Disk I / O Error in Windows 10


Disk I / O Error in Windows 10

Method 1: Removing the protection against overwriting (flash drives and SD cards)

If the error in question is observed when attempting to access a removable flash drive, it is possible that the case is just in active protection against data overwriting: part of the flash drives and almost all SD cards are equipped with a special hardware switch that blocks recording. Consequently, to eliminate the problem, it is enough to move it into the off position.

Remove the protection from writing on the flash drive to eliminate the error input-output of the disk in Windows 10

Other software problems cannot be excluded - for example, due to damage in the system registry, the media can be denoted as read-only. Such considered one of our authors in the relevant article, the reference to which is given later.

Read more: Removing the protection against the record from the flash drive

Method 2: Driving Drive Performance

Sometimes the source of the failure may be in banal hardware problems with HDD, SSD or flash drive, so after checking the quality of the connection with the computer, it is necessary to digitize the devices themselves. You already have guidelines for the implementation of this procedure for each type of media, so not to be repeated, refer to them further.

Read more: How to check the performance of HDD, SSD and flash drives

Method 3: Trunking drives

For external and internal media, the appearance of the problem under consideration may mean problems with connecting to the target computer. Check their presence and eliminate in case of detection, by following the following steps:

  1. For flash drives and memory cards, the first thing is to test the connection with ports and adapters: Try to connect them to other connectors or adapters, if soak used. It is also desirable to exclude extension cords and hubs - link media and computer directly.
  2. Similar actions Spend with external HDD and SSD. We particularly want to note the so-called pockets, cates with a management board, where you can install laptop formats - the fact is that in some cheap copies from Chinese manufacturers, the circuitry of the board may be poorly, which sometimes leads to the problem under consideration.
  3. Regarding the internal disks, first of all, the SATA cables should be checked, if soak, ideally, it is better to take a well-good loop and find out how the problematic carrier behaves with it.
  4. It will also not be prevented checking the state of the ports on the device and the motherboard: maybe they are damaged or thin, which is why the contact is disturbed, and the OS signals the I / O error.
  5. As practice shows, it is a bad connection of the drive with a computer and becomes the source of the problem under consideration in the overwhelming majority, other actions should be taken only after checking the contacts.

Method 4: Turning off the quick launch of the OS

More in Windows 8.1, a quick start function was presented, which speeds up loading a PC or laptop after a regular completion of work. Despite the conveniences given by this opportunity, sometimes it leads to problems, including to an I / O error. Therefore, for diagnostic purposes, this option is worth disconnecting, this is done as follows:

  1. Open the "Search", enter the control panel in it and then click once the left mouse button on the result found.

    Read more: How to open the "Control Panel" in Windows 10

  2. Open the control panel to eliminate the disk I / O error in Windows 10

  3. Switch the display mode of the elements to "large icons", then use the Power Supply item.
  4. Power facilities to eliminate disk I / O error in Windows 10

  5. In the left menu, snap to the "Action of the power buttons" position.
  6. Run the power buttons to eliminate the disk I / O error in Windows 10

  7. Here, use the link "Changing the parameters that are not available now.

    Note! To access these functions, the current account must be the authority of the administrator!

    Read more: How to get admin rights in Windows 10

  8. Change additional power options to eliminate disk I / O error in Windows 10

  9. Remove the mark from the "Enable Quick Start" option, then click "Save Changes".
  10. Remove the quick start point to eliminate the disk I / O error in Windows 10

    Turn off the computer, then turn on and wait for the operating system to fully download - the error under consideration should be eliminated. If it still appears, it is not a quick start and you can activate it back.

Method 5: Change Disc Letter

Sometimes the cause of the failure is conflicts in the notation of drives, for example, somewhere in the system there remained a mark that the designated letter is tied to a completely different carrier, which is why when attempting to access the current "dozen" and issues an error. Therefore, to eliminate it, it is worth trying to change the letter designation - in the current version of Windows it is made literally a few clicks with the mouse.

Read more: Change the drive letter in Windows 10

Method 6: Installing SATA and USB Drivers

Motherboards of PC and laptop parts have advanced SATA and USB controllers, which requires appropriate software for correct operation. If you definitely did not install anything like this, the OS, most likely, has become the most compatible from the Windows Update Center, which may be the cause of the problem under consideration. To solve it, you should visit the official website of the system board or laptop manufacturer and see if there is no corresponding category of drivers for your device.

Read more: Example of loading drivers for motherboard

Method 7: Changing the disk response time

In the OS registry, the time is usually prescribed that it spends on waiting for a response from the drive - if it slows down for some reason, the resulting I / O error appears as a result. To solve the problem, the prescribed time can be increased.

  1. Open the "Run" window with a combination of Win + R, then enter the REGEDIT query in it and click "OK".
  2. Call the registry editor to eliminate the disk I / O error in Windows 10

  3. In the Registry Editor, go to the following address:


  4. Go to the desired registry branch to eliminate the disk I / O error in Windows 10

  5. On the right side of the window, look for an entry with the name "TimeoutValue" and click on it with LKM.
  6. Open the disk response parameter in the registry to eliminate the disk I / O error in Windows 10

  7. Switch the display of the value to the "decimal", then enter the desired number in seconds, preferably more available by 10-20.

    Important! The numbers exceeding 100 should be administered only for diagnostic purposes, because in case of everyday use in this mode, the system will be unemployed!

  8. Change the disk response time in the registry to eliminate the disk I / O error in Windows 10

  9. After zooming the interval, click "OK", close all running windows and restart the computer.

Restarting the machine, try to open a problem data medium - if the case was in too much polling time, the error should disappear. We also remind that a long time of the disk response can be a symptom of failure, so be sure to check its performance according to the method of 2.

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