How to remove Microsoft Edge in Windows 10


How to remove Microsoft Edge in Windows 10

Microsoft Edge Chromium Uninstall

Removing the current (version 79 and higher) At the time of creation of this material of the web browser version from Microsoft - Edge Chromium can be made one of two methods. The effectiveness of that or instructions from the proposed further depends on how this software was set to the system.

Method 1: Windows tools

If you installed the Edge browser on the chromium engine yourself, downloading it from the Official Microsoft website, uninstall will not cause any difficulties, and can be made standard for most Windows and methods methods.

  1. After the user conducted independently installing the Edge, the browser appears in the list of the installed software, which is demonstrated Windows 10 in the "parameters" of the OS. Thus, remove the browser is possible, having passed the next way:
    • Open the "Parameters" windows, for example, by clicking on the gear icon on the left in the main menu of the OS.

      Go to Windows 10 options to remove Microsoft Edge Chromium

      Note that in addition to using the instruments provided for in the operating system in order to remove an independent Microsoft EJ chromium installed, you can effectively apply anyone intended for uninstalling software in Windows Software from third-party developers.

      Delete Microsoft Edge HTML

      The Microsoft Edge browser in his "classic" version (created on the HTML engine) is quite deeply integrated into Windows 10 and uninstall its usual methods will not work. Nevertheless, there are at least two ways to forget about the existence of this browser on its own computer.

      Method 1: Edge Blocker

      The issue of removing the EJ browser from his PC is puzzled quite a large number of users, and this led to the emergence of various scripts and utilities that allow you to get rid of the program literally for a couple of clicks with the mouse. The most effective tool for deactivation of the Windows component under consideration was created by and got a name Edge Blocker..

      Download Edge Blocker

      Despite the fact that the utility described next does not actually delete the browser, but only blocks it, it is recommended to use it to solve the task from the header of the article, since the means in the process of work is actually not coarse interference in the system. In addition, the operation described further is reversible, which means relatively safe.

      1. Go to the Edgebroker Utility Web Page on the link presented above.

        Microsoft Edgehtml Web Page Utilities Edge Blocker V1.6 on the official developer website

        Scroll through the description of the means down, click on the button "Download" -

        Microsoft Edgehtml Download Button Edge Blocker Utilities from the developer's official website

        It initiates the download of the archive with the utility to the computer.

        Microsoft Edgehtml Archive with EdgeBlocker Utility Loaded to Disk PC

        Unpack the resulting package to any folder on the PC disk. This preparation of Edge Blocker is completed.

      2. Microsoft Edgehtml Archive with Edge Blocker Utility on Computer Disk

      3. Run, depending on the discharge you use the OS, one of the files - Edgeblock.exe. or Edgeblock_x64.exe From the directory instructions received as a result of the previous paragraph.
      4. Microsoft Edgehtml Starting Edge Blocker utility for browser deactivation on a computer

      5. Click on the "Block" button in the utility window and wait a few seconds.
      6. Microsoft Edgehtml Turning on the browser lock in the EdgeBlocker Utility window

      7. That's all, Edge Blocker can be closed. After executing the utility of its purpose, the browser from Microsoft will be deactivated, that is, attempts to open it will not lead to any result, the browser will stop running in response to the following links if the program has been installed to open the default web pages.

        Microsoft Edgehtml Exit EDGE Blocker Utility after browser deactivation

        The only reminder of the presence of Microsoft EDGE in the system after deactivation is already inoperative labels on the taskbar and in other places - delete these items manually.

        Microsoft Edgehtml Deactivated Browser Labels Removal

        Method 2: Deleting browser files

        The most cardinal method to get rid of Edgehtml in Windows 10 is the destruction of the directory containing the browser files. This operation is although not recommended for use, but can be performed by any user according to the following instructions:

        1. Open the PC disk system partition in the Explorer, go to the Windows folder, and then in the SystemApps directory.
        2. Microsoft Edgehtml Switch to the SystemApps folder to gain access to the browser catalog

        3. Find the directory whose name begins with Microsoft.microsOFTEDGE_ And ends the combination of numbers and letters (differs in different PCs).
        4. Microsoft Edgehtml Browser folder in the Windows system directory

        5. The directory specified in the previous point in the previous paragraph contains the browser files and you need to delete it. Since the EJ Observer is a system component of Windows, in conventional methods to destroy the folder will not work - you must first get permission to implement such actions for your account in OS:
          • Click on the name of the browser directory with the right mouse button, open the "Properties" from the displayed context menu.
          • Microsoft Edgehtml Observer Property Properties Window

          • Click the Security tab of the object properties window, click the "Advanced" button.
          • Microsoft Edgehtml Browser Catalog Properties - Security - Additional

          • In the window that opens, to the right of the inscription "Owner: TrustedInstaller" there is a link "Edit" - click on it.
          • Microsoft Edgehtml Browser Folder Properties - The owner of TrustedInstaller - change

          • In the next window, click "Advanced".
          • Microsoft Edgehtml The button is additionally in the window of the owner of the object (browser folders)

          • Next click on the "Search" button,

            Microsoft Edgehtml Search button in the Select user or group in the browser folder properties

            After that, it will be possible to select an account in the list in the lower area of ​​the opened window.

            Microsoft Edgehtml user search results, which can be provided with access to changing files in the browser catalog

            Click by the name of the account, through which the input is currently completed (that is, your own), and then click OK.

          • Microsoft Edgehtml Selecting a user to remove the browser folder

          • Next, the "Properties" of the browser folder must be restarted - this action is necessary! Click "OK" in all open windows related to the procedure for changing the folder parameters with the browser files:

            "Choice:" User "or" Group "";

            Microsoft Edgehtml OK button in the Select user or group of columnist folder properties

            In the "Advanced Security Settings" window, set the checkbox in the checkbox "Replace the owner of sub-connecters and objects";

            Microsoft Edgehtml OK button in the Advanced Security Settings window for browser folder


            Microsoft Edgehtml Button OK in the Properties Catalog Properties window with browser files

            Now re-click on the name of the "Microsoft.microsOFTEDGE_ ..." directory in the explorer, open the "Properties" from the context menu, go to the Safety tab.

          • Microsoft Edgehtml Repeated opening properties folder with browser files after owner change

          • In the list of "groups or users", select the "Users ..." item and then click on the "Edit ..." button.
          • Microsoft Edgehtml Browser Folder Properties - Security - Groups or Users - Change

          • In the next part of the next window of the region, set the checkbox in front of the "Full Access" parameter, the Allow Column.

            Microsoft Edgehtml Activation of full account access to a browser file folder

            Click on the "OK" button

            Microsoft Edgehtml Providing full access to the browser folder for its account in the Permissions window for the group

            And then confirm your intentions by clicking "Yes" in the system-requesting window that appears.

          • Microsoft Edgehtml Confirmation of changes to the parameters of permissions for system folders

        6. Having received extended access rights to the browser system folder, delete it by calling the context menu and selecting Delete item.
        7. Microsoft Edgehtml Deleting a browser system folder after receiving the Trust Installer's resolution

        8. After erasing the files described above, Microsoft Edge will no longer disturb you with your presence in the system, and you can delete shortcuts from it manually.

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