What Windows is better


What Windows is better
At various questions and answers, it is often necessary to accumulate questions about which Windows is better and than. I will say from myself that the content of the answers there usually do not like - judging by them, the best is Windows XP, or the assembly of Win 7. And if someone asks something about Windows 8, not necessarily related to the qualities of this operating system , And for example, about how to install drivers - the mass of "specialists" immediately advise to demolish Windows 8 (although they did not ask about it) and set all the same XP or ZVER DVD. Well, with such approaches, do not be surprised when something is not started, and the blue screen of death and DLL errors is a regular experience.

Here I will try to give my own estimate to the three latest versions of the Microsoft operating system for users, by passing Vista:

  • Windows XP.
  • Windows 7.
  • Windows 8.

I will try to be objective if possible, but as it will work out - I do not know.

Windows XP.

Windows XP.

Windows XP BALA issued in 2003. Unfortunately, I could not find information about when SP3 was released, but in one way or another - the operating system is old and, as a result, we have:

  • The worse support of the new equipment: multi-core processors, periphery (for example, under the modern printer may not be drivers for Windows XP), etc.
  • Sometimes, lower performance compared to Windows 7 and Windows 8 - especially on modern PCs, which is associated with many factors, such as problems with the operational memory management.
  • The principled inability to launch some programs (in particular, a lot of professional last versions).

And this is not all flaws. Many are written about the exceptional reliability of WIN XP. Here I dare disagree - in this operating system, even if you download anything and use the standard set of programs, a simple update of the driver on the video card can lead to the appearance of a blue death screen and other failures in the operating system.

Anyway, judging by the statistics of my site, more than 20% of visitors are used by Windows XP. But, I think it is not at all because this version of Windows is better than the others - rather, these are old computers, budget and commercial organizations in which the OS update and computer park is not the most frequent event. And indeed, the only application for Windows XP today, in my opinion - these are old computers (or old netbooks) to the level of single-core Pentium IV and the amount of RAM 1-1.5 GB, used mainly to work with various types of documents. In other cases, using Windows XP, I consider unjustified.

Windows 7.

Based on the above, adequate for a modern Windows version of Windows is 7 and 8. Which one is better - here, perhaps, everyone should solve himself, because it is better to say that Windows 7 or Windows 8 will not work better, too much depends on Ease of use, because the interface and interaction diagram with a computer in the last OS have changed strongly, the functional Win 7 and Win 8 differ not so much significantly so that one of them can be called the best.

Windows 7 Aero Interface

In Windows 7, we have everything you need for computer and computer work:

  • Support all modern equipment
  • Improved memory management
  • The ability to run almost any software, including the Windows released for previous versions.
  • Stability of the system in competent use
  • High speed in modern equipment

Thus, using Windows 7 is quite reasonable and this OS can be called one of the two best Windows. Yes, by the way, it does not concern the different kind of "assemblies" - do not install, I highly recommend.

Windows 8.

Windows 8.

All that was written about Windows 7 fully applies to the last OS - Windows 8. In principle, from the point of view of technical implementation, these operating systems differ little, use the same kernel (though, in Windows 8.1, the updated) may appear And have a complete set of functions for the operation of all hardware and software.

Changes in Windows 8 touched in most part interface and ways to interact with OS, which I wrote about in several articles on Windows 8 in several articles on the topic of work in Windows 8. Someone innovations do not like other users. Here is a small list of what in my opinion makes Windows 8 better than Windows 7 (however, do not all share my opinion):

  • Significantly increased OS boot speed
  • According to personal observations - high stability of work, great security from various kinds of failures
  • Built-in antivirus, well coped with its tasks
  • Many things that beginner users are not entirely available and are clear, are now easily accessible - for example, control and tracking programs in the startup in Windows 8 - the most basic innovation, for those who do not know where to look for these programs in the registry and wonders that the computer TORMEMIT

Windows 8 interface

Windows 8 interface

This is brief. There are disadvantages - for example, the Start screen in Windows 8 personally interferes to me, but the lack of the "Start" button - and I do not use any programs to return the Start menu in Window 8. So, I think this is a matter of personal preferences. In any case, in terms of Microsoft operating systems, the best time is currently these two - Windows 7 and Windows 8.

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