How to put a degree at the top in Excel


How to put a degree at the top in Excel

If, instead of the usual addition of a degree icon at the top of the number in Excel, you need to build a number into it, take advantage of the other articles, where it is described how to produce such calculations using formulas.

Read more: Establishing a number in Microsoft Excel

Method 1: Changing the register of the number

The fastest option of adding a degree is changed the register so that it is displayed at the top, which meets the conditions set. And although this is a fast operation, edit every cell, where there is a number that need to be denoted as a degree.

  1. First, press the left button on the cell to be selected, and then deploy the drop-down menu in the "number" block, which is responsible for the cell format.
  2. Select the cell to change its format when adding a degree from above to Excel

  3. In it, select the "Text" option. If the cell is displayed as a number, it will not be possible to implement further editing, so this step is mandatory.
  4. Changing the cell format before adding a degree from above to Excel

  5. Now heal the LKM and highlight with the figure that you want to designate the degree. If it is still missing, simply write it without a space after the main number.
  6. Selection of the number for further exercise to the extent of the hand-to-manual editing of the format in Excel

  7. Click on it right-click and in the context menu that appears, select "Cell format".
  8. Transition to setting the format of the dedicated number to designate it as a degree from above in Excel

  9. It remains only to mark the PEMICK parameter in the "modification".
  10. Setting the parameter for the number when specifying it as a degree from above in Excel

  11. Apply new settings and return to the table, making sure the degree of display is correct.
  12. Checking the number of numbers as a degree from above with manual editing in Excel

Method 2: Using special characters

There are situations in which the previous option cannot be applied, so we suggest familiarizing yourself with the alternative to using the insertion of a special symbol. It will only be necessary to find a suitable number that is already displayed in the upper case, and then simply add it to the cell.

Note that in this table as the top register you will find numbers only from 4 to 9, so this option is not suitable if you want to specify a square or cube.

  1. Click the Insert tab where you click on "Symbols" and open the menu with all available signs.
  2. Go to the Insert section to select a special symbol as a degree from above in Excel

  3. For ease of orienting in this table in the "Set" drop-down menu, specify "upper and lower indexes".
  4. Filtration of special characters to add a degree from above to Excel

  5. Find there the number you want to use as a degree, and double-click on it or click on the "Paste" button.
  6. Select a special symbol to add as from above in Excel

  7. Close the table with characters and see how the degree is displayed in the cell after the main number.
  8. Successful adding a special symbol as a degree from above in Excel

Method 3: Adding an equation

The ability to add an Excel equation allows you to create a wide variety of mathematical formulas of any complexity and insert them into the table. The functionality of the tool responsible for the equation includes a blank with a number and its degree, the addition of which is true:

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab and expand the "Symbols" block.
  2. Transition to the insertion section to add a mathematical equation when creating a degree in Excel

  3. This time select "Equation".
  4. Opening the menu to add a mathematical equation when adding a number from above to Excel

  5. The table will appear for the equation that can be moved to any area, and then open the "Structures" drop-down menu.
  6. Opening of patterns of mathematical equations to add a number of numbers from above in Excel

  7. Among those present structures, their miniatures can already understand that now it is necessary to choose the "index".
  8. Selection of the structure of the mathematical equation to add a degree from above to Excel

  9. A list with upper and lower indexes will appear - to write a degree you need to choose the first option.
  10. Choosing a structure of the structure to add a degree from above to Excel

  11. In turn, click on each added square and write numbers in them.
  12. Editing added structure when specifying the number from above in Excel

  13. Part of the mathematical formula is ready, but if you need to add other parts of it, use the newly described editor, choosing suitable structures.
  14. Successful adding degree from above while setting up a mathematical equation in Excel

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