How to make the F8 key work in Windows 8 and started a safe mode


Starting a secure mode in Windows 8 with F8
Loading Windows 8 in safe mode - not always a simple task, especially if you are used to starting a safe mode using the F8 key when the computer is loaded. SHIFT + F8 also do not work. What to do in this case I already wrote in the article Safe Windows 8 mode.

But there is also the ability to return the old Windows 8 download menu in safe mode. So, here's how to make a safe mode can be started using F8 as before.

Additional Information (2015): How to add a secure Windows 8 mode in the menu when downloading a computer

Starting Windows Secure Mode 8 key F8

In Windows 8 Microsoft changed the boot menu, turning on the new items to restore the system and bring the new interface into it. In addition, the interrupt waiting time caused by pressing F8 was reduced to such an extent that it is almost impossible to start the download options menu from the keyboard, especially on fast modern computers.

Run a command line on behalf of the Windows 8 administrator

In order to return the standard F8 key behavior, press the WIN + X buttons, and select the menu item "Command Line (Administrator). In the command prompt, enter the following:

BCDEDIT / SET {DEFAULT} BootMenupolicy Legacy
BCDEDIT command in windows 8

And press ENTER. That's all. Now, when you turn on the computer, you can, as before, press F8 to appear download options, for example, to start the secure Windows 8 mode.

Windows 8 download options

In order to return to the standard Windows 8 boot menu and a standard for the new operating system, ways to run a secure mode, by the same way to execute the command:

BCDEDIT / SET {DEFAULT} BootMenupolicy Standard

I hope for someone this article will be useful.

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