Two-factor authentication in Yandex


Two-factor authentication in Yandex

Preparing Yandex Account

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an additional protection that implies login to services and Yandex applications using a one-time password or QR code. When setting up and restoring access to an account with 2FA, a phone number attached to account is used, so if this item has been missing during registration, now it's time to return to it.

  1. Open Yandex.Pasport. To do this, in any browser on the main page of Yandex click login

    Calling the Yandex account menu

    And choose the "passport".

  2. Entrance to Yandex.Paste in the browser

  3. Scroll to block "Mailboxes and phone numbers" and click "Add a mobile phone".
  4. Add phone number to Yandex Account

  5. Fill the field and click "Add".
  6. Entering the phone registered in Yandex

  7. After receiving the code, enter it into the appropriate field, next to enter the account password and click "Confirm".

    Entering data for binding phone number to Yandex Account

    From this point on, the phone number is tied to "account" Yandex.

  8. Completion of phone binding to Yandex Account

Turning off 2fa.

To return authorization in Yandex login and password, two-factor authentication will have to be disabled.

  1. In Yandex.Paste in the "Passwords and Authorization" block, select "Turn off at all".
  2. Login to Disable 2FA Yandex

  3. We enter a disposable code from the Yandex.Well.
  4. Enter a disposable password when disabled 2FA

  5. For security reasons, the system will propose to create a new account password, which will lead to the output from all services and applications running from this account. Click "Save a new password."

    Creating a new password when disabled 2FA

    To save authorization, click "Change".

    Changing the settings when disabled 2FA

    Remove the checkboxes from the necessary items. Now services will work with old credentials until re-authorization is required.

  6. Refusal of additional options when disabled 2FA

Restoring access to an account with 2FA

When breakdown or deliver the device, you can return access to the account with 2FA. To do this, you will need a pin-code from Yandex. The key and access to the phone number. Therefore, if the smartphone was lost, first you need to block the SIM card and restore the number.

Go to Yandex Account Recovery page

  1. On the recovery page, we enter the requested data and click "Next".
  2. Entering data to restore account with 2FA

  3. Specify the phone number attached to the account with 2FA, and click "Get the Code".
  4. Enter the phone number from the account with 2FA

  5. Enter the number sent and click "Confirm".
  6. Entering code when recovering an account with 2FA

  7. The system will propose to enter the PIN from the Yandex.Well application.
  8. Entering a PIN code when recovering an account with 2FA

  9. We come up with a new password, put a tick to exit all the devices, and confirm the actions.
  10. Creating a new password when recovering an account with 2FA

  11. Account access is restored, but two-factor authentication will have to configure again. To do this, click "Enable" and repeat the steps described above.
  12. Recover account with 2FA

If you do not remember your login, you can still restore access via the telephone number.

  1. Go on the link "I do not remember the login."
  2. Transition to the recovery of the account with 2FA by phone

  3. The system can offer previously used logins. If there is no needed in the list, moving on.
  4. Go to the phone entry page

  5. On the next page, specify the required data and click "Continue".
  6. Entering a phone to recover account with 2FA

  7. Enter the confirmation code from SMS.
  8. Entering code when recovering an account with 2FA by phone

  9. We enter the name and surname specified when registering the account.
  10. Enter FI when recovering an account with 2 FA

  11. This time the system will offer a complete list of logins assigned to the specified data. Choose the desired and press "remember the password" to the right of it.
  12. Selection of the desired account with 2FA

  13. We enter characters from the picture.
  14. Entering verification symbols when recovering an account with 2FA

  15. Next, repeat the actions described above.
  16. Go to the account recovery page with 2FA

If you have forgotten the PIN or phone number, it will not be possible to restore access in this way. In this case, you will have to write to the support service, and then take advantage of their recommendations.

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