How to find out DPI your mouse: 4 simple ways


How to find out DPI your mouse

Method 1: View Specification

This option is suitable only in cases where you want to determine the maximum sensitivity of the mouse or have a device in which the DPI is not replaced in the settings or using a special button. You can go to the store page in which you purchased a mouse, or just go to the official website of the manufacturer. There, familiarize yourself with the relevant information, finding the item "Sensitivity" or "DPI".

View the mouse specifications on the site to determine its maximum DPI

Method 2: View Notifications

Most of the mice in which there is a sensitivity change function when you click on the button located under the wheel, support branded software from developers used to configure the device. If you have not downloaded it yet, read the following instructions to figure it out in the current question.

Read more: Installing drivers for computer mouse

Next, it remains only to start this software and start changing the sensitivity by pressing the button. To the right at the bottom of the desktop, you will see a pop-up notification, thanks to which you can determine which sensitivity has become after the DPI change.

View DPI change notification through computer mouse software

Method 3: Mouse Driver Menu

The above method does not always turn out to be worked, because not each software developer implements the show of such notifications, so you have to manually enter the software of the driver and check which sensitivity is installed there, and this is done like this:

  1. Run the device management software. You can do it through the icon on the desktop, the "Start" menu or taskbar where this software must be launched in the background.
  2. Running the mouse driver graphical interface for DPI check

  3. When using multiple branded devices, you will need to select the mouse, and then move to the settings.
  4. Go to section with mouse settings in the driver to verify the current DPI

  5. Check out the "Pointer Settings" block. There you will see the current sensitivity, replaceable levels and other parameters that are responsible for DPI.
  6. Checking the current DPI computer mouse through the driver's graphical interface

This instruction was disassembled by the example of by Logitech. Holders of mice from other producers need to be made approximately the same actions, pushing out the interface features.

Method 4: Online Service

Using the online Mouse Sensitivity service will determine the approximate mouse DPI by simple operations. Additionally, this tool is suitable for those situations where it is necessary to make sure whether the sensitivity is indeed corresponds to the declared one. However, before starting it will have to turn off one system option that will interfere with the test.

  1. In Windows, open the Start menu and go from there to "Parameters".
  2. Run parameters to disable the system setup before checking the DPI mouse

  3. Select the category "Devices".
  4. Switch to devices to disable system setup before checking the DPI mouse

  5. Through the panel on the left, move to the "mouse".
  6. Go to the mouse to disable the system setup before checking the DPI mouse

  7. Here you are interested in clicking inscription "Advanced mouse parameters".
  8. Switch to additional mouse settings to disable the system setup before checking DPI

  9. On the "Pointer Parameters" tab, remove the checkbox from the "Enable Increase Pointer Installation Accuracy" item. It is necessary so that the cursor clearly execute the specified commands and the automatic fingerboard did not work to specific elements. Only it will turn out to accurately make the following testing.
  10. Disable the mouse system setup before checking DPI

  11. Open the Mouse Sensitivity website, where you started the unit of measurement in centimeters.

    Go to the Mouse Sensitivity website

  12. Setting the units of measurement in the online service for checking the DPI mouse

  13. After that, measure how many centimeters the width of your monitor from one end to another without taking into account the frames. Enter this value in Target Distance.
  14. Setting the distance in the online service for checking the DPI mouse

  15. If you only define DPI, the second field must be left blank, and in the case of checking the already available values, set it in the "Configured DPI" field.
  16. Entering the actual DPI value before checking the sensitivity of the mouse through the online service

  17. It remains only to clamp a red pointer to the left mouse button and spend it to the end of the screen, without crossing the extreme border.
  18. Check the sensitivity of the mouse through the online service

  19. Now pay attention to the Actual DPI string by analyzing the results obtained.
  20. Mouse sensitivity test results via online service

This method is effective only when complying with all parameters, and the sensitivity of the mouse in the Windows settings was not previously changed. However, this site has its own error, so it is not worth considering the resulting result for 100% also.

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