How to make a fast reference in Yandex


How to make a fast reference in Yandex

Quick references under advertising

When creating advertisements in Yandex.Direct as an additional element, you can add quick links to potential visitors to quickly go to the priority pages of the site. This feature is available only in some varieties of banners, including mobile and textual-graphic type, while other options are strongly limited due to the specifics.

Go to Yandex.Dike

  1. Using the "Add" button on the main page of the service under consideration, make creating and configuring the basic declaration settings. Alternatively, you can also go to editing already existing advertising.

    The process of transition to the creation of advertising on the Yandex.Direct website

    The only thing to take into account is a variation of the campaign in which previously specified types of banners should be maintained. Otherwise, there are no differences from the usual advertising setting in this case.

    Despite the fact that for mobile devices there is also a separate application, the creation of rapid references, as well as advertising as a whole, is available exclusively on the website we have considered. At the same time, the service itself can be used through the browser installed on the phone.

    When using the Yandex search engine, regardless of the browser, you can encounter and with another similar type of fast references that are displayed from the search result and lead to certain web site pages. If you want to add such links yourself, unfortunately, this will not work, since the addresses are formed automatically.

    Example of fast web site links in Yandex search engine

    The only workaround is available if you yourself are the owner of the site progressing through the search system under consideration. In this case, you need to raise the resource to the first line in queries, and then, if there are several partitions at once on the main page and comply with some other criteria, quick links will appear under the site.

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