How to recover deleted music on Android


how to recover deleted music on Android

Method 1: Special Applications

One of the simplest means of solving the problem in question is a specialized software for data recovery on Android. Most of these programs require a route-rights, but there are means by which they are not required, for example, Deleted Audio Recovery.

Download Deleted Audio Recovery from the Google Play Store

  1. After installing the application, run it and select the language. Available Russian, but the localization of the quality leaves much to be desired.
  2. Select interface language to recover deleted music on Android by Deleted Audio Recovery

  3. On the next screen tapnite button "Restore".
  4. Start Search Data to recover deleted music on Android by Deleted Audio Recovery

  5. Next, issue the program permission to access the device's file system.
  6. Access to the file system to recover deleted music on Android by Deleted Audio Recovery

  7. Wait until the software will search for. By its end use the button "Restore audio."
  8. Running restore deleted music on Android by Deleted Audio Recovery

  9. The application displays the number of files found - to access them, click "View deleted audio."
  10. Show deleted files to recover deleted music on Android by Deleted Audio Recovery

  11. On the next page, select the required files and restore them. If the program has not found anything, try to execute the statement again, and if that fails, use the second method.
  12. Recover deleted music on Android by Deleted Audio Recovery

    The option of using Deleted Audio Recovery is one of the most comfortable, but the disadvantages of poor translation into Russian, and the dominance of advertising can not call it perfect.

Method 2: Universal embodiments

Apart from special applications, there are universal methods of engagement such as software for the general recovery on Android or your computer to which you will need to connect your mobile device. In most cases, such decisions can be more effective than the specialized software, especially if we are talking about recovery programs for windose.

Read more: Recover deleted files on Android

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