How to connect a laptop to a router through a cable


How to connect a laptop to a router through a cable

Note that you can connect a router to a laptop through a cable only if there is an appropriate connector on a laptop. It is almost in all models, but there may be no contemporary ultrabooks or transformers due to the design features. Specify the availability of the port in advance, viewing the specification of the purchased device.

If you have not yet connected the router itself to the network, do it because such equipment will only be functioning when the signal comes from the provider. The main task is to provide a normal connection with fiber, which is most often carried out literally in a couple of simple actions. For more detailed disclosure of this topic, read the material on the link below.

Read more: Connect fiber to the router

Step 1: Search LAN-Cable

The router connection with a laptop is performed using a LAN cable (RJ-45) having the same connector from two sides. It usually comes complete with the network equipment itself, but sometimes it may be absent or its length is not enough to connect the laptop. In this case, you will need to purchase a cable separately at any convenient electronics store.

Local Cable Search for Laptop Connection to Router

Step 2: Connect the cable to the router

The next step is to connect the purchased cable to the router. To do this, pay attention to its rear panel, where several identical ports are located at once. Usually they are marked with yellow and have the inscription "LAN", so in the search for a suitable there should be no problems. Properly insert the cable into the port until the characteristic click. If the local network is later configured through the web interface of the router, remember in advance, to the port with which number you connected the cable.

Connecting a local network cable to a router before connecting it to a laptop

Step 3: Connecting a cable to a laptop

It remains only to connect the second side of the same cable to the laptop, finding the corresponding port on the side panel. It will be easy to find it, since in shape it differs from others. When the connection also sounds a click. If the connector is protected with a plug, carefully remove it and only then connect.

Connecting a LAN cable to a laptop after connecting to the router

A successful connection will be notified by the corresponding indicator displayed on the taskbar in the operating system. If the router has already been configured, access to the network will appear immediately, and otherwise the notification "Unidentified Network" or "connected, without access to the network" will fail.

Checking access to the network After connecting the laptop to the router through the cable

Step 4: Routher Setup

Changing the router parameters is made only if necessary or due to personal desires of users, for example, when you need to change the access control settings, a local network or other network hardware functions. To do this, we propose to use the search on our site by entering the model of the router used there. So you can find a suitable detailed instruction and use it to perform any actions associated with configuring the device.

Setting the router after connecting to a laptop through a local network cable

Step 5: Operating System Parameters

We completed the instructions in the operating system parameters that can be used to bypass the web interface of the router or additionally, which depends directly on the type of connection and the current situation. If the provider recommended to configure Windows or you decided for yourself, read the reference guide below, in which everything about this operation is described.

Read more: Internet Configuration Guide on Windows 10

Setting up the operating system after connecting the router to the laptop through the cable

Solving possible problems

If the Internet works on other devices connected to the same router via Wi-Fi or the same local network cable, but it is absent on the target laptop, it may have occurred software conflicts or concrete specific settings. Then it will be necessary to take advantage of a separate article from another our author to quickly find the cause and get rid of the current difficulty.

Read more: Solving a problem with non-working Internet on a PC

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