How to find out the link to your YouTube Channel


How to find out the link to your YouTube Channel

Option 1: Browser on PC

In order to find out the link to your channel on YouTube through the official website, you must complete three simple steps.

  1. Being on any page of the service, click on the image of your own profile located in the upper right corner, the avatar is usually displayed there.
  2. Open your channel settings on YouTube in Google Chrome browser

  3. Select "My Channel".
  4. Go to the settings of your channel on YouTube in Google Chrome browser

  5. Highlight by pressing the left mouse button (LCM) the contents of the address bar is a link to your YouTube channel. It can be copied through the context menu or by pressing the CTRL + C key combination.
  6. Get and copy a link to your channel on YouTube in Google Chrome browser

    Option 2: Application on the smartphone

    The mobile application for Android and IOS has no differences playing the role in solving our task - viewing and receiving references to them is equally.

    1. Run the application and, at whatever of its tabs you are not, tap in your avatar.
    2. Open your channel settings on YouTube in an iPhone application

    3. Select "My Channel".
    4. Go to the settings of your channel on YouTube in an iPhone application

    5. Next, call the menu, touching the three vertical points located in the upper right corner.
    6. Calling your channel menu on YouTube in iPhone application

    7. Use the "Share" option.
    8. Share links to your channel on YouTube in an iPhone application

    9. In the Actions menu, click "Copy Link",

      Copy the link to your channel on YouTube in the iPhone application

      After that, the appropriate notification will appear in the bottom area of ​​the screen.

    10. Result of successful copy link to your channel on YouTube in an iPhone application

      The Channel URL will be placed in the clipboard, from where it can be inserted and, for example, to send in a message through any messenger.

      Insert and send links to your channel on YouTube in iPhone application

    Creating a beautiful link to YouTube Channel

    As you could notice in screenshots above and, for sure, on your own channel, the original URL consists of a set of arbitrary characters, besides, it is too long. Fortunately, the address can be changed to a clearer and obvious, for example, repeating the name of your profile on YouTube. The main thing is to adhere to this task of the Google rules set and meet the requirements. What exactly and what is needed to do this, tells in a separate article on our website.

    Read more: How to change the address of your channel on YouTube

    Information about creating your own link to the channel on YouTube in the Google Chrome browser

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