How to configure OBS to record games


How to configure OBS to record games

Step 1: Adding a new scene

Setting up OBS to record games begins with adding a new scene, which acts as a separate profile with its parameters and active sources. This step can be skipped if you do not use the program for other purposes, such as Stringing.

  1. After starting in the "Scene" window, press the button in the form of a plus.
  2. Add a new scene button in OBS when setting up a program for recording games

  3. A window appears in which enter the convenient name of the new scene to not get involved in them in the future.
  4. Enter the name for a new scene when setting up OBS to record games

Now you have a separate scene in OBS, designed exclusively for recording games. It will take it to choose with further configuration. The instruction above must be performed in the event that the scene created by default for some reason was removed.

Step 2: Adding Screen Capture Sources

The record of what is happening on the screen is not possible without adding a source to which one window or the entire desktop should be. We will analyze the basic principles of this configuration of the scene for all users so that even when starting an incompatible application, there has not arisen with a black screen.

  1. In the "Sources" block, press the button plus to appear the corresponding menu.
  2. Button To add a new window capture source when setting up OBS to record games

  3. Consider the most popular option - "Capture Games". This source implies that only the game window in full-screen format will fall into the frame. When switching to the desktop or another program, it will not fall into the frame, which is very convenient for streaming, but often applies to record games.
  4. Selecting a window capture source option when configuring OBS to record games

  5. After the new source creation window appears, change the name or leave it by default.
  6. Enter the title for the source of the window capture when setting up OBS to record games

  7. Next, a window will appear with the properties where you can select the capture mode of any full-screen application or specified.
  8. Selecting the window capture option when setting up the source to record games in OBS

  9. When determining a specific window, the game must already be running so that the OBS recognize the process. The priority of the window matching usually remains in the default state.
  10. Select a specific window to capture when setting up the source before recording games in OBS

  11. Additional parameters you choose yourself, but be sure to leave a tick near the item "Use an interceptor compatible with the protection from cheats".
  12. Additional window capture source options when setting up OBS to record games

  13. After completing the configuration, you will see that the running game is now displayed in the main menu and ready to write.
  14. Checking the window capture source when setting up OBS to record games

Almost all modern games are normally recognized by the program and this source of capture copes with its task, displaying the image on the screen. If you encountered the fact that instead of the game a black screen appears, first make sure that you have chosen the correct window when setting up. In the case when it does not help, change the source to "Capture Screen".

Adding a screen capture source when recording problems in OBS

There are no special settings for it: only the screen itself is selected, which is relevant when several monitors are connected to the system unit.

Setting the source of the window capture when issues with the game record in OBS

The disadvantage of this source of the output is absolutely all the windows, the desktop and even the OBS program, if you suddenly decide to switch from the game running in a full-screen format to another place, but this is the only way out for those who have difficulty implementing the first option.

Step 3: Adding a webcam

Now many users write games like content that they will spread to their entertainment resources. Usually, a webcam is connected during recording, allowing the viewer to see the author's author himself and follow its emotions. OBS allows you to fully implement such a combination by simply adding a new grip source.

  1. From the "Source" list, select "Video Capture Device".
  2. Button to add a webcam source when setting up OBS to record games

  3. Create a new source and set any name for it.
  4. Enter the name for a webcam capture source when setting up OBS to record games

  5. In the Properties window, you will need to specify the device used and change the additional parameters if there is a need. Usually, the permission and frequency of frames remain in the default value, as well as the other webcam settings.
  6. The main parameters of the webcam when it is added as a video capture source in OBS to record games

  7. After return to the scene, edit the size of the camera and its position on the screen.
  8. Select location for a webcam after adding it when setting up OBS to record games

  9. It must necessarily be a layer above the capture of the game, because in this case the same principle of overlay works, as in the editors, when the upper layer overlaps the lower.
  10. Checking the location of the Scene Sources when setting up OBS to record games

You can read more in detail with the addition and adjustment of the webcam in OBS in another article on our website by clicking on the headline below.

Read more: Setting up webcam in OBS

Step 4: Mixer Management

Mixer management is another basic parameter to which it is important to pay attention to the recording of games. We only note important parameters, because it is rare to write two microphones or capture the sound immediately from several applications.

  1. Pay attention to the general parameters of the mixer to which include: volume controls, indicators and buttons for full disabling devices. Move the sliders and record test videos to check the balance. Next, we will also tell about the recording of several tracks at the same time, which will help to adjust the volume of the microphone and the game during video processing, if necessary.
  2. The main parameters of the mixer control when configuring OBS to record games

  3. You can turn off the sound right during recording if it is necessary. We advise you to do this with a microphone from a webcam if you want to use another microphone connected to a computer during video creation.
  4. Turning off the sound of a specific source when configuring OBS to record games

  5. Call the settings window any of the audio devices and in the context menu, click on "Advanced Audio Properties".
  6. Go to the window for an advanced mixer setting before recording games in OBS

  7. A full-length window will appear, where all equipment from the mixer is shown. The focus is on the activated record tracks. Disconnect the last four, as they are unlikely to use.
  8. Setting up tracking tracks while capturing games in OBS

  9. Make so that one track is recorded for the sounds of the game, and the other is for the microphone, as shown in the following screenshot. This will allow you to edit each track separately through the video processing program, setting the volume balance.
  10. Enabling multiple tracks while capturing games in OBS for easy editing

On our site you can find an instruction that is fully dedicated to the sound setting in OBS. It will be useful if some problems arise with the recording or you use several different input / output devices at once.

Read more: Sound setting in OBS

Step 5: Basic recording parameters

It remains only to look into the settings of the program itself to check the recording settings and change them. There are several basic rules that should be considered when preparing a game video. They differ slightly from the live broadcasts, so consider them in more detail.

  1. To begin with, go to "Settings" by clicking on the appropriate button on the panel on the right.
  2. Transition to the settings of the OBS program to configure it when recording games

  3. Open the "Output" section and in the output mode drop-down list, select "Advanced".
  4. Select an extended OBS recording setup mode for games

  5. Open the "Record" tab and see where the video is saved. Change this path if the standard does not suit you, additionally specify the recording format - "MP4" and mark the tracks to be recorded by the markers.
  6. Select the main recording parameters when setting up OBS to capture games

  7. Enter the encoder at your own request, repulse from the configuration of the computer and its overall productivity.
  8. Selecting the encoder used when configuring OBS to record games

  9. For the coder itself, the parameter of the constant bitrate is set - "CBR".
  10. Select a bitrate control mode when setting up OBS to record games

  11. The bit rate is ideally put to the value of 20,000 kbps. So it does not heat the system, but it allows the picture to be better.
  12. Installing the bitrate when setting up OBS for normal game record

  13. To interval key frames, set the number "2".
  14. Choosing a frame interval when configuring OBS to record games

  15. Another important point, which affects the load of components during recording, is "Presetting the use of the CPU" (if it comes to the X264 encoder). The faster the preset, the less details are processed, which means that the load on the processor is lower. Even the owners of powerful computers are recommended to choose the value "Fast" to ensure the balance between quality and load. For a weak PC, try selecting "Veryfast".
  16. Select the preset for the CPU when configuring OBS to record games

  17. The "Settings" parameter usually remains default, but know that there are the same effects that change the appearance of the picture and do not affect performance.
  18. Selecting effect profile when configuring OBS to record games

  19. As a profile, select "Main".
  20. Selection of the main profile when configuring OBS to record games

  21. After that, go to the "Video" section and check the basic and output resolution. The priority selection is the most supported resolution for both parameters, but in order to save system resources, the output can be reduced to an acceptable value.
  22. Select video output settings when configuring OBS to capture games

  23. "The total FPS value" is set to the personal discretion of the user, and the default is 30.
  24. Setting the standard number of frames per second to set up OBS to record games

  25. The last item of this menu is "Scaling Filter". It can be left in the default value, but if you want to make a picture better, respectively, with a higher load on components, select the Lantseos method.
  26. Select scaling options when setting up OBS to record games

  27. Look at the "Extended" where make sure that the process priority for the program is set as "medium". If necessary, change it and go further.
  28. Select Program Process Priority when configuring OBS to record games

  29. The color space is better to indicate in the range of 709, that is, changing its standard value. This will not add much load on iron, but the quality will be slightly higher.
  30. Setting color space when configuring OBS to record games

  31. Apply the changes and close the current menu. At this stage, you can start a recording by clicking on the button allotted for this.
  32. Start recording games to check OBS settings

  33. Create a test roller, open it through any player and see whether the current quality is satisfactory.
  34. View recorded games when working with OBS

In this instruction, we touched the topic of the encoder settings. This action is not always possible to immediately perform properly due to differences in the assemblies of computers. In another article on our site you will find general encoder optimization tips if errors or friezes appear during recording. They should help choose optimal parameters and get rid of difficulties.

Read more: Error correction "The encoder is overloaded! Try to downgrade video settings »in OBS

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