How to enable Windows 10 defender


How to enable Windows 10 defender

Method 1: OS Parameters

To include a defender integrated into Windows 10, which was not subjected to serious intervention, and also was not damaged, act as follows:

  1. In any preferred way, open the "Parameters" of the operating system.

    Windows 10 Protector Switch to OS Parameters for Anti-Virus

    Method 2: Group Policy Change

    If it is impossible to start a protector along the above instructions (the on / switches button in the target section are inactive or in the "OS parameters", a message is displayed on the restrictions on the part of your organization) by the solution of the task item voiced in the title title can serve as a change in the parameters of the OS group policy.

    The Windows 10 Defender does not work because of the parameters of the OS Group Policy

    1. Open the Windows Group Policy Editor 10. The easiest way to use the search for these purposes, the remaining methods are described in the following reference.

      Read more: How to open the Local Group Policy Editor in Windows 10

    2. Windows 10 Defender Launch of the OS Group Policy Editor to include Anti-Virus

    3. Alternately, click on the points located on the left side of the group policy editor window: "Computer Configuration" - "Administrative Templates".
    4. Windows Defender 10 OS Group Policy Editor - Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates

    5. Expand the Windows Components directory.
    6. Windows Defender 10 Section Winds Components in Group Policy Editor

    7. In the above-mentioned step of the directories, which appeared according to the results of the step, click Microsoft Defender Anti-Virus Program.
    8. Windows Defender 10 Section Anti-virus program Microsoft Defender in Group Policy Editor

    9. Go to the right side of the editor window, double-click the "Turn off the Microsoft Defender antivirus program" element. "
    10. Windows 10 Protector Parameter Disable Microsoft Defender Anti-Virus Program in OS Group Policy Editor

    11. Move the radio button in the displayed dialog box to the "Disabled" position, and then confirm the change in the parameter by clicking on the OK button.
    12. Windows 10 Defender Turning on Anti-Virus via OS Group Policy Editor

    13. In the deployed directory "Microsoft Defender anti-virus program" there is a "Protection in Real-Time" folder - click on its name.
    14. Windows Defender 10 Section Protection in real time in the OS Group Policy Editor

    15. Double-click the name of the "Turn off real-time protection".

      Protector Windows 10 Deactivate the parameter Turn off real-time protection in the Group Policy Editor

      In the dialog box that opens, set the value "disabled" and confirm the Changing Changing on the "OK" button.

    16. Defender Windows 10 Disable Options Turn off real-time protection in the Group Policy Editor

    17. Next, alternately twice with three elements specified in the following screenshot,

      Windows Defender 10 Parameters affecting the work of the funds in the Group Policy Editor

      In opening dialog boxes, determine the state of the corresponding parameters as "not specified".

    18. Windows 10 Defender The assignment of the value is not specified by the parameters affecting the operation of the antivirus in the OS Group Policy Editor

    19. Close the editor and reboot PC. As a result of the manipulation of problems with the launch of the Windows defender described above in the article "Method 1", if they were caused by the settings of group policies, should not occur.
    20. Windows 10 Defender Enabling the tool through the OS Local Group Editor Completed

    Method 3: System Registry

    In cases where the previous way to turn on Windows Defender is unrealized or does not result in a result, the decision of this task may be the introduction of edits to the OS registry from Microsoft.

    1. Run the Windows registry editor by performing any instruction from the article available at the following link or using the search on the system.

      Read more: Run the registry editor in Windows 10

    2. Windows 10 Starting OS Registry Editor to enable defender

    3. In front of any manipulations in the system registry, it is strongly recommended to create a backup. Make it by selecting the Export item in the Editor's File menu.

      Protector Windows 10 Creating a backup of the registry before making changes

      Solving possible problems

      If the task in this article is not solved by making the recommendations outlined above, it may be caused by damage to Windows components 10. To eliminate the specified problem, it is most often enough to check and restore the system operating system files, carefully by performing the action items described in the article.

      Read more: Check and restore the integrity of system files Windows 10

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