How to increase the cooler speed through Speedfan


How to increase the cooler speed through Speedfan

Method 1: Button in the main menu

This option is suitable only in cases where it takes a time to change the speed of the cooler to a certain value in percent. When restarting Speedfan or automatic change of revolutions due to an increase or decrease in temperatures, this setting will be reset that you need to consider when it is executed.

Fast increase in the speed of the cooler through the main menu of the SpeedFan program

You only need to run the program and look at three present values ​​in a separate block. Press the up arrow up opposite the system or processor cooler to change the speed of revolutions. Do not close the app if you do not want to lose progress - it can be simply collapsed in the tray.

Method 2: "Speeds" menu

A more successful method of increasing the fan revolutions to the required value in percent is the use of a specially designated menu, which is called "Speeds". Previously need to check one parameter, and then change the setting.

  1. In the main menu Speedfan, click on the Configure button.
  2. Go to the Speedfan program settings menu to increase the speed of the cooler

  3. A separate window with the settings, where you are interested in the "FANS" tab.
  4. Opening a menu with a list of connected coolers to check in the Speedfan program

  5. Make sure that the configuration of the required processor or cabinet cooler is enabled. For this, the checkbox, installed next to the name of the component.
  6. Checking the connected coolers before changing the speed in the Speedfan program

  7. Follow the "Speeds" tab.
  8. Go to the Couple Rotation Speed ​​Settings menu in the SpeedFan program

  9. Make click on the required fan.
  10. Select a cooler to change its speed in the Speedfan program

  11. Below will appear two values ​​responsible for the minimum and maximum speed of revolutions. Change the value minimum, for example, up to 60%, so that the speed does not fall below this mark. Maximum can be left 100%. Before entering, make sure that the tick near the "Automatically Variated" item is missing.
  12. Increase the speed of the cooler through the SpeedFan program

No more action for the standard change speed of coolers will not have to produce. You can do the same with any other fans connected to the computer if they are displayed in this list.

Method 3: Advanced Setup Tool

The advanced setting tool present in Speedfan will create a smart system that adjusts the speed of the cooler when reached certain temperatures. To create one of these profiles and settings, follow these steps:

  1. In the menu with the settings, go to the "Fan Control" tab.
  2. Go to the detailed setup of the speed of the cooler rotation in the Speedfan program

  3. Tick ​​the "Advanced Fan Control" checkbox.
  4. Activation of additional settings for setting the cooler in the Speedfan program

  5. Click "Add" to create a new controller.
  6. Creating a new profile to change the speed of the cooler in Speedfan

  7. Ask him an arbitrary name for ease of orientation.
  8. Enter the name for the profile with increasing the speed of the cooler in Speedfan

  9. Highlight it with the left mouse button.
  10. Select a profile for further editing in the Speedfan program

  11. Control tools will appear, where first expand the "Controlled Speed" drop-down menu.
  12. Opening the menu for selecting the target component in Speedfan

  13. Select the suitable cooler.
  14. Select a component for temperature tracking in Speedfan

  15. The speed control method is not needed, and if you want to learn more about this setup, use the information presented on the official website.
  16. Select the temperature tracking method in the Speedfan program

  17. Under the Temperatures block, click "Add" to configure this profile.
  18. Adding a cooler speed control setting in Speedfan

  19. Specify the temperature of which component or processor kernel you want to track.
  20. Select temperature to track when setting up profile in Speedfan

  21. It remains to choose a component profile, also clicking on it once.
  22. Select temperature to edit graphics in the Speedfan program

  23. Change the values ​​on the chart by dragging the present points. So you specify which fan speed will be at certain temperatures.
  24. Editing Temperature Tracking in Speedfan

  25. Confirm the changes by clicking ok, and then proceed to add other temperatures of this profile or create a new one if you need it.
  26. Completion of the adjustment of the flexible change in the speed of rotation of the coolers through the Speedfan program

If, when you try to implement one of these methods, you found that the hull cooler is missing in the list, it means that it is connected to the power supply through the Molex cable. In this case, editing of its revolutions through different way is impossible. All fans connected to the motherboard should be displayed and adjusted if it is provided in the BIOS itself.

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