Like in Yandex transport see where the bus


Like in Yandex transport see where the bus

Important information

To determine the location of the transport using Yandex cards can be both unauthorized users, but to save selected routes will have to log in. If the account is not yet, detailed instructions on how to register with Yandex, there is in a separate article on our website.

Read more: How to register in Yandex

Registration in Yandex

Information on the movement of public transport Yandex is provided by companies that provide passenger transportation. The signal from them arrives every 30 seconds, which allows you to predict the approximate time of arrival of transport at the stop. But uncontrolled events, such as accidents or failures when passing the signal, may affect the accuracy of Yandex.Cart data. In addition, not all carriers are transmitted information, so some buses may not be displayed on the map.

Method 1: Online Service

You can find out where a particular bus is now, you can in the web interface of the Yandex.Maps service, opened with any browser.

Go to the Yandex.Map service page

  1. If you first need to log in to the service, click the "Menu" icon, and then "Login".

    Log in to the user menu in Yandex maps

    We enter login,

    Input login from Yandex Account

    In the next window, password and confirm the entrance.

  2. Password entry from Yandex Account

  3. We are looking for the right bus using a search string.
  4. Search bus to Yandex Maps

  5. The map of the route will be displayed in green, and its card with stops and schedules will open on the left.
  6. Displaying cards and route schemes in the Yandex Map service

  7. Now approach the map until the moving green icons appear on the diagram. They imitate the movement of buses.
  8. Tracking the bus move on the route to the Yandex Map service

  9. If you need to determine when it arrives at a specific stop, open the "Schedule" tab, click the shooter to the right of the default stop,

    Changing the bus schedule in the Yandex Card service

    In the list, select the desired and press "ready."

    Choosing a new stop in the Yandex Card service

    Now you can learn an approximate bus arrival time at this stop all day long.

  10. Changed buses arrival in Yandex.Maps service

  11. To save the route, press the corresponding button.

    Saving a route in the Yandex Card service

    Now, in the next use of Yandex.Cart, we click the "Moving Transport" icon and turn on the "My Transport" option. Favorite routes will be displayed on the map.

  12. Displays the saved route in the Yandex Card service

  13. For the service to show only one of the saved routes, click on the user icon and open the "bookmarks".
  14. Login to bookmarks Yandex.Maps

  15. Select the route you are interested in in the appropriate tab.
  16. Choosing a route from the Yandex.Maps service bookmarks

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