How to open SVG online


How to open SVG online

Method 1: Rapidtables

Online service RapidTables supports not only the opening of images stored in SVG format, but also allows you to edit them in real time to save on your computer. View and subsequent change in contents occur as follows:

Go to the online service Rapidtables

  1. Open the RapidTables site page, for example, using our link. There you need to click on the button as a folder to go to add an image.
  2. Go to the selection of a file to open SVG through the online service Rapidtables

  3. The "Explorer" window is displayed, in which the appropriate image should be selected.
  4. Selecting a file for opening SVG via online service Rapidtables

  5. Familiarize yourself with its contents in the "VIEW" block.
  6. View the contents of the SVG file through the online service Rapidtables

  7. Above the entire picture code is displayed, which you can edit at your discretion, if you know how the syntax of such images is arranged.
  8. Editing SVG File Code via online RapidTables

  9. After making all changes, click on the button with a magnifying glass so that they are applied and you could see the result in the same block.
  10. Applying the SVG file code editing via the Rapidtables online service

  11. If you not only searched the file, but edited it, use the save button on the top panel to set it a new name and download to the local storage.
  12. Saving the SVG file via the RapidTables online service after editing

Carefully approach the editing process, and if something suddenly went wrong, immediately return the picture to the initial state, so as not to disrupt its integrity. If you first encounter such a task, read the information on the Internet or proceed to the method 3, where the change is carried out using standard graphic tools.

Method 2: FreeCodeFormat

The principle of interaction with the FreeCodeFormat online service is exactly the same as with the site described above, and the differences are consisting only in the interface. You can choose between these two options and determine which one will be optimal.

Go to online service FreeCodeFormat

  1. Once on the main page of the FreeCodeFormat, immediately press "Open" to proceed to add the SVG image.
  2. Go to the opening of the SVG format file via the FreeCodeFormat online service

  3. In the "Explorer", stand up the file and click on it twice for opening.
  4. Opening SVG File Through Online FreeCodeFormat Service

  5. Move to the "VIEW" block for familiarization with the result.
  6. View the contents of the SVG format file via the FreeCodeFormat online service

  7. In the "Code" block, you see all the contents of the file, and you can also edit it, replacing any numbers and lines.
  8. Editing the contents of the SVG format file via the FreeCodeFormat online service

  9. Apply changes after editing by clicking on "Draw".
  10. Apply Change when editing SVG via online service FreeCodeFormat

  11. If you have a need to save the image, click "Save", set the name to it and confirm the download.
  12. Saving the SVG file via the FreeCodeFormat online service after editing

Method 3: Method

The functionality and appearance of the Method online service is significantly different from those that we have considered above, since it is represented as a standard graphic editor. It will be convenient to those users who need not only to open the SVG, but also change its contents, while not dealing in the code rows.

Go to the online service Method

  1. When you open the Editor tab, Mouse over the "File" menu and select Open SVG.
  2. Go to the opening of the SVG format file through the Method online service

  3. "Explorer" will open, where to find the desired image.
  4. Opening SVG format file via online service Method

  5. Confirm the opening of the new file.
  6. Confirmation of the opening of the SVG format file via the Method online service

  7. Now you can look at the image in a separate block.
  8. View the contents of the SVG format file via the Method online service

  9. Tools from the left pane Edit content.
  10. Using the toolbar for editing SVG via online service Method

  11. Add blocks, apply a brush, and then use additional settings to the right to change the type of object, or use transform, moving points from the edges.
  12. Additional options when editing SVG via online service Method

  13. Below is the palette with the colors that you can also apply to figures, text or brushes.
  14. Change of color tool when editing SVG via online service Method

  15. If you click on the active color, a separate window will open, where the choice of a suitable shade occurs in a more flexible version.
  16. Palette with flowers when editing SVG via online service Method

  17. Upon completion through the same menu "File" Save the image or export it as a PNG file.
  18. Saving the SVG image via the Method online service after editing

Finally, we note that sometimes online services are unsuitable in order to open the SVG image to view or further edit. Then you have to establish one of the special programs, the benefit on the Internet of the Internet there is a huge amount, and we offer you to get acquainted with the most popular representatives in a separate article on our website by reference below.

Read more: Open SVG vector graphics files

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