How to make a picture in a picture on a computer with Windows 10


How to make a picture in a picture on a computer with Windows 10

Method 1: Paint

Paint is a tool to draw and basic image editing in the operating system. Its built-in functionality is enough to impose one picture on top of the other by performing only a few clicks. In another article on our site you will find instructions on the insertion of images and, having familiarized yourself with a separate method, sample with the principle of performing the task.

Read more: Insert Pictures in Paint

Using the Paint program to overlay the picture on the picture in Windows 10

Method 2: Microsoft Word

Although Microsoft Word is a text editor, it has features to work with images. Of course, they can be simply inserted to the documents, choosing the location, but there is an opportunity and make it so that one picture has become available for overlay over the other. Go to reading the following material if you want to use this text editor to overlay images.

Read more: Combine two pictures in Microsoft Word

Using the Microsoft Word program to overlay the picture in Windows 10

Method 3: Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop - the world's most famous graphic editor, which is actively used by thousands of users. It has everything you need even for professional editing images, which means that the program will definitely cope with the usual imposition of several pictures. This is feasible thanks to the flexible editing of layers and transformation tools that allow you to select the size of the second image and arrange it in a suitable place. About how this insert is performed in Photoshop, read further.

Read more: We combine images in Photoshop

Using Adobe Photoshop Program for overlaying pictures in Windows 10

Method 4: Photo Master

Next, we suggest familiarizing yourself with another graphic editor that is suitable for inserting one picture on top of another. The focus on the photomaster is made on ease of use, which can be seen by the implementation of appearance and built-in tools, so the software is more suitable for novice. However, consider what it is distributed for a fee, and the trial version is available only for five days.

Download photosaster from the official site

  1. Download the photosaster from the official site and pay attention to the choice of components during installation. If you do not need Yandex tools, remove the checkboxes to accidentally install them on the PC.
  2. Actions when installing a photo driver in Windows 10 before overlaying the picture on the picture

  3. After starting, expand the File menu and select "Open Photos".
  4. Transition to the opening of the image to overlay the picture in the program Photoaster in Windows 10

  5. In the "Explorer", find the image to which you want to impose a second, and double-click on it with LKM.
  6. Selecting an image to impose on it another picture through a photo driver in Windows 10

  7. In advance, use the edit functions if you want to configure the color correction and other parameters.
  8. Actions when editing an image through a photo driver in Windows 10 before overlaying the picture

  9. Use "Insertion" in the "Tools" menu.
  10. Transition to the application of the image overlay through a photoaster in Windows 10

  11. After the new panel appears, click the "Select File" button.
  12. Go to the opening of the second image to overlay through the photo driver in Windows 10

  13. The "Explorer" window will open again, where you already find the second image.
  14. Opening the second image to overlay through the programmaster program in Windows 10

  15. It will immediately appear on the workspace, and you can change its size and move using points.
  16. Selecting the location of the second picture when overlaying through a photo driver in Windows 10

  17. Use additional editing features if required.
  18. Using the edit tools of the second image to the photo driver in Windows 10

  19. As soon as work on the project is completed, save it.
  20. Transition to the preservation of the project through the photo driver in Windows 10 after the imposition of pictures

  21. You can perform "quick export" to immediately select the image format for saving.
  22. Saving a project through the photo driver program in Windows 10 after the imposition of pictures

  23. Install the quality and remove the metadata if you want to reduce the final file.
  24. Setting the project saving options after the imposition of pictures through a photo driver in Windows 10

Method 5: Online Services

Our material completes the method that implies the use of online services, not programs for overlaying several pictures. This option will be optimal in those situations when installing the software for the sake of creating one project I do not want or there is no such possibility. Online service can be opened in any browser and immediately start work, and we will look at this process on the example of PIXLR.

Go to online service PIXLR

  1. Use the link above to go to the Web Resource under consideration, where immediately proceed to add the first image through the "Explorer".
  2. Go to downloading an image for overlaying through the online PIXLR service in Windows 10

  3. Now you will need to add a second layer, for which you use the button in the form of a plus to the bottom of the panel with layers.
  4. Creating a new layer for overlaying the second image in the online service PIXLR in Windows 10

  5. When displaying a new window, select the "Image" option.
  6. Go to adding a second image to overlay in the online service PixLR in Windows 10

  7. In the "Explorer" window, find the second picture and select it for opening.
  8. Select the second image to overlay through the online PIXLR service in Windows 10

  9. Use the automatically activated transformation tool to arrange a picture in the required place.
  10. Editing the location of the image to overlay through the online service PIXLR in Windows 10

  11. Optimization also respond to the tools on the left panel.
  12. Additional image overlay options through an online PIXLR service in Windows 10

  13. If the layers need to be edited or added more than two, manage them on the panel on the right.
  14. Editing the location of the layers when you are attaching images through the PIXLR online service in Windows

  15. PIXLR supports other image processing - use the tools on the left, if you need to edit the project before saving.
  16. Additional image options in the PixLR online service in Windows 10

  17. Click "Save" to download the file.
  18. Transition to preservation of images after overlaying through an online PIXLR service in Windows 10

  19. Specify it, select the format and quality, and then download to the computer.
  20. Configure image save options after overlaying in the online service PIXLR in Windows 10

There are other graphic editors working online and suitable for the operation in question. You can familiarize yourself with some of them in another article on our website by clicking on the link below.

Read more: Graphic editors online

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