How to output the sound on the front panel of the computer with Windows 10


How to output the sound on the front panel of the computer with Windows 10

Step 1: Connecting cables

Start a sound output procedure on the front panel of a computer with Windows 10, it is from the connection of the wires. In the event that they are already connected to the motherboard, it will be necessary to disable them. Then stick each wire into the desired connector on the front panel.

Connecting devices to the front panel of the computer to output windows 10

Additionally, we note that the owners of devices that are connected via USB will not have any additional actions. It will be enough to make sure that the connector itself is functioning normally. If not, go to solve the problem with connecting the front panel, which we will tell a little later.

Step 2: Switching the source in Windows

In most situations, for normal output, the sound in the operating system will only need to change the source by using the sound setup menu. To do this, simply click on the appropriate icon on the taskbar with the left mouse button.

Opening options Select playback sources when connecting devices to the front panel in Windows 10

In the menu that appears, you can select the second playback device and check whether the sound will be played. Sometimes this switch is not needed, so check in advance.

Select a playback device when connecting devices to the front panel in Windows 10

Step 3: Default Device Setup

During the reconnect of the output and input device, the default could be knocked out, so the configuration will change at each computer to the computer. In order to avoid this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the "Start" and go from there in the "Parameters" menu.
  2. Switch to parameters for setting after output to the front panel in Windows 10

  3. Select the first section "System".
  4. Go to the System section to set the sound after displaying the front panel in Windows 10

  5. Through the panel on the left, move to the "sound".
  6. Opening a section to set the sound after displaying the front panel in Windows 10

  7. Here you can manually specify the output and input device by opening the drop-down menu.
  8. Select playback device through parameters in Windows 10

  9. However, to change the default parameters, it will be necessary to go down and click on the Sound Control Panel "clicable inscription.
  10. Switch to Advanced Windows 10 Sound Options when configuring through the front panel

  11. The "Playback" tab opens, where to highlight the new device and assign it by default.
  12. Installing the default playback device when output sound via the front panel of Windows 10

  13. Do the same on the "Record" tab.
  14. Installing the default recording device when displaying sound through the front panel of Windows 10

On this, the process of setting the sound after connecting devices to the front panel is complete, and therefore you can move to the usual interaction with the computer. However, some users have different problems when performing this task. To solve them, familiarize yourself with the following instructions.

Solution of possible problems when connecting sound to the front panel

There are three most common problems associated with the output of the sound to the front panel of the PC running Windows 10. Let's deal with them in turn so that each user finds the best solution.

Method 1: Updating audio drivers

The specifics of the operation of some built-in sound cards is that they can function normally even with a built-in audio driver, but only when devices are connected directly to the motherboard. When they are connected to the front panel, conflicts arise at the program level, which are resolved by updating on any available method. Information on this topic can be found in a separate article on our website.

Read more: Search and install audiors for Windows 10

Updating audio drivers when displaying sound through the front panel of Windows 10

Method 2: Checking the front panel connection

The fact is that the front panel of the computer case connects to the motherboard through special pins, and the wiring themselves are divided into pins and are responsible for supplying the power to specific elements. At the same time, it is important not to confuse plus with a minus and the location of each Pina, the name of the name also on the motherboard. With this process, many users have problems, because of which the USB may not work, the power button or sound. If, after updating the drivers, the problem did not solve, check this connection by contacting the following manual.

Read more: Connecting the front panel to the motherboard

Connecting the front panel for sound output in Windows 10

Method 3: Checking BIOS settings

The last problem that can provoke the absence of sound when it is output to the front panel is the wrong BIOS settings. They need to be checked and change manually. Accordingly, you first need to log into this firmware. You will find detailed information in the article below.

Read more: How to get to the BIOS on the computer

In the BIOS itself you need to find the "Onboard Devices Configuration" section and activate the "HD Audio" item, moving it to the "Enabled" state.

BIOS check when displaying sound through the front panel in Windows 10

In some versions of this software, Front Panel Type is additionally present. Make sure that its value is in the "HD" state, and then save the changes and exit BIOS. Load your computer as usual and check if somehow changed sound reproduction.

There are other reasons provoking the lack of sound, but often they are associated with the general problems of the computer and appear long before the devices are displayed on the front panel. You can familiarize yourself with them in a separate manual.

Read more: Causes of lack of sound on PC

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