How to leave feedback on Yandex Market


How to leave feedback on Yandex Market

Option 1: Website

On the Yandex.Market website there is a possibility of creating feedback under various goods and shops, the prices of which are presented in the catalog. In this case, the procedure requires a minimum of actions, however, in the process of creating special attention should be paid to the rules of the resource, since otherwise the estimate will simply be removed by the administration.

Go to the main page of Yandex.Market

  1. With the help of the above link, open the online service in question and find the item under which you want to leave a review. Here, first of all, you must go to the "Reviews" tab through the marked navigation menu.
  2. Transition to Section Reviews on the Yandex.Market website

  3. Being on the page mentioned, scroll down a little lower and in the right column, click "Leave Feedback." Consider that the Yandex account is required to access the next steps.
  4. Transition to the form of creating a new review on the Yandex.Market website

  5. Using the stars panel, set the main and additional estimates, the name of which is different in each case, and necessarily specify the time during which the goods were used. After that you can scroll the page below.

    The process of assessing the product on the Yandex.Market website

    In order to proceed to create a review, you need to complete the settings and click the "Continue" button at the bottom of the tab. Please note that the item "would recommend the goods to friends" is not obligatory.

  6. Transition to the creation of a new review on the Yandex.Market website

  7. When text fields appear, fill in "advantages" and "disadvantages" in accordance with your opinion about the products, adhering to the format of the list. In the "Comment" section, you can tell more detail about the experience of use or, on the contrary, refuse to fill.
  8. The process of preparing the feedback on the product on the Yandex.Market website

  9. As a completion, you can additionally download a photo of the purchased product, for example, after a long time of use, and also set the checkbox "Leave feedback anonymously" to the name of the Yandex account name was not used in the list of feedback. After completing the rating preparation, click the "Send Feedback" button.

    The process of publishing a new feedback on the product on the Yandex.Market website

    If you filled out all the necessary fields, the message will be on the check, to observe which in the "My Publications" section in the Yandex.Market personal office. From here you can make changes or get rid of the assessment at all.

    In order for the review for sure to be published, you should refuse any abnormative vocabulary and strictly adhere to the rules of the Russian language. In addition, the comment must be quite informative and reflect the opinion of the buyer personally familiar with the products.

    Option 2: Mobile application

    For devices on the Android and IOS platform, there is also a mobile application Yandex.Market with an absolutely identical design, but which is very different from the previous version. In addition to this, the official mobile client does not provide some opportunities, while fortunately, without limiting the creation of feedback.

    Download Yandex.Market from Google Play Market

    Download Yandex.Market from the App Store

    1. Open the application under consideration, go to the product you want to rate, and scroll through the page to the product about the product. Here it is necessary to use the "Read Reviews" button, thereby opening the full list of comments.
    2. Transition to the section with reviews about the product in Yandex.Market

    3. With the help of stars of rating in the "Rate this product" block, set the desired rating and subsequently use the "Leave Feedback" button.
    4. Transition to the form of creating a new review in Yandex.Market application

    5. When switching to the "Rate goods" page, you can begin to change the estimate in the subsection of the same name if necessary. The review itself should consist of two mandatory descriptions of "merits" and "shortcomings", as well as an optional, but desirable "comment".
    6. The process of creating a new review in Yandex.Market application

    7. Additionally, you can upload a photo of the product after use, thereby increasing the commentary information. You can complete the creation procedure using the "Publish" button at the bottom of the screen.
    8. The process of publishing a new revocation in Yandex.Market

    In the case of a successful addition of revocation, the score will immediately appear on the product review page. However, the visibility of the comment will be limited until the content checks and does not approve the administration of the market.

    Option 3: Mobile version

    Another version of the service is available from the mobile browser and deserve separate consideration, as it has several important differences from the previously considered website and the official client.

    Go to the main page of Yandex.Market

    1. Find the right item in the catalogs of the site under consideration and scroll down the page below. Through the main menu, you need to go to the "Reviews" section and use the "Leave Feedback" button.
    2. Transition to the creation of a new revocation in the mobile version of Yandex.Market

    3. The evaluation procedure is divided into several consecutive steps with the possibility of skipping some optional criteria. The only identical pages for any types of products are "total assessment" and "use experience".

      The process of issuing ratings to the product in the mobile version of Yandex.Market

      It is advisable to set the estimates at each stage using the ranking stars, and at the end answer the question "would recommend friends." After that, the "Find Review" button will be available to go to the already familiar form of creating a comment from several parts.

    4. Transition to the creation of a detailed review of the Mobile version of Yandex.Market

    5. Fill in text fields of "dignity" and "Disadvantages". You can also add "Comment" to supplement the assessment of photos of the purchase or use the option "Publish Anonymous" to hide your own name and profile avatar.
    6. The process of creating a new revocation in the mobile version of Yandex.Market

    7. You can use the Review Publishment using the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen, after checking the contents of the fields. As a result, you will be sent to the Yandex.Market personal account for tracking and management of ratings for different goods.
    8. Successful creation of a new revocation in the mobile version of Yandex.Market

    Both in a mobile application and in any versions of the website, if, for one reason or another, the feedback will not be moderated, it will be said in the appropriate notification. At the same time, the assessment itself will continue unchanged so that you can get acquainted with the opinion of the administration and make the appropriate edits for publication in the future.

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