How to make it nagging in the Word


How to make it nagging in the Word

Method 1: Toolbar

In order to make text in italics, you must use one of the buttons on the Word Toolbar, which provides the ability to change the type of drawing.

Method 2: Hot Keys

Alternative and however, the method of writing the text in it in its implementation is it in anticipate the key combination, find out if you can hover the cursor pointer to the button "TO".

"Ctrl + I" (I - Italic)

Hot keys for quick writing text in Microsoft Word

As in the previous case, highlight the text, the drawing of which you want to change to the mean, or install the carriage in the place where you plan to start something to print in this form, and press the above hotkeys. Note that they are universal and work not only in the Word, but also in the absolute majority of programs that have the ability to edit text.

Pressing hot keys for writing text in Microsoft Word

READ ALSO: Keyboard shortcuts for convenient work in Word

Cancel writing italics

If in the process of changing the draw, you made a mistake and, for example, italic it is not for that fragment or part of a text document, highlight it (or set the carriage in the right place) and press the button already known to us on the previous methods on the toolbar or hot keys.

In cases where, in addition to the design, it is required to cancel other text parameters (for example, font type, size), it is necessary to clean it formatting. For these purposes in the entire tab "Home", in the "Font" toolbar, a special button shown in the image below is "Clear all formatting".

Clear all text formatting in Microsoft Word Document

See also:

How to Clean Formatting Document Word

How to cancel the last action in the Word

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