Error 0xc00000142 when you start the application in Windows 10


Error 0xc00000142 when you start the application in Windows 10

Method 1: Enabling compatibility mode

We offer to start with the easiest ways to solve the problem with code 0xc0000142, which appears when you try to start the application in Windows 10. The first method is to enable compatibility mode with previous versions of the OS, which will be particularly relevant for old programs.

  1. To start, find the executable file or the target application label and click on it right-click, where to select "Properties".
  2. Go to the properties of the application to configure compatibility when solving a problem 0xc0000142 in Windows 10

  3. Being on the Compatibility tab, click on "Run a compatibility troubleshooting tool" to check automatic parameters.
  4. Running a compatibility setup tool when solving 0xC0000142 in Windows 10

  5. Expect the end of the scan, and then click "Use Recommended Parameters".
  6. Using the Compatibility Setup Tool when solving a problem 0xc0000142 in Windows 10

  7. Run the application check, and if the error appears again, cancel the setting and go further.
  8. Checking Compatibility Setup Tools when solving a problem 0xc0000142 in Windows 10

In the case when automatically selected parameters did not come up, try to set them manually by checking each value. To do this, go back to the same menu of the "Property" window and follow these actions:

  1. Mark the checkbox "Run a program in compatibility mode with:".
  2. Manual Enable Compatibility Check Tool when solving a problem 0xc0000142 in Windows 10

  3. Expand the drop-down menu and select one of the compatibility options with previous versions.
  4. Selecting a compatibility mode when solving a problem 0xC0000142 in Windows 10

  5. Specify additional parameters by checking each of them alternately.
  6. Configure additional compatibility settings when solving a problem 0xc0000142 in Windows 10

After each check, change the parameters if the error will appear again. In situations, when none of the settings had an effect, disconnect the compatibility mode and go to the following solutions.

Method 2: Removing suspicious programs

Sometimes there are unknown programs on the user's computer, which he himself did not install. They can provoke the emergence of various problems, including the one in this article. It is recommended to manually check the list of such software and, if necessary, remove suspicious components.

  1. Open "Start" and go to "Parameters".
  2. Transition to parameters for solving a problem 0xC0000142 in Windows 10

  3. There, select the category "Applications".
  4. Go to the list of applications for solving a problem 0xc0000142 in Windows 10

  5. Familiarize yourself with the list of programs and remove those in which you do not need or whose presence causes you suspicion.
  6. Removing suspicious software to solve a problem 0xc0000142 in Windows 10

There are additional options for removing software in Windows 10, including one that is not uninstalled by standard means. Detailed guides on these topics are looking for in the following links below.

Read more:

Removing games on a computer with Windows 10

Methods for deleting remote programs in Windows 10

Note that after removing strange programs, if they were still discovered, it is recommended to scan the system for viruses to eliminate infection of various types of threats. To understand this will help separate material from another author further.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Method 3: Editing the Registry Key

In the Registry Editor, there is one parameter that affects dynamically connected libraries when starting games and programs. Incorrect value can have a negative impact on the correctness of the load, so it is better to check it and, if necessary, change.

  1. Open the "Run" utility through Win + R, write Regedit in the field, then click on ENTER.
  2. Run the registry editor to solve a problem 0xc0000142 in Windows 10

  3. Go along the path of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Windows.
  4. Go to setting up the registry parameter to solve the problem of 0xc0000142 in Windows 10

  5. Watch out the "Loadappinit_DLLS" parameter and double click on it with the left mouse button.
  6. Transition along the path of the registry to solve the problem of 0xc0000142 in Windows 10

  7. Change the value to "0".
  8. Setting the registry parameter when solving a problem 0xc0000142 in Windows 10

After making changes to the registry, the computer reboots on mandatory. Then you can proceed to check the problem application to understand whether the problem under consideration was solved.

Method 4: Video Card Driver Update

An error with code 0xC0000142 is caused by problems with the performance of graphics drivers, for example, was not initially set not the same version or it was already outdated. Because of this, it follows any convenient method to check the availability of updates for the video card, which read more in the material in the material below.

Read more: Ways to update video card drivers on Windows 10

Updating video card drivers to solve problems 0xc0000142 in Windows 10

Method 5: Installation of missing components

Another reason for the occurrence of problems when starting applications is the absence of additional components necessary for their work. This includes Visual C ++, DirectX and .NET Framework. The first and last components will not be updated in Windows 10, since it will only have to use official sites to do this, as written in the articles further.


Read more: How to update .NET Framework

Loading the missing components to solve the problem of 0xc0000142 in Windows 10

C DirectX is more complicated, since the default component is set to Windows 10. However, this does not cancel the fact that some files may be damaged, missing or are associated with previous versions of the library. Then it may be necessary to reinstall the component and add missing files, which is dedicated to another article on Lumpics.

Read more: Reinstalling and adding the missing DIRECTX components in Windows 10

Method 6: Checking the integrity of system files

This option is not very often effective, since the situation itself is rarely occurring the situation with damage to system files. To resort to the use of this option should only if the solutions described above did not bring the result. It may take, you will need to use two system utilities at once in turn, which in the unfolded form is narrated further.

Read more: Using and restoring system file integrity check in Windows 10

Checking the integrity of system files to solve the problem 0xc0000142 in Windows 10

It is worth clarifying that some applications derived from third-party sources work with errors due to internal failures. They should be tried to reinstall or download another assembly, for example, from the official site. Then the problem must be solved.

Read more