  3. In addition to using a suitable web browser, it is very important to set up current versions of the program through the default update tool. Try updating the browser, guided by the instructions below, and again check the operation of Google Maps.

    Read more: How to update the browser on the computer

Method 2: Site Settings

  1. The reason for the incorrect map mapping may well be settings by Google Maps, which, in particular, refers to the deactivated JavaScript. To correct the problem, open the service in question, click the Lock icon on the left side of the address bar and select "Site Settings".
  2. Go to the Site Settings section in the PC browser

  3. Once on the page with the web browser settings, find the "JavaScript" string in the "Permissions" column and through the next drop-down list, set the value "allowed". You can also set the option "by default", since the initially this option must be enabled.
  4. Search Section JavaScript in the Site Settings in the PC Browser

  5. In addition to the JS turned off, the displayable problem may be in blocking some other options that initially must be turned on. Most of this belongs to the "Pictures" subsection.
  6. Enabling JavaScript and pictures for Google Maps in a browser on a PC

  7. If you cannot change the parameters yourself properly, use the "Reset All Resolution" button next to the "Permissions" block. This action will need to confirm through the pop-up window.
  8. Relief Google Maps Site Settings in a PC browser

  9. New parameters come into force automatically, and therefore simply close the settings when you finish the change. To check the work of Google Maps, open the site again or update the page with a previously loaded card.
  10. Reloading Google Maps page in browser on PC

Method 3: Deleting work data

  1. While working the browser, the full loading of the site occurs only when you first visited and subsequently use data from the cache. If for some reason the information was damaged, it may cause an incorrect map mapping.

    Google Maps Web Page Update in PC Browser

    Try to forcibly restart the website using the universal keyboard key "Ctrl + F5". Full load will take longer than usual.

  2. An example of deleting data on the work of the browser on PC

  3. If the presented method does not help, it is necessary to clear the data on the work of the browser through the internal settings. This procedure was described by us in a separate instruction on the following link.

    Read more: How to Clean the cache in the browser on PC

Method 4: Disable extensions

Often, connected extensions available in each program can often cause various problems in the browser. Be sure to try to perform a temporary trip or as a last resort, complete removal of plugins, guided by the instructions for a specific web browser.

Read more: Work with extensions in Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex.Browser

An example of disabling extensions in a PC browser

During deactivation, special attention is paid to advertising blockers, as it is exactly this on aimed at hiding a variety of web pages.

Method 5: Video Code Settings

Although it happens quite quite, it is rarely the cause of problems with mapping a card may well be the settings of the video device. If the corresponding software has not been installed or updated to the latest version, be sure to do it, as well as try resetting the settings to the default state.

Read more:

Updating video driver in Windows 7 and Windows 10

Correct configuration of the video driver

An example of video card settings on a computer

Option 2: Mobile application

While using the Official Mobile Mobile Mobile Maps on Android and IOS devices can also arise problems with the lack of a card. At the same time, there is much less smaller decisions, in any case related to the operation of the program.

Method 1: Installing Updates

The application under consideration guarantees stable operation only when using the latest version downloaded from the official page on Google Play Market or App Store. Therefore, first of all, use one of the links presented and use the "Update" button to load the last set of fixes.

Download Google Maps from Google Play Market

Download Google Cards from App Store

An example of updating Google Maps application on a mobile device

Method 2: Clearing data on work

Each program on a mobile device saves data into a temporary storage, and if this information is damaged in one way or another, malfunctions may occur in operation. Solve the problem will help complete cache deleting through system parameters.


On iOS devices, you can clean the cache cleaning or globally for the entire smartphone, or by reinstalling the application. In this regard, you are best familiar with the instructions on the following link and execute the recommendations described.

Read more: Cleaning cache on iPhone

Ability to reset the data in the settings on the iPhone

Method 3: Reinstall the application

Despite the cleaning of data on work, sometimes this method on the contrary may cause deterioration in software. In this case, you can get rid of the problem, simply deleting and re-installing Google Maps from the official page according to the links presented in the first section.

Read more: Deleting applications from a smartphone

Example of deleting an application on a mobile device

Method 4: Reset Phone Settings

The latter and however, the most radical method of eliminating problems with all sorts of applications is to reset the device settings to the factory state. If you could not achieve correction through previous methods, but you are important to use Google Cards, you can clean the smartphone, while taking into account the disappearance of all saved information.

Read more:

Resetting Android settings

Resetting IOS Settings

An example of data reset on a mobile device

Occasionally, the Google Map faults arise due to flaws from the developer, which is impossible to correct the methods that we have. For this reason, we do not recommend using a reset of settings after a complete reinstallation of the application on an active device being actively used, since it is likely that it will not bring results.

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