How to view video card options in Windows 10


How to view video card options in Windows 10

Method 1: Built-in OS functionality

To view the basic characteristics of the installed video card in Windows 10, you can not load additional tools, and use the built-in operating system functionality. There are several different options to obtain the necessary information. We will look at each of them, and you will need to choose the appropriate.

Option 1: "Task Manager"

The staffing of the Task Manager is a great option to familiarize yourself with the current indicators of the graphics adapter, the stress history and the main parameters. To obtain the required information, you will need to make a couple of clicks.

  1. Right-click on your empty place on the taskbar and in the context menu that appears, select "Task Manager".
  2. Run the task manager application to view the video card parameters in Windows 10

  3. After starting the application, go to the "Performance" tab.
  4. Go to the Task Manager Performance tab to view the video card parameters in Windows 10

  5. Click on the "Graphics Processor" and look at the indicators on the right.
  6. View video card options via task manager in Windows 10

If necessary, track the load in separate charts to understand how many graphic adapter resources consumes the operating system.

Option 2: Video Card Control Panel

When installing drivers of video cards from AMD and NVIDIA in Windows, a graphic application performs the control panel task is added. It can be used as a means of viewing the basic parameters, which is happening as follows:

  1. Press PCM at any convenient location on the desktop and run the "NVIDIA control panel" or "Radeon settings".
  2. Opening the video card control panel to view its parameters in Windows 10

  3. In the window that appears, find a block with system information and go to it.
  4. Go to system information in the Video Card Control Panel to view its parameters in Windows 10

  5. It remains only to find your component and look at the details. You can find out the driver version, memory interface, speed, clock frequency and video card throughput.
  6. View video card options using the control panel in Windows 10

NVIDIA video card holders may encounter a problem when the control panel is missing in the operating system. Then the instruction will come to the rescue from another of our author, go to the reading of which you can by clicking on the following link.

Read more: Return the missing NVIDIA control panel in Windows 10

Option 3: "DirectX diagnostic tool"

"Diagnostic Diagnostics" is another built-in component of the operating system, which is suitable for determining the parameters under consideration. Thanks to him, it is possible to learn not only the name of the graphics adapter and the number of memory, but also get detailed information about the drivers. This tool starts through the "Run" utility (Win + R), where you need to enter DXDIAG and press the Enter key.

Opening a diagnostic tool for viewing the video card parameters in Windows 10

In a new window, go to the "Screen" tab and check out the information received.

View video card options in Windows 10 using the diagnostic tool

Option 4: Menu "Properties of the video adapter"

Some general information about the device can be obtained through the "Parameters" of Windows 10.

  1. Open the "Start" and go to the "Parameters" application.
  2. Go to parameters to view video card options in Windows 10

  3. Click on the "System" tile.
  4. Opening the menu system to view video card options in Windows 10

  5. In the "Display" section, click on the click "Advanced Display Parameters".
  6. Go to the display properties to view the video card parameters in Windows 10

  7. On the new page, click on the "Video Audapter Properties for Display 1".
  8. Opening the graphic adapter properties to view the graphics adapter parameters in Windows 10

  9. The properties menu appears in which all the basic parameters of the graphics adapter are located.
  10. View video card information through the menu of its properties in Windows 10

If it turned out that the built-in funds do not provide the necessary information or it seems that it is much easier to implement the task with the help of specialized software, take a look at the following method.

Method 2: Software programs from third-party developers

There is a huge number of programs designed to view the characteristics of installed computer components. We take for an example of two popular tools so that everyone has a vision of how interaction with such a software occurs.

Option 1: GPU-Z

By the name of the GPU-Z program, it is already clear its purpose - in it, the functionality is focused solely on the display of the parameters of the graphics adapter. It will suit all those users who are interested in the most detailed acquaintance with the specification of the device.

  1. Use the button above to go to the overview article of the program, and in its end, find a link to download from the official site. After installation, start the GPU-Z and make sure that the correct graphics adapter is selected in the drop-down list below. In the same window, look at all basic information.
  2. View video card options through the main GPU-Z program window in Windows 10

  3. The "SENSORS" tab displays the current temperature, the speed of turns of fans and voltage. The update of graphs occurs in real time, so they can be used as a means of monitoring.
  4. View video card sensors using the GPU-Z program in Windows 10

  5. Approximately the same is shown in "Advanced", but there are also the parameters that will be useful to experienced users who want to learn all the details.
  6. View additional information about the video card using the GPU-Z program in Windows 10

  7. To view the graphics adapter specification via the GPU-Z website on the main tab, click the Lookup button.
  8. Go to the site to receive information about the video card through the GPU-Z program in Windows 10

  9. In the default browser, a new tab will open in which the specification information will appear, including the real image of the component.
  10. View video card options through the GPU-Z website in Windows 10

Option 2: Speccy

SPECCY - Free software to obtain a common summary about component and peripheral equipment installed in the computer. It is perfect for viewing the video card parameters when you need to do quickly or in real time if it comes to temperature and voltage.

  1. Set the Speccy to your PC and, after starting, go to the "Graphics" section, waiting for the completion of the component analysis process.
  2. Switch to the graphics adapter menu to view its parameters in Speccy in Windows 10

  3. Expand the block with the video card and view all the data provided.
  4. View graphic adapter parameters via Speccy program in Windows 10

  5. The temperature is selected in a separate color, and the sensor reading occurs every few seconds, so the value is dynamically updated.
  6. View the temperature of the graphics adapter through the Speccy program in Windows 10

On our site there is also a separate article on the analysis of programs for viewing installed in the PC components.

Read more: Programs for determining the iron of the computer

Method 3: Search for information on the official website

The official page of the video card model is the best source of full information about the device. If it seemed to you that the solutions were just not showing a complete picture, use this method.

  1. Go to the official site of NVIDIA or AMD or enter the name of the video card in the search engine.
  2. Transition to the search for the official site of the video card to view its Windows 10 parameters

  3. Among the search results, find the appropriate and open the page.
  4. Opening the official site to view the video card parameters in Windows 10

  5. Find your specification and proceed to view information.
  6. Transition to receiving a video card report through its official website in Windows 10

  7. They are divided into blocks depending on different assemblies of the component, so it is not difficult to determine the desired characteristic.
  8. View video card via its official website in Windows 10

If difficulties arose with the definition of the exact name of the graphics adapter model, use the instructions on the link below, finding the appropriate method.

Read more: Determine the name of the video card in Windows

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